Sunday, October 31, 2021

31 Days In Proverbs -- Last Day -- Recap

     This is the final day of our study in the book of Proverbs. Instead of looking at an additional Proverb, I just want to recap what I think are some of the main points that we've studied. 

1. True wisdom comes from God and begins with acknowledging and following God.

2. Our lives will stay on course if we follow the path the God has set out for us. 

3. God cares about the poor and the oppressed, and He wants us to help them and promote justice in this world. 

4. Riches will not last. There are more important things for time and eternity than money. 

5. God wants us to treat everyone fairly. We should not show partiality. 

6. We need to listen more and speak less. 

7. It is important to control our temper.

8. We need to stay away from the wrong crowd.

9. True friends are vital, and Jesus is the ultimate friend.

10. God cares about all of His creation.

    These are just a few of the main points that we've seen in our Proverbs study. We really only scratched the surface of Proverbs. I encourage you to read more in this book and study what it has to say. 

     Starting November 1, we resume the normal blog schedule. On Monday, I will post the verses for the week. I will try to post something midweek. The sermon will be posted on Friday. May God bless you all, and thank you for reading the 31 Days in Proverbs posts. 

Saturday, October 30, 2021

31 Days In Proverbs -- Day 30

      You can say that Proverbs 26:17 was the Proverb that started it all for me. I'll tell you why, but first let us find out what this Proverb says. It tells us, "Like someone who takes a passing do by the ears is one who meddles in the quarrel of another."

     When I first read this Proverb, I thought that it was funny. Why would someone unless they were mean grab a dogs ears and pull them? Especially a strange dog. Most dogs I know would bite someone who did something like this.  That's the point. If we involve ourselves in two other people's dispute, they both might end up turning on us. Sometimes it's best to let people handle their own problems unless the Holy Spirit directs us otherwise or if someone is in danger. 

     I said this Proverb started it all because a meditation on this passage of Scripture was the first piece of religious writing that I has accepted for publication that obtained a wide readership. That has been almost 25 years ago. I thank the Lord for the opportunities that He has given me to use my writing to bring honor and glory to His name. 

Friday, October 29, 2021

31 Days in Proverbs -- Day 29

      Our Proverb on this day has a somewhat similar theme to what we discussed yesterday. In Proverbs 20:22 we find the words, "Do not say I'll pay you back for this wrong! Wait for the Lord, and He will avenge you." Paul tells us much the same thing in Romans 12:19 that states, "Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, rather give place unto wrath, for it is written, vengeance is mine; I will repay, says the Lord."

     When someone does something really wrong and hurtful to us, the natural and worldly response is to want to get back at that person. We want to repay evil for evil. They hurt us, so we want to hurt them. However, this is not the teaching of Scripture. 

     I believe that what Jesus wants us to do is to try and forgive others even when they do evil and mean things to us. On the day of judgment, Jesus will administer justice for the wrongs that were done by others in this world. Those who have done evil and aren't sorry for it will certainly be dealt with by the Lord. Our job is to keep trying to live at peace with all people as for as it is possible for us to do so. 

      I know that this is a hard Proverb to follow. The only way that we will be able to do it is to allow the Holy Spirit to guide and direct us in the way that we are to go. We have to keep our eyes focused on Jesus and His example while He was ministering here on Earth. 

Thursday, October 28, 2021

31 Days In Proverbs -- Day 28

      I know from first hand experience that it is all to easy to get angry quickly and say something that you regret. After the incident is over, you wish that you would have stopped to think before speaking words that ended up being hurtful to another person. Our Proverb for the day gives us a warning. In Proverbs 14:29 we read, "Whoever is patient has great understanding, but the one who is quick-tempered displays folly. 

     This is just one of several Proverbs that warn us to be slow to speak. We don't want to fly off the handle even when someone makes us angry. Getting angry and responding in anger can lead to a whole host of negative consequences. 

     Some people make it a practice to count to ten before speaking when they know that they are very upset. Others will take a deep breath in and out before speaking. This allows the person to think about their response before just responding in anger with the first thing that pops into their mind. 

     If you encounter someone who is really upsetting you, it is best to walk way instead of getting involved in a conflict. 

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

31 Days In Proverbs -- Day 27

       Some people have been blessed with a nice family, and they just don't know when they are well off. Proverbs 11:29 says, "He who troubles his own house will inherit the wind." This means that if you do something that brings problems to your household and your family, you will end up with a mess. 

     I have know men who have had a nice wife and children along with a decent place to live. They can't be content with that. They have an affair, and their whole family is torn apart. Some men are abusive to their wife and children causing pain and heartache for all. Others get involved in addictive behaviors that cause turmoil and disturb the peace of the home. 

     If you have a nice family, don't do something to jeopardize that. You will harm your children for years to come. Ultimately, you will harm yourself because the repercussions of a broken family can last a lifetime. 


