Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Favorite Cat Book Series

     I've posted quite a bit about the dog books I like, but I haven't written too much about my favorite cat books.  My favorite cat books of all time are the three books Cleveland Amory wrote about his white cat named Polar Bear.  The first book in the series The Cat Who Came For Christmas is a book I read about every Christmas time.  This book tells the story about how Mr. Amory found Polar Bear as a stray in New York.  The second book in the series is called The Cat and the Curmudgeon, and the third book in the series is The Best Cat Ever.  Besides telling about how special Polar Bear was, Mr. Amory tells about his life and his work with the organization he founded called The Fund For Animals.  These are great books and I highly recommend the entire trilogy.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Weekend Sermon--John 14:1-6

     John chapters 13 through 16 contain the teachings of Jesus know as The Upper Room Discourse.  These teachings of Jesus took place on the night Jesus was betrayed by Judas.  Along with the Sermon on the Mount, these chapters contain some of the most intensive of Jesus' teachings on a wide variety of subjects.
     As chapter 14 begins, Jesus has instituted the Lord's Supper and shown the importance of servant leadership by His own example of washing the disciple's feet.
     Jesus begins the chapter with some of my favorite words from Jesus, "Let not your heart be troubled."  I've said it before, and I'll say it again; we live in a troubled world.  Our world is filled with sin, strife, and turmoil.  The tragedies of life will unfortunately hit every one of us at sometime or the other.
     I find life a very difficult thing to deal with.  I think that life is very, very, hard.  However, Jesus, even now speaks the words, "Let not your heart be troubled."  In spite of the storms of life, we have an anchor in Jesus.  We can place our confidence in Him.
     Jesus tells us, "Believe in God, believe also in me."  Jesus is God come in human flesh.  We can fully trust in Jesus and His teachings because they are the very words of God Himself.
     When facing sickness, financial burdens, or relationship issues, we can know that Jesus is with us telling us not to let our heart be troubled, but instead, we are to place our faith in His love, goodness, and His ability to bring His will to fruition in our lives.
     One of the main reasons we can follow the words of Jesus and not let our hearts be troubled is explained by the Lord with the words, "In my Father's house are many mansions:  if it were not so, I would have told you.  And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you unto myself:  that where I am, there ye may be also."
     This life is not all the there is for those who have put their trust in Jesus.  After His death, resurrection, and ascension Jesus went to prepare a place for those who believed in Him in Heaven.  Jesus wants everyone who trusts in His love to be with Him for all eternity.
     No matter what we may go through in this life on earth, if we are in Christ, the joy of being with Jesus forever in Heaven awaits us.
     I know that I get wrapped up in this life and I lose my focus sometimes on the fact that the world to come is so much more important than this microcosm of eternity in which we live.  When we go through difficulties, we don't often realize that this too shall pass.  And because of Jesus, a bright and wonderful eternity awaits. 
     You know all of this life and the things we go through or accomplish are meaningless apart from Jesus because of the transitory nature of this life.
     I've just been thinking recently about how meaningless so many of the things we do in this life are.  We get jobs that amount to nothing, spend countless hours entertaining ourselves often inanely, and just in general spend our lives in the accumulation of things.  And then we worry and are troubled over losing the temporal things we spent our live obtaining.
     The only things that matter are the things done for Jesus Christ and the things we do in love for others.  I've been convicted about doing more for the Kingdom of God.
     When we focus on eternity's values like love, joy, peace, and goodness we can get our lives off the temporal things which trouble our lives so much. 
     However, if we focus on Heaven and eternity we can have joy in our lives because we realize what is truly forever.
     Being in Heaven with Jesus is going to be wonderful.  All of this world and its worries will vanish when we look upon His face.
     I know that lately I've been worried and troubled about many things, especially health and finances.  But deep down in my soul I know that all will be well because eternal life with Jesus awaits.  So why should I worry about this small span of earthly life?
     I know the place that Jesus has prepared for those who love Him is absolutely beyond words to express.  However, it well be a place of pure love because Jesus is there. 
     Won't it be wonderful to be reunited with our friends and loved ones who have died in Christ.  I know that my Mom, Dad, Toby, and many of my other relatives are with Jesus and are waiting for me.
     Because of this, I can have peace knowing that no matter what happens to me now, because of Christ, eternity is glorious.
     Everyone needs to make sure that they are on the narrow path that leads to Heaven.  Without hope for eternity, this life truly is meaningless and troubling.
     Jesus said in John 14:6 that He was the only way to eternal life.  He was the only way to the Father.  Only Jesus holds the key to Heaven.
     When we used to go out in evangelism teams, one of the questions we often asked people was:  Are you 100% sure that if you died today you would go the Heaven? That is my question to you today.  You can be sure that Heaven and eternity with Jesus are in your future.  Recognize that you are a sinner in need of a Savior.  Repent of your sins and ask the Lord to forgive you.  Believe in the atoning death of Christ on the cross and His bodily resurrection.  And ask Jesus to be your Savior and Lord.  If you place your life in the hands of Jesus, one day you will be with Him forever, and in this life on earth you can know the peace that only a life with Christ can bring.  Amen.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Another Old Favorite-The Dogs Who Came to Stay

