Friday, January 31, 2020

Thank You Lord

     I have been really worried about something for the last two days concerning payment for a writing job. I've been praying and asking the Lord to allow the payment to reach me. I want to publicly thank the Lord for allowing me to get the payment.

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Book Recommendations

Starting next week, we will be having reviews of newer books. This week, I would like to give a few recommendations for some good books that I've read in the past.

Sometime this year, there is going to be a new production of "All Creatures Great and Small' coming on air. Here in the US, I think it will be broadcast on the PBS program Masterpiece Theatre. This program is based on the books by James Herriot which are my favorite. I hope that the new series is good. I know that the old series is good, and I definitely recommend it. I also recommend all of the James Herriot books.

A couple of weeks ago, I re-read a dog book that I really like. "My Dog Skip" by Willie Morris is one of the very best dog books I've read. I hope you will read it if you haven't.

Another dog book that I've enjoyed is the "Dogs Who Came To Stay" by George Pitcher. This is a book about two older men and the dogs they rescued when a female dog gave birth to puppies in the shed in their backyard.

I hope that you get a chance to read these books. They've given me a lot of enjoyment in my life. I know I've recommended them before, but I like to remind people about them since I think so highly of them.

Monday, January 27, 2020

Verses For The Week

Psalm 29:11 -- "The Lord will give strength to His people; the Lord will bless His people with peace."

Romans 12:1 -- "Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God -- This is your true and proper worship."

Saturday, January 25, 2020

Weekend Sermon -- II Peter 2:4-19

     I want to thank the Lord for allowing me to post the sermon this week, and I want to thank you for taking the time to read the sermon. I hope that everyone is doing well.
     For the last few weeks, we've been in a series of messages on the book of II Peter. In last weeks, message, we started chapter 2, and we explored some of the ways that we can tell if someone is a false teacher.
     Today, we will continue with chapter 2. In this chapter, Peter is focusing on how bad God thinks false teaching and false teachers are. Peter will compare them with some of the most evil characters in the Bible.
     We saw last week that God will bring those who teach what is false about God into judgment. In chapter 2, Peter states that God's judgment is sure because we can see how God judged those who did wrong in the past. The first example that Peter gives us is of the judgment that God has announced on the angels that sinned and rebelled against God. Peter says that they have been condemned to chains of darkness.
     The second example given by Peter is from the time of Noah. God brought judgment on those who did not listen to the message of Noah. Only Noah and his family were saved when the flood came upon the earth.
     Peter goes on to give the example of Sodom and Gomarrah. When fire and brimstone was rained down on these cities, only Lot and his family were brought out to safety.
     In verse 9, Peter states that these are examples of how God rescues the righteous, but the unrighteous are punished. The Lord considers those who teach what is false to be among the unrighteous.
     At this point, let me stop and state how I think we can apply this teaching to today. I think that the most important message that we can get from what Peter is explaining in this passage is that it is very important what we believe. So many today don't emphasis correct doctrine. I think that is a shame because what we believe about the Lord is of eternal importance.
     We live in a day and age when many people are claiming to be Christians and speak for God. However, their beliefs don't line up with the orthodox teachings of the church. Their lifestyles are at odds with what is taught in the Scriptures.
      We must be diligent to examine the things that are taught about the Lord and the Bible. We should test things by the Word.
      Starting in verse 15, Peter will compare false teachers to Balaam from the Old Testament. Balaam was the man whose donkey talked to him. Balaam was greedy. He was willing to curse the people of God for money. Peter tells us that greed is one of the prime motivators of false teachers. They will teach those things that will allow them to make the most money.
      A true teacher of the Lord's Word is not out to make a lot of money. Always look at this when you examine if someone is a true or a false teacher. Ask yourself if Jesus would be doing what a particular teacher is doing. Always look to Jesus as the example of what is true and what is untrue.
     Throughout our passage today, Peter describes those who teach false doctrine in very unflattering terms. You will find many of these same descriptions in the book of Jude. Both Jude and Peter want us to be aware that there are many false doctrines and teachings. We must be on guard so that we are not led astray.
      I believe that there are two ways to make sure that we are not led astray. First of all, we need to be so familiar with the Bible and right teaching, that we can recognize a counterfeit right away. In order to do this, we must be diligent students of the Bible. It takes time and effort, but in the Bible we find what the Lord would have us to do and believe.
    The second thing we need to do is to test everything by the teachings and example of Jesus. If Jesus did not or would  not do something, then we should be cautious of those who do the opposite of what Jesus would do and yet say that they speak in His name. If anyone contradicts something that Jesus said in His teachings, that is a sure sign that what they are teaching is not correct.
     It is my hope that everyone who reads this blog will be a diligent student of the Word. I hope that we can all look to Jesus and follow Him. If we keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, we will stand firm. We will be with Him, because Jesus will take those who are His to be with Him forever. Amen.