Tuesday, October 26, 2021

31 Days In Proverbs -- Day 26

      Friendship is something that is very important to me. I have to say that I haven't had very many true friends in my life. By true friends, I mean the type of friend that sticks with you in the good times and in the bad times. A true friend is a friend that will not turn on you or lie to you. When it comes right down to it, I've had several friends, but I've only had two true friends in my life. One was my friend Toby, and the other is the ultimate friend the Lord Jesus. 

     Proverbs 17:17 gives us the message that, "A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for a time of adversity." A friend loves at all times means that a true friend will want to be with you and help you out even when things aren't fun and rosy.  A lot of friends are like the friends that the young man had in the parable that Jesus told of the Prodigal Son. While the Prodigal Son had a lot of money, there were friends who wanted to be around him. When the money ran out, they were nowhere to be found. They were friends when the weather of life was good. When the storms came, they were gone. 

     I think that there have been two really hurtful times in my life when those who I though were my friends let me down. Once, a friend of mine didn't keep his word about a deal that we had made about a car. On another occasion, someone who I thought was my friend didn't want to have any more to do with me after I started attending a different church. 

     Many of the experiences in my life led me to be really close to my friend Toby. He never turned on me, and he wanted to be with me and help me in the good times and in the bad. I believe that Jesus allowed him to come into my life to help me with my depression and to help heal the wounds in my heart caused by fundamentalist religion.

     Our ultimate friend is always the Lord Jesus. He will never leave us, and He will never forsake us. He loved us so much that He gave His life to save us from our sins. He wants us to be with Him forever, so He has made a home for us in Heaven with Him so that we will be with Him always. 

     If you have a true friend in your life, treasure that person. Do everything that you can do to be a true friend. We all must remember the words of Jesus to do unto others as we would have done to us. 


Monday, October 25, 2021

31 Days In Proverbs -- Day 25

      Our Proverb today let's us know that even though things may seem sunny and joyful, that's not always how things ultimately turn out. Proverbs 14:13 says, "Even in laughter the heart may ache, and rejoicing may end in grief."

     There are two ways that I look at this Proverb. One. Even though people may seem outwardly happy to us, inside they may be filled with depression. We have to look beyond the outward appearance and see if someone is hurting. We must be sensitive to the Holy Spirit leading us to minister to others.

     The other way I look at this Proverb is that things don't always go the way we planned. When our dreams fail, we can call upon the Lord Jesus to be with us and to help see us through our troubles.

Sunday, October 24, 2021

31 Days in Proverbs -- Day 24

      The Bible is very clear that we as followers of Jesus are not to show partiality or favoritism. Proverbs 28:21 states, "To show partiality is not good." James 2:1-8 teaches us that it is a sin to show partiality in the church between one believer and another. 

     In the Proverbs context, I believe that the author is referring to showing partiality in matters of the law. One should rule based on the law consistently not favoring one person or one type of person over another.  In the James context, we are not to favor the richer Christian over one who is poorer. 

    In the broader context, this Proverb is teaching us that we are not to practice discrimination against others. I've said on this blog many times that there is no place for any type of racism among those who claim to be followers of Jesus. All of us are one in Jesus. Christians should not practice any from of ethnic or socio-economic discrimination. We should love everyone just as Jesus loves everyone. The Bible tells us in the book of Revelation that people from every race, every ethnic group and every language group will be worshipping Jesus in Heaven. Let us recognize that now. May it be on earth as it is in Heaven. 

Saturday, October 23, 2021

31 Days In Proverbs -- Day 23

      These are the words of Proverbs 27:19, "As water reflects the face, so one's life reflects the heart." There are a number of passages in the Scriptures that are similar to this. In Matthew 15, Jesus tells us that out of the heart of man there emerges many different evil things. James tells us that you will know if someone has a true possession of faith by the works that they do. 

     Throughout the course of our lives, we will have the chance to do many different things. When we look back on our lives, we can soon see what was the priority in our lives. What fruit did our life produce? Was it the fruit of the Spirit? Did we love God and our neighbor? Where we kind? Did we do unto others as we would have done to us? As we live, our lives will be a reflection of what is truly in our hearts. 

     Jesus told us that those who follow Him should live lives that don't concentrate on laying up treasures on earth. Instead, He tells us to lay up treasures in Heaven where moth and rust do not corrupt and where thieves do not break in and steal. 

     This Proverb, and the words of Jesus, should encourage us to make sure that our lives are a reflection of Jesus to others. When people see us, let them see that Jesus is in our heart. 

Friday, October 22, 2021

31 Days In Proverbs -- Day 22

      Proverbs 27:1 and James 4:13-16 tell us a truth that we really need to understand. Proverbs 27:1 says, "Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring. "  In James it tells us that life is like a mist that soon vanishes. We should not say we will do this or that in the future. We should always say if the Lord wills we will do this or that. 