    Another one of my favorite dog books is "The Dogs Who Came to Stay" written by George Pitcher.  This book tells the story of  two professors at Princeton who rescued a dog and her puppy who showed up in the backyard of the professor's home.  Professor Pitcher tells about making these two dogs part of the family and taking them on vacations to Europe.  The two dogs went from a life as strays to having a fantastic home.  I highly recommend this book.  It is third on my list of all time favorite dog books.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Weekend Sermon--Luke 15:1-7

     At the time in which Jesus walked on this earth, the majority of people lived a rural life connected with the land and animals.  This is one of the reasons Jesus' parables and teachings are filled with discussions of soil, harvest, cattle, sheep, etc.  In Luke 15:1-7, Jesus once again uses an agrarian reference to illustrate a fundamental spiritual truth.
     When Jesus was on earth, his ministry attracted the lowest of the low.  Verse one of Luke 15 says, "Now the tax collectors and sinners were all drawing near him."
     Tax collectors were some of the most hated people in Israel because they were viewed as collaborators with the occupying Roman overlords.  The sinners spoken of would have been prostitutes, adulterers, the ritually impure, and those whose choices had at one time taken them far away from the things of God.  These were the ones attracted to the ministry of Jesus.  Jesus accepted and cared about those who were the outcasts and the despised of society.  Jesus came with a message of hope, forgiveness, and repentance.  He didn't come into the world to condemn the world.  He came to seek and to save the lost.  The people recognized that Jesus cared and wasn't standing in judgment over them.  They accepted His message and listened to His teachings.
     Of course, like always, this enraged the religious leaders of Jesus' day.  They preached a message that certain people were too sinful or too impure to ever be acceptable to God.  They preached a message of exclusion not a message of inclusion.  They hated the fact that the people loved Jesus and responded to His message thus weakening their authority.  The religious leaders ridiculed Jesus and His teachings constantly.
     Jesus knowing the hearts of these religious leaders told them a parable about a lost sheep.  A shepherd was responsible for a flock of 100 sheep.  As all good shepherds do, this shepherd did his count to make sure all were present and accounted for.  When the shepherd finished counting, he noticed that one of the sheep was missing.  As a good shepherd, he left the 99 in the field and went off diligently searching for the sheep that was lost.
     Jesus said that when that lost sheep was found, the shepherd placed the sheep on his shoulders and returned rejoicing.  That, Jesus said, is what happens when a single lost soul returns to the fold of God.  The angels in Heaven rejoice with Jesus Christ the Savior who is the good shepherd of the sheep.
     I've never had any sheep to get lost, but I've always had dogs until just last year.  Once, my family had a big Rottweiler named Abraham and a few collies.  One day after we got back from a family activity, Abraham was missing.  The other dogs were safe, and we were glad, but the whole family immediately began to canvass the area to find the wayward Rottweiler.
     Thankfully, we found him sitting under a shade tree watching one of the neighbors work on his car.  We were glad to find the old boy safe and sound since we all loved him so much.
     The Lord is always out looking for those who have strayed from the fold.  I believe this is true in two different ways.  First of all, Jesus is seeking those who have never put their faith in Him and repented of their sins.  Jesus said that He didn't want anyone to be lost.  It is the Lord's will that everyone, and I mean everyone, comes to repentance and knows what it means to be a part of the family of God.  Jesus is always calling the lost sheep home, and He expects us to help Him by spreading the message of the Gospel.
     Second, Jesus is looking to bring back those who have placed their faith in Him, but for various reasons, they have left the fold and fallen back into a life of sinful behaviors.  Jesus wants the backslider to come back home and get back on the straight and narrow path that leads to life.
     And let me say, it doesn't matter who you are or what you may have done; Jesus is searching for you.  He wants to bring you back to the fold.  He wants you to cease your wandering and let Hm be the good shepherd to you that He longs to be.  As the old preachers I heard as a boy used to say, "There is no sinner that God cannot save."
     Another important point of this parable is not to look down on people the way the pharisees did.  We should be delighted when anyone wants to hear the message of Jesus.  We should never discourage anyone from coming to church to hear the good news because they're not the kind of people we think belong in church.
     Also, I'm always amazed at the different reaction sinners had to Jesus as opposed to their reaction to the church today.  The down and out and the sinners wanted to be with Jesus, but most don't want to come near the church or church people.  I believe this is because Jesus preached a message of hope and not condemnation.  So much of the preaching that goes on in evangelical churches today is just the constant slamming of sinners or a right-wing political message.  People begin to feel downgraded and don't see the love of Jesus.
     I've always believed that if we preach the love of Jesus that people will come to Jesus, grow to love Him more and more, and because of this love, they will want to follow His commandments and will for their lives.
     Today, if you've strayed from the fold of God, Jesus wants you to come back.  He wants to bring you back through His love and mercy.  I hope that you will let Him do it today.  Amen.

