Friday, September 27, 2024

Weekend Sermon -- Characteristics of Love -- Part 5

      It is once again time for the Weekend Sermon. Thanks again for taking time to read the message. I hope and pray that all of you are well.

     Today, we will continue with our series in which we are analyzing the characteristics of a life lived in love. Since love is at the heart of the Christian faith, we need to know what love in action in our lives will look like. As we learned earlier, Paul told us that we can do many things in our lives, but if we don't have love, it is all for nothing. 

     Last week, we started examining some of the characteristics of love as found in the great chapter on love I Corinthians 13. We saw that love is patient and love is kind. Continuing with verse four, we are told that, "It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud." Let's look into these aspects of a life of love today. 

     First of all, love does not envy. A person acts in an envious manner when they are dissatisfied with what they have in relation to what someone else has. For instance, envy can occur when we see that our friends and acquaintances all have nicer cars than we do. We have a perfectly good car, but we want a nice car like theirs. On top of that, we feel a certain amount of resentment, because they have something we don't, and we feel that we are just as good as they are. 

     Those who are living a life of love do not live in such a way that they are resentful of others because they have nice things. Those who live in love are thankful and grateful for the things that they have received from the Lord. 

     I believe that there is another aspect to this as well. A person who is living in love and is growing in their love for the Lord realizes what is truly important. Envy has to do with wanting the things that are passing away. It is a worldly centered desire. Those who are following the loving example of Jesus know that He has told us not to be concerned with laying up treasures on earth. Instead, we are to lay up treasures in Heaven. We are to be concerned with eternal values and not so much with material things. 

     What does it mean that love does not boast? The way that I view this is that a loving person does not go around bragging about themselves and always telling people about how much they have. They don't lord it over people so to speak. They aren't out trying to make themselves feel good about themselves by making other people feel bad about themselves. 

     Spiritual speaking, a person living in the love of Jesus knows that there isn't really anything to boast about except to boast about the Lord. All that we have has come to us by the grace of the Lord Jesus. We are nothing and we have nothing apart from His goodness, mercy and kindness. 

    Now, what does it mean that love is not proud? I think that it means that people who truly live in the love of the Lord follow the humility of Jesus. Being humble like the Lord Jesus is the opposite of a prideful lifestyle. Jesus exemplified humility in that He said that He has come to serve and not to be served. He came to help others and to do good. He has called us to go into this world filled with His love and help others as well. We are to be compassionate as He was compassionate. We are to serve and work to make this world a better place until He comes back.

     Jesus is our ultimate example of love in action. Learn from Him. When we look to Jesus and follow Him, we will be people of love. Amen. 

Prayer Requests

     I went to the doctor this week, and I am on some new treatments. Please pray that these will work and that I will get to feeling better. I thank you for your prayers. Also, please pray that I can find a new job soon. I need to find something that, unlike my current job, does not require a lot of physicality. I am hoping to finding a writing job. 

     Here in the US right now, a lot of people have and are experience problems due to a powerful hurricane. Please pray that those who need help will get the help that they need. 

     We need to keep praying for peace. The situation in the Middle East is not good. We need to pray for peace in Israel, Gaza and Lebanon. We also need to remember the hostages. Pray for their release. Keep praying for peace in Ukraine and Sudan. 

     Pray for an end to the mpox outbreak.

     For our prayer focus countries this week, let's pray for those in the nations of Maldives and Turkey. Pray that many will come to know Jesus. 

     Next week, we will continue with our current series. I will post the verses on Monday. May God bless you all. 

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