     What these two passages are teaching us is that life is short, and you don't really know what it going to happen throughout this day. We have even less certainty about the days to come. On the first point. It seems like we have a lot of years to accomplish the things that we want to get done, However, the years seem to just fly by. Before long, you are older, and you haven't done half of the things that you set out to do. Don't put off to tomorrow the things that you believe God is calling you to do today. 

    No one knows what will happen in the very next second. You may be talking to someone one minute, and 20 minutes later you will get a call telling you they are dead. This is like what happened with my Dad. He had a massive stroke at the veterinary clinic picking up his dog just minutes after I spoke with him. He died a short time later. 

    Now is the time to tell people how much they mean to you. Now is the day of salvation. Don't put off coming to know Jesus as Lord and Savior. No one is guaranteed a tomorrow. 

Thursday, October 21, 2021

31 Days In Proverbs -- Day 21

      It always shocks me when prominent Christians are found to be doing something that is immoral or illegal. It's not that they committed a sin. We all miss the mark from time to time. What shocks me is that they proclaim the greatness of God, and then they have acted as if they don't really believe in the God that they proclaim. Why do I say this? Let's consider our Proverb for today. Proverbs 15:3 states, "The eyes of the Lord are everywhere keeping watch on the wicked and the good." This verse teaches what is known in theology as the omniscience and omnipresence of the Lord. This means that God is everywhere and knows everything. 

     People that commit thought out and planned out sins have to at some basic level not believe that God sees everything and knows what is in their heart. God sees when people are doing what is wrong, and He sees when people are doing what is good. People that are doing what is wrong are not getting away with anything ultimately even though no person finds out about what they did in this life. God sees. Because God sees, He will ultimately bring about justice. It should be a great motivator to us all to live lives of holiness when we realize that God sees and knows all. 

     Now, on the other hand, God sees the great good that many people are doing that is completely unheralded. One theologian I've read has said that there are many saints who are known only to God. God sees the good things that we do that we don't do for our own glory. When we stand before the Judgment Seat of Christ one day, we will be rewarded for the things that we have done in this life for the Lord Jesus. 

     Let us all live our lives knowing that God is watching. We want Him to see us doing what is good and not what is wrong. 

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

31 Days In Proverbs -- Day 20

      Having a good friend in life is of utmost importance. It's been said that no man is an island, and that is very true. There will come times in your life when you need someone to help you out with something difficult that you are going through. When the hard times come, you don't want to have an unreliable or fair weather friend. Proverbs 18:24 says it this way, "One who has unreliable friends soon comes to ruin, but there is a friend that sticks closer than a brother."

     One of my very good friends passed away about five years ago now. He died of the flu. He was someone that I could rely on when I needed him. If I had car trouble and needed someone to pick me up, he would be there. If I needed someone to talk to, I could call him up. 

     The Lord gave me my good and eternal friend Toby to help me at one of the lowest points in my life. He always wanted to be with me, and we had many great years together going through college and Bible college. He was with me when I started my writing career. The two of us traveled around to many places in the Midwest and West. I know that we will be together again someday. 

     I believe that the friend that sticks closer than a brother mentioned in this Proverb is the Lord Jesus. He will never leave us, and He will never forsake us. No matter what comes at us in this life, He will always be there to help us and give us His peace even in the midst of the storm. 

     I hope that you will trust in Jesus and His friendship. I also hope that you will find friends in this life that will help you when you need help. Also, please be a trustworthy friend to others. There is no more heartbreaking happening than when someone who you thought was your friend turns away when you need them the most. 

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

31 Days In Proverbs -- Day 19

      There are times in this life when I really get depressed. I've had an especially hard day, and I just feel horrible about everything. At times like these, I find that it helps me to feel better if I watch something funny on TV or watch a funny movie. Something that I see on Twitter that makes me really laugh helps to get me out of my down mood and have a better evening. 

     Our Proverb for the today tells us something about this. Proverbs 17:22 states, "A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones." Having something in life that brings cheerfulness and joy to our lives makes the days seem to go by just a little bit better. 

     Here is some advice. Find something in life that makes you happy. Something that you can turn to when you are feeling down. One of those things for me is corgis. As many of you know, I had a corgi named Toby who was the best friend that I ever had. When I feel down, I go online and visit corgi sites and see what crazy things the corgis are up to. It always brightens my day. 

Monday, October 18, 2021

31 Days In Proverbs -- Day 18

      I believe that are Proverb for today is very timely. Proverbs 11:7 reads, "Hope placed in mortals dies with them, all the promise of their power comes to nothing." 

     There are many people today who put their hopes and trust in a person. Many in my country are fixated on one particular man who they think is the answer to all of the problems in this country. In other nations, people hold on to faith in other political leaders thinking that they will lead them to better times. 