P.S.---There are two interesting passages of Scripture you might like to read.  John 10 tells the characteristics of a good shepherd.  Ezekiel 34 describes a bad shepherd.  These are well worth studying.  May God bless you.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

My Favorite Dog Book

     As I said in an older post, I've been re-reading some of my all time favorite dog books.  I think that my all-time favorite dog book is Maya's First Rose by Martin Scot Kosins.  This author is the only writer who has expressed similar feelings to the way I felt about Toby.  Mr. Kosins really understands what it means to care about a dog.  This book was written in the early 1990's, and I believe it is now out of print.  Try to find it in your library or from a used book shop.  I believe that this is a truly wonderful book. 

Friday, January 13, 2012

Weekend Sermon--Temptations of Jesus--Part 2

     Last week, we began a discussion about the temptations of Jesus.  We saw that Jesus was baptized and examined some of the reasons why.  After his baptism, Jesus was driven by the Holy Spirit  into the wilderness.  We looked at what the phrase, "He was with the wild beasts" might mean, and we also looked at why Jesus was tempted and whether or not Jesus was capable of committing sin.
     At this point, Jesus has just completed forty days and nights of fasting and prayer.  Now, Satan comes to tempt Jesus at His weakest point.  At least this is probably what Satan was thinking.  The fact that Jesus had just engaged in this time of fasting and prayer is when Jesus would be at His strongest.  Prayer and fasting are essential elements in the life of the believer when it comes to combating the forces of spiritual darkness. It isn't preached much, but fasting is so important.  It takes the focus off of the bodily and helps to focus us on the spiritual.  There's just something about it that helps put one more in touch with the things of the Spirit.
     The first temptation Satan launched against Jesus was based on Jesus' hunger.  the devil said to Jesus, "If you are the Son of God, command these stones to become bread."  Satan was trying to tempt Jesus into using His divine power to satisfy His fleshly desire.  I don't know of any instance given in Scripture when Jesus performed a miracle for only His own benefit.  Jesus used His miraculous power to make other people's lives better.
     Jesus responded to Satan's temptation by quoting Deuteronomy 8:3 which says, "Man shall not live by bread alone."  Jesus was saying that there are more important things in life than satisfying one's own desire and craving.  The spiritual man is more important than the physical man.  The follower of Christ should seek first the things relating to the Kingdom of God. Our relationship with Jesus is more important than anything else.
     In his next temptation, Satan showed Jesus all of the world's kingdoms.  Satan said that he would give all of the kingdoms to Jesus if Jesus would bow down and worship him.  Some Bible scholars believe that this was actually within Satan's power to offer.  They say that Satan rules this world since the time of the fall of man.  I do not hold to this view.  Scripture clearly teaches the sovereignty of God over all things.  God may allow Satan to work wickedness, but God is in control.
     Jesus resisted this temptation by quoting Deuteronomy 6:3 which states, "You shall worship the Lord your God, and Him only shall you serve."  No matter what we are offered, it cannot compare to the surpassing riches of knowing Jesus.  There is nothing more valuable than our soul.  As Jesus said, "What does it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his own soul."
     Satan then took Jesus to the highest part of the Temple.  He said to Jesus that if Jesus was God, He should jump and let the angels catch Him before He crashed to the ground. 
     Once again, Jesus quoted from Deuteronomy this time saying, "You shall not put the Lord your God to the test."
     You've probably already noticed this, but the way Jesus confronted every one of Satan's temptations was through the use of Scripture.  Satan tempted, and Jesus used the power of the Word of God to knock them down.
     I know that I say this a lot, but as believers, we have to be in the Word or we will never have the victory in life.  We need to know what God expects of us so that we don't fall into sin.  And when facing temptation, if we have a thorough knowledge of the Word, we can use that knowledge to escape the temptation we are facing.
     The Bible is also filled with examples of how people escaped and succumbed to temptation.  If we study these Biblical examples, we can apply these lessons to our individual life situations.
     I encourage you to get in the Word and read and study it.  If you've never read through the Bible, the new year is a great time to commit to reading through the Bible in one year.  Products like the One Year Bible are designed to divide the Bible into 365 blocks so that at the year's end, you will have completed reading the entire Bible.
     When we face temptation, we need to follow the example of Jesus.  We need to be people of prayer and people who engage in the spiritual discipline of fasting.  We must also be people of the Word.
     All of us will be tempted.  But, Scripture says that if we resist the devil, he will flee from us.  That's what happened in Jesus case.  After Jesus successfully resisted Satan's temptations, Satan left.  Jesus had overcome.
   When we are tempted, we can call out to Jesus.  He has been in our shoes, and He will help us in our time of need.  Amen.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