     Others in this world trust in people to help them through this life. They believe that if they follow the right teacher or listen to the right person their problems will be solved. 

     Our Proverb for today tells it just like it is. You cannot place your hopes on mortals. No matter how powerful a person is, that person doesn't have all power, and they usually don't have as much power as they think they have. When a so-called powerful person dies, they can't help anyone. The promise of their power has come to nothing. It is wrong to put our faith and trust in a person. Human beings will let you down. 

     As followers of Jesus Christ, we are to place our hope and trust in Him. He is the powerful creator and sustainer of the universe. He is the resurrection and life. Our hope for the present and for eternity is to be placed in the Lord and in Him alone. Don't trust in humans. Trust in the Lord God who is the Maker of Heaven and Earth. 

Sunday, October 17, 2021

31 Days in Proverbs -- Day 17

      The Proverb that we will focus on today is one I've posted an entire sermon on before. However, it is my favorite of the Proverbs, so I will write about it again. 

     Proverbs 12:10 states, "A righteous person has regard for the life of his animal, but even the compassion of the wicked is cruel." The Bible makes it very clear that a person that is following the Lord will respect animals especially those that are within their care. 

     As believers in Jesus, we should be those who take the best care possible of the pets and animals that are a part of our lives. We should treat them with kindness, and we should obtain the best veterinary care that we can for them when they are sick. 

     Christians also have a responsibility to take care of this earth that God has made and the creatures that He has made to populate the planet. Believers should be environmentally aware and advocate for the conservation and preservation of animals and wild places. We should be at the forefront of helping to reduce the impacts of global climate change. 

     If a person is cruel to animals, especially pets, that person can in no way be considered a righteous person. 

Saturday, October 16, 2021

31 Days In Proverbs -- Day 16

      Jesus was once asked what was the greatest of all commandments. He said that the greatest commandment was to love the Lord with all of our heart, soul, mind and strength. He said that there there was another second commandment that was also very important. He told us to love our neighbor as ourselves. Our Proverb today gives us instruction along this line. Proverbs 11:12 states, "One who despises his neighbor lacks sense, but a person of understanding keeps silent. "

     We should most certainly follow the instruction of Jesus and love our neighbor. We should seek what is best for others and try to do as much good as we can for those whom we know. We have the word from the Lord that tells us to do unto others as we would have done to us. 

     I think that this Proverb is going a little beyond that. If a person has a disagreement with his neighbor, it can lead to a lot of problems. If you have a poor relationship with those who live in close proximity to you, it can make for a stressful life. Sometimes, a neighbor may do something that is a little annoying. However, it is often the best course to remain silent if possible in order not to get trouble started. 

     There is another consideration that this Proverb brings to my mind. If you have a good relationship with your neighbors, they can often help you out a lot when you need help. One of my neighbors is especially nice and he will mow my lawn when it gets really hot and humid because he knows that that kind of weather affects my asthma. Thankfully, in my area, we have a lot of neighbors that really try to help each other out. It is important to keep positive relationships with others when it is within our power to do so. 

Friday, October 15, 2021

31 Days In Proverbs -- Day 15

      Many people in this world try to do what is good and to help other people. We see the good things that people do, and we are impressed with their generosity and their kindness. However, all that we can see and really know about a person are their outward actions. No human being can really know what is deep down in the heart of another person no matter how close two people are. 

      Proverbs 16:2 tells us, "All a person's ways seem pure to them, but motives are weighed by the Lord." This Proverb is telling us that each person believes that they are doing what is right. However, the Lord when He judges each person according to their deeds will know what the true motive of each action was. The Lord sees the heart of each person, and He is the one that can judge the thoughts and the intents of each person's heart. He will know if we have acted with pure motives or with impure motives. The Bible says that the Lord will reward each person when He comes according to what that person has done. If a person has done something with an impure motive, even if it is something that is outwardly good, the Lord will know the true state of the person's heart. 

     The Bible says that all judgment has been given to Jesus Christ the Son. According to John 2:25, Jesus knows what is in each person. That means that He does not judge by outward appearances. He looks at the heart. 

      Because we cannot see into a person's heart is the reason that Jesus tells us in the Sermon on the Mount that we are not to judge others. We do not have the means by which to make a right or complete judgment. Only Jesus can look at the heart of person and judge their intents and motivations. 

     Each of us most strive to follow Jesus and act out of pure motives. We should do good in this world and follow the Lord out of a heart filled with love for the Lord and for our neighbor. 

Thursday, October 14, 2021

31 Days In Proverbs -- Day 14

      There is a lot of evil in this world. Some evil deeds that are committed jump right out at us. I live in the United States, and this country has a tremendous amount of mass shootings. I can't think of much that is more evil that someone going in to a school, church or store and killing a group of innocent people. You want the perpetrator of such crimes to be punished. Any crime against a child is horrendous. Those who do these crimes need to be brought to justice. 

      There are many other evil things in this world. It is evil that children die from hunger and treatable diseases. It is evil that the poor are exploited by the rich. Racism is a pernicious evil. 

     Many of the perpetrators of evil deeds seem to go through life and nothing ever happens to them. They are never called to account for their crimes. Proverbs 11:2 lets us know that it will not always be that way. This verse tells us, "Evil people will surely be punished, but the children of the godly will go free."

     There will come a day of judgment. No evildoer will go unpunished. The Lord is keeping a record of those who have done evil on this earth. He will make sure that righteous justice is administered to all those who have harmed others during this life. 

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

31 Days In Proverbs -- Day 13

      Yesterday, we began looking at Proverbs 6:16-19. This passage gives a list of some behaviors that God despises. Today, we will look at some of the other behaviors on that list. 

     A heart that devises wicked plans is not pleasing to the Lord. To devise a wicked plan requires that someone think long and hard about doing what is wrong. There are many opportunities along the way to do what is right, yet the person devising the plan chooses multiple times to do what it opposed to the will and ways of the Lord. 

     Feet that run rapidly to evil are displeasing to the Lord. This is even worse in some ways that devising a wicked plan. Those who run rapidly to evil don't think about it, they just go out and do what is wrong without a thought. As believers, we must immerse ourselves in the Scriptures so that we will know what we are to do, and we will know the right path to follow that is pleasing to the Lord. 

     The final one I want to focus on is one who spreads strife among brothers. In the Psalms, it tells us that it is good and pleasant for brothers to dwell together in unity. Brothers in the flesh, brothers in faith and brothers in spirt are to be united and are to help one another. When someone sows division, it creates ripples of hurt that may never heal in a lifetime. The Lord wants us to be those who help to repair and restore broken relationships in His name. 

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

31 Days In Proverbs -- Day 12

       For the next two days in our series, we will focus on Proverbs 6:16-19. This is a very sobering passage of Scripture as it lists some things that the passage says that God hates. That is a strong word. If God is against these particular behaviors to the extent that it says that God hates them, it is important that we look at what these behaviors and attitudes are. 

     First of all, this passage speaks of haughty eyes. In my understanding, this refers to an attitude where a person is thinking that he or she is better than another person. It could also refer to pride that enters into a person's heart making that person believe that he or she is superior to others or does not need to depend on God for anything. Many places in the Proverbs warn against developing a prideful attitude. We need to always remember the phrase, "There but for the grace of God go I." We are nothing on our own. Every good thing comes from the hand of the Creator. When we think that we are better than others who God has created, we are doing something that God hates. 

     We also see in this passage that God does not look favorably on a lying tongue. We as followers of the Lord are called upon to be those who speak the truth. Jesus is the truth, and the devil is the father of lies. We must follow the way of truth and reject falsehood. 

     Hands that shed innocent blood are something that God despises. When I see this the first thing that comes to mind are the innocent children who are killed in wars. So much suffering comes upon children because of the senseless violence in this world. We as followers of Jesus need to seek the ways of peace in order to protect the innocent so that they might have a fulfilling life. 

Monday, October 11, 2021

31 Days In Proverbs -- Day 11

     The words that we speak to ourselves and to others are very important. The Bible has a lot to say about the power of the tongue and the words that we speak. Two Proverbs we will focus our attention on today tell us about this. First of all, Proverbs 10:19 states, "When there are many words, wrongdoing is unavoidable. But one who restrains his lips is wise." Proverbs 18:2 lets us know that, "The tongue has the power of life and death..."

     Let us look at the first Proverb for a moment. This one deals with speaking a lot of things. It lets us know that those who just keep talking and talking will get into a lot of trouble because they will eventually end up saying the wrong thing to the wrong person, or they will say the wrong thing at the wrong time. This Proverb instructs us to watch what we say. We don't have to speak an opinion about everything and everybody. Guarding our tongue can keep us out of a lot of trouble, and it can keep people from getting their feelings hurt or becoming angry with us. We all need to become wiser about saying the right things in the right way at the right time. 

    The second Proverb is about hurting or helping with what we say. On this blog on other occasions, I've written about speaking words that heal and not words that hurt. Hurtful things that are said to or about us can have a negative effect that can last for decades. 

     When we recently went through our series on the book of James, we saw that James devoted a large section of his letter to controlling the tongue. As those who follow the Lord Jesus, we need to speak words of love, encouragement and hope. 

     As in all things, we need to look to Jesus when we think about what to say. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus told us to let our yes be yes and our no be no. That means that we must always be truthful in what we say. We must always be loving like Jesus and remember the words of Jesus that we do to others as we would have done to us. 

Sunday, October 10, 2021

31 Days In Proverbs -- Day 10

     At this point, we are about one-third of the way through the Proverbs that we are going to study. I hope that this series has been of some benefit to you up to this point. 