An Old Favorite

     I've been re-reading one of my all time favorite dog books, and I'm enjoying it just as much as always.  The book is entitled "Home Waters: Fishing With An Old Friend" written by Joseph Monninger.  This book is about how the author and his Golden Retriever, Nellie went on a fishing trip through Wyoming and Montana.  I always hoped to take a trip like this myself.  However, Toby was not much for the great outdoors.  I highly recommend this book, and hope that others will enjoy reading it as well.
     Over the next few weeks I might blog about some of the other great animal books I've read in the past.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Book Recommendation

     I just finished a book called "All My Dogs" by Bill Henderson.  This is a small book, but I really liked it. The author told about his life and all of the dogs he had from the time he was a child up to the present day.  If you like dog books, or just interesting autobiographies, this is a book that you will enjoy.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Weekend Sermon--Temptations of Jesus Part I

Mark 1:12-13
Luke 4:1-13

     When Jesus began His public ministry, He was around 30 years old.  Jesus began His ministry by going to see John the Baptist in order to be baptized.
     When John the Baptist saw Jesus approaching, He cried out, "Behold, the Lamb of God that taketh away the sins of the world."  Initially, John didn't want to baptize Jesus, but Jesus insisted.
     As soon as Jesus came up out of the water, the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove descended on Jesus and the voice of the Father came from Heaven saying, "This is My beloved Son in whom I am well pleased."
     If you ever run across someone who denies the doctrine of the Trinity, this scene at Jesus' baptism is one of the best places in Scripture that clearly sets out trinitarian doctrine.  In Jesus' baptism,  we clearly see the expression of God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
     A lot of people wonder why Jesus went to be baptized in the first place.  If Jesus didn't have original or actual sin, what purpose did baptism serve in His case?
     I believe that Jesus was baptized in order to demonstrate that baptism is the first step of obedience in the life of the believer.  In other words, I think Jesus was teaching by example.
     When a person comes to faith in Jesus Christ, the public act of baptism identifies the one baptized as a follower of Christ.  It shows publicly that someone has renounced sin and turned their life over to the Lordship of Jesus Christ.  Since Jesus instructed His followers to be baptized, baptism is the first step of obedience in the new Christians walk with the Lord.
     In Jesus' case, His baptism showed publicly that He was the anointed one sent from God.  It was the initiation of His public ministry blessed by the word of the Father and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
     After Jesus' baptism, Mark's Gospel tell us that Jesus was driven by the Spirit into the desert where he was with the wild animals.  He fasted 40 days and 40 nights and was tempted by Satan.
     I've often wondered what the significance of the statement, "He was with the wild animals" is.  Some commentators take it to mean that Jesus was in a hostile environment.  However, I think there's something deeper going on here. 
     I believe that when Jesus was with the wild animals, He was demonstrating that His reign would bring about the peace on earth described by the prophets which tells us that the Messiah's reign would bring peace between members of the animal kingdom and peace between man and animals.  Jesus was demonstrating in the wilderness the peace that the coming of His Kingdom would bring to all of the created order.
     The apostle Paul states in Romans that all of creation is groaning in travail as it awaits the day of redemption.  Some day, and I hope it is soon, Jesus will return and restore all things to the original created order when man and beast dwelled together in harmony with one another.
     At the end of Jesus' 40 days and nights of fasting, Satan came to Jesus in order to tempt Him.  This brings up another theological debate.  Was it possible for Jesus to sin?  If it wasn't, why was He tempted?
     I do not believe that it was possible for Jesus to sin.  The Bible says that He was tempted in every way like we are, yet He didn't sin.  I believe that Jesus was tempted in order that as our High Priest He might be able to identify with us in our temptations.  Hebrews 4:14-16 states, "Since in Jesus, the Son of God, we have the supreme high priest who has gone through the highest heaven, we must hold firm to our profession of faith.  For the high priest we have is not incapable of feeling our weaknesses with us, but has been put to the test in exactly the same way as ourselves, apart from sin.  Let us, then, have no fear in approaching the throne of grace to receive mercy and to find grace when we are in need of help."
     Next week, we will look in depth at the ways Satan tempted Jesus, and how Jesus answered these temptations.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Happy New Year

    I know it's a little late, but I want to wish everyone a Happy New Year.  I've been under the weather for awhile, but I still hope to have the weekend sermon posted on Friday, Lord willing.