     Today, we focus on Proverbs 11:1 that states, "A false balance is an abomination to the Lord, but a just weight is his delight." This Proverb teaches us about being honest and fair in business, and it teaches us about not taking advantage of the poor and trying to oppress others who don't have much.

     In the day that Proverbs was written, and in our day too, merchants used weights and balances in order to measure out grain and other produce that they were selling in the marketplace. It was expected that a merchant would fairly measure out the amount of the product that you wanted. However, there are unscrupulous  people who want to make a little more  money at the expense of another person. They would use false measures in order to provide less product than what was being paid for. 

     Of course, we know as believers in Jesus that He would not want us to cheat in our business dealings in any way. A Christian business person should be the most honest and forthright business person that there is anywhere. His or her reputation for honesty should be above reproach. 

     This Proverb is also about making sure that the poor are not taken advantage of. A false balance is an abomination because it causes harm to those who can't afford to be oppressed or taken advantage of. A poor person might just barely have enough money to pay for food and the bare necessities of life. If someone is trying to take advantage, it can cause real harm to a poor person and that person's family. 

     The Lord cares about what happens to the poor. He wants us to help the poor and the oppressed. He wants us to work to bring about justice and end systems of oppression in this world. 

Saturday, October 9, 2021

31 Days In Proverbs -- Day 9

      Our Proverb for this day tells us that, "Ill-gotten gains do not benefit, but righteousness rescues from death."  Proverbs 10:2 deals with how we obtain wealth, but I believe that it is telling us something much more than this. 

     First of all, this Proverb makes it clear that we are to get wealth or earn money through righteous means. We are not to engage in business practices that are unethical. We are not to be engaged in a type of business that would be displeasing to the Lord or that would lead anyone astray from the Lord. A Christian involved in any type of business dealing, or as an employee at a job, should always be completely honest and trustworthy. 

     I believe that this Proverb is also teaching that there are a lot more important things in this life than the accumulation of wealth and possessions. I am reminded of the teachings of Jesus. He told us that we should lay up treasures in Heaven and not lay up treasures on earth. He also asked what profit there would be should someone gain the whole world and yet lose one's soul. 

     Jesus' story about the rich man and Lazarus also comes to my mind when I think about this Proverb. The rich man had a lot of money, but he didn't live in a righteous manner. He neglected the poor man at his gate. When the rich man died, he found an eternity of torment. On the other hand, Lazarus didn't have any of this world's goods. He was homeless and sick. However, he lived for and loved God. When he died, he was carried to Abraham's Bosom which I believe is a term for Heaven. 

     Let us concentrate our efforts in this life on seeking those things that are of eternal value. As we do work to make ends meet, let us do so in an upright and honorable fashion. 

Friday, October 8, 2021

31 Days In Proverbs -- Day 8

      One of the things that we know for certain about the Lord Jesus is that He taught the way of non-violence. It was one of His key teachings in the Sermon on the Mount. He taught us that if someone strikes us on one cheek, we should turn the other cheek. He taught us to seek the way of peace. When one of the disciples struck someone with a sword in the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus told him to put away the sword. Jesus said that whoever will take up the sword will die by the sword. 

     The non-violent teachings of Jesus have been an inspiration to many who have taken up non-violent resistance to injustice around the world. The teachings of Jesus helped to inspire the non-violence of the Civil Rights Movement in the United States. 

      What does all of this have to do with Proverbs? Proverbs 3:31 tells us, "Do not envy a man of violence, and do not choose any of his ways." The King James Version translates this "Envy thou not the oppressor."

     Violence begets violence, and it becomes a never ending cycle. War and death just keep perpetuating themselves. As followers of Jesus, we are to seek the ways of peace and justice in order to break the cycle of violence and bring about an end to oppression. 

     I am sad to say that I see many Christians who do seem to be attracted to the ways of violence. This happens through an attraction to guns, violent entertainment and through warfare. As believers in Jesus, let us seek to emulate the way of the Savior who sought to bring peace and goodness to people's lives and to this world. He went about doing good and helping people. The Scriptures teach us to think on what is lovely, good and pure. The Bible tells us to seek peace and pursue it. 

     Let each of us seek to follow the example of Jesus and those who followed Him in the way of non-violence. Let us seek to bring change through non-violent means to this world that we might end violence and oppression and bring hope and healing to the world. 

Thursday, October 7, 2021

31 Days In Proverbs -- Day 7

      Proverbs 3:27 -- "Do not withhold good from whom it is due, when it is in your power to act."

     The Proverb that we are focusing on today is one that really speaks to me. It is a proverbial statement, but it is also a command. If we have the power to do what is good, we should do it. There really is no excuse. 

     There are two different ways at least to think about good for whom it is due. One way to look at this is to think about those who are in need. There are people that are hungry, need clothing and those who need shelter as well as medical care. If we have the resources to help, we need to do that. 

     There is another way to think about the phrase. There are people who have done good things in this world. They have acted nobly in the pursuit of what is right and in what will make this world a better place. These individuals should be recognized for the good that they have done in our world. It always distresses me that sports figures and Hollywood stars get so many accolades while great scientists who have discovered cures that have saved millions of lives are barely known by the general public. 

     In this series, I've tried when I can to tie these Proverbs into the New Testament. In I John 3:17 we read, "If anyone with earthly possessions sees his brother in need, but withholds his compassion from him, how can the love of God abide in him?" James tells us in James 1 that part of practicing pure religion is to visit the widows and orphans in their affliction." Both of these passages tell the Christian that it is his or her duty to help those who are in need. If we have the power to act, then we must act in the name of Jesus. 

Wednesday, October 6, 2021

31 Days In Proverbs -- Day 6

      Proverbs 3:9 tells us, "Honor the Lord from your wealth, and from the first of all your produce." Let us see how we can apply this Proverb to our lives.

     In the Old Testament, the people of Israel were commanded by the Lord to give a tithe of what they earned. If this was in the form of crops or produce, they were to give a tenth of the first portion of what they brought in. Before they used their money or goods for anything else, they were to give the first portion of their increase to the Lord.

     I really don't believe that tithing is commanded in the New Testament. However, we are called to be givers and to honor the Lord with our wealth just as this Proverb teaches us. In many cases, that will involve giving much more than a tenth. 

     There are some people who have vast amounts of money. They have more money than they could possible spend on themselves in their entire life. People like this need to honor God by using large amounts of their wealth to help others and to make this world a better place. Of course, there are others who could only give a very little because they just have enough to get by in this world. 

     We are each to purpose in our own hearts what it is that the Lord would have us to give in order to bring honor and glory to Him. The Holy Spirit will deal with each individual believer in the area of giving. When we do give unto the Lord, we should do so with joy and not begrudgingly. The Bible says that the Lord loves a cheerful giver. 

     Where should we give of our resources so that we can honor God? Churches need funds to carry on their local  ministries. Missionaries need funds to carry the Gospel around the world. There are many charitable organizations that help people by providing food and medical care as well as educational opportunities. There are also many organizations that need help protecting the environment and the animals that God has made. 

     Let us all ask God what He would have us do, and then let us do it joyfully as unto the Lord. 

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

31 Days In Proverbs -- Day 5

      Our Proverb for day five in our series has some important New Testament connections as well. Proverbs 3:3 states, "Do not let kindness and truth leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart." Some Bible translations translate kindness as love in this verse, so let us speak about them together. 

     The writer of Proverbs believes that love and kindness are so important in our lives, that we should bind them to us. He means that they must become an essential quality in all that we do. They should be so much a part of us that we don't even stop to think about being loving and kind, it's just part of who we are and what we do. 

     Jesus told us that we are to do unto others as we would have done to us. We are to love our neighbors as ourselves. In Ephesians 4:32, Paul tells us to be kind to one another. It is so important that those who follow the Lord Jesus be kind, compassionate and loving people. Those who we encounter in this life are watching our behavior. If we claim that we belong to Jesus and then act in ways that are not kind and not loving, that will turn people away from coming to know the Lord Jesus. 

     The only way that we can become more kind and more loving is to keep our eyes on Jesus. He was the epitome of love and kindness in action. If we study what Jesus did while He was here on this Earth, we will know how to act in a kind and loving manner in all of our relationships. We must live and act as Jesus did and as He would want us to. 


Monday, October 4, 2021

31 Days In Proverbs -- Day 4

      We are now on day 4 of our Proverbs series. Today, I want us to focus on Proverbs 3:5-6 which states, "Trust in the Lord with all of your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight."

     First of all, what does it  mean to trust in the Lord with all of one's heart? I believe that it means that we trust in the Lord with all that is within us. We trust in the Lord to help us in every area of our lives. If we need help with our finances, we trust that the Lord will provide for us what we need. If we need help with our relationships, we ask the Lord to sustain our friendships and help us to love one another and be good to one another. If we need help when we are facing health concerns, we trust that the Lord will heal us, be with us and see us through. When we face the end of our days, we trust in the promise of the Lord that He has prepared a place for us so that we can be with Him forever. 

     This Proverb also tells us not to lean on our understanding. There is a way that seems right to us, but that is not always the way that we should go. If we trust in our own human reasoning, we can go down the wrong path and be led into sin. For this reason, we seek the guidance of the Lord in the Bible and through prayer. That is how we will know how to proceed through this life and make the correct decisions about our present and our future. 

     We are also to always submit to the will of the Lord. When we know what it is that He wants us to do, we need to act on that. We trust that He knows what is best for us. He will always lead us to what is good and not to what will cause harm to us. Our paths will run smooth and straight for time and for eternity when we place all of our trust in the Lord and cast our cares on Him. We must keep our eyes always fixed upon the Lord Jesus. 

Sunday, October 3, 2021

31 Days In Proverbs -- Day 3

      As I've been going through these Proverbs and working to find the ones that I want to discuss here on the blog in our series, I've found verses in the New Testament coming readily to my mind that reiterate what the Proverb is teaching. That is definitely the case with the Proverb that I want to focus on today. 

     Proverbs 1:10 states, "My son, if sinful men entice you, do not give into them." This Proverb has me thinking about a couple of different things. First of all, we are not to give into temptations. One thing that you can be sure of if you are trying to follow the Lord Jesus is that there will be times of temptations. I Peter tells us that the devil goes out just like a roaring lion seeking who he can devour. We can resist the devil, and he will flee from us according to the book of James. James also tells us that it isn't just the devil that brings temptation. We are tempted when we are drawn away from the truth by our own lustful desires. We can resist temptation. All of those who have Jesus in their hearts have the indwelling power of the Holy Spirit to keep them from falling into sin. Also, I Corinthians 10:13 tells us that with every temptation, God will make sure that there is a way for us to escape from temptation. 

     Thinking more specifically about our Proverb for today, we are often led into doing what it wrong by those with whom we associate. I Corinthians 15:33 tells us that, "Bad company corrupts good character." This if so true. I've seen it happen many times especially with young people in college. They will start socializing with those who don't share their Christian values. Little by little, the Christian young person is drawn away from the things of God. II Corinthians 6:14 says that we are not to be unequally yoked with unbelievers. This isn't just a verse about marriage. We need to guard the company that we keep so that we aren't drawn off the path that leads to life. We need to keep company with those who will encourage in what is right and in what is honoring to Jesus. 

Saturday, October 2, 2021

31 Days In Proverbs -- Day 2

      Today is the day that we start getting into some of the individual Proverbs, and what better place to start than Proverbs 1:7. This Proverb states, "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction." Right away, this verse brings to my mind the words of Psalm 14:1 that tell us, "The fool has said in his heart there is no god."

      If a person is going to have true knowledge and wisdom as he or she goes through this world, it has to all start with the fear of the Lord. What does it mean to fear the Lord? It does not mean that we cower in terror at the Lord. It means first of all that we recognize that there is a God and that following His way is the way that leads to knowledge and to life. Fearing the Lord means honoring Him for who He is. He is the creator and the sustainer of all that exists. He is the one who has given life. He is the judge, and He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. I also believe that fearing the Lord means that we honor Him by doing what He has instructed us to do in His Word. We need to read the Bible and do the things that God has commanded. Ultimately, God has spoken to us in His Son the Lord Jesus Christ. We are to look to Him and follow Him wherever He leads. This is the way that we will have the knowledge and the wisdom that we need to make it through this world and on into eternity. 

     The Bible says that people are foolish who do not acknowledge and fear the Lord. Paul tells us in Romans 1:22 that there are those who claim to be wise, but in reality they are fools. Why? Because they do not honor God and His ways. They believe that their own wisdom is superior to that of the King of the Universe. A person that will not honor God and His ways may be very smart, but that person does not have the true wisdom that leads to eternal life and reward. 


Friday, October 1, 2021

31 Days In Proverbs -- Day 1

      This is the first day of 31 Days in Proverbs. If you were reading the blog last year, you know that we had a series called 30 Days 30 Psalms. Each day, I posted a meditation on a Psalm. This time, I will choose a proverb or two or three and have a daily meditation on the one or ones that I choose. While we are doing this through the month of October, I will not be posting the weekly verses, book reviews or sermons. All that will resume in November, Lord willing. 

     On this first day of 31 Days In Proverbs, let us start with an introduction to the book of Proverbs. This book is mostly a collection of proverbial sayings intended to make the reader wiser and to have a better life. There are sections in the work that are longer descriptions about wisdom in which wisdom is personified. 

     Most of the book of Proverbs is attributed to King Solomon. When he first became king of Israel after his father David, Solomon asked the Lord to give him wisdom so that he could rule over the Lord's people in the right way. God granted wisdom to Solomon, and accounts of his wisdom spread throughout his region of the world. 

      In addition to Solomon, there are two other people who are acknowledged as contributing to this book. Proverbs chapter 30 is attributed as being sayings of Agur. Chapter 31 of Proverbs is attributed to King Lemuel. 

      Many of the major themes of Proverbs are reinforced over and over again throughout the work. The writer of Proverbs wants the reader to know that seeking wisdom is one of the most important things that a person can do in this life. It is also reiterated time and again that a person needs to follow the right influences in order to stay away from trouble in this life. 

     Over the course of the next several postings in this series, we will learn from the book of Proverbs about keys to having the kind of life that is led by wisdom and led by God.