Prayer Requests And Other Matters

     We had a lot of snow this week, but there weren't really any major problems. Thank you all for your prayers in this matter. I would ask that you pray for me this week as I am not feeling very well. Thank you.
     As we go to prayer this week, please remember to pray regarding the situation with the coronavirus. Pray that this will stop spreading and that treatments can be found. Also pray for those suffering from the flu in the US and other places. Those in Congo still need prayer regarding the ebola situation.
     Let us pray for those in Australia. That nation is still experience terrible fires. Pray for an end to the fires, and pray for the safety of those fighting the fires.
     There is a location in the Philippines that is experiencing damage from a volcano. Pray that these people will receive the aid that they need.
     We need to keep praying for the people in Puerto Rico, They are having a lot of earthquake damage and need a lot of help.
     Continue to pray for peace in the troubled areas of this world. Syria, Afghanistan, Yemen and Libya especially need our prayers.
     For our prayer focus countries, let us pray for those who live in Suriname and Taiwan. Pray that many will hear about the love of Jesus.
     Next week, we will continue with our series on II Peter. I will post the sermon on Saturday, and we will be finishing up chapter 2. I will post the verses on Monday, and I hope to post a review on Wednesday. May God bless you all. Amen.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020


    I will not be posting a review this week. I've fallen behind on my reading. There will be a review next week. I will try to post the sermon on Saturday. We are having a lot of snow.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Verses For The Week And An Update

    I will be posting the sermon on Saturday this week. The weather is supposed to be nice that day. Please pray that we won't have a bad winter storm where I live. Thank you.


Hebrews 1:3 -- "He is the radiance of the glory of God and the exact imprint of His nature, and He upholds the universe by the word of His power. After making purification for sins, He sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high."

John 17:3 -- "And this is eternal life, that they know you the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent."

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Weekend Sermon -- II Peter 2:1-3

     Today is the new edition of the Weekend Sermon. Thank you for taking the time to read the sermon this week. I asked that people pray about the bad winter storm. I was not able to post the sermon yesterday because the library was closed. The ice was thick. However, it warmed just above freezing before there was damage to the trees and the power lines. Thank you for your prayers in this matter. I want to thank the Lord for allowing me to post the sermon this week, and for keeping us safe in the bad weather. 
     In today's message, we will be continuing our series in the book of II Peter. We finished up chapter 1 last week, and we will be focusing on the first part of chapter two this week. Chapter 2 discusses false teachers in the church. One thing that you will notice right away if you are familiar with the New Testament is that II Peter chapter 2 and the book of Jude are very similar. Some of the exact descriptive phrases about false teachers are used in both epistles. Scholars believe that one may have copied the other. Because of these similarities, some have questioned the canonicity of II Peter. As I stated in the first sermon of this series, I do believe that Peter wrote this book, and I also believe in the canonicity of Jude. 
     In the beginning of chapter 2, Peter warns his readers that false teachers have been around in all ages. He tells his readers that they need to be on guard against those who would preach false doctrines within the church. In chapter 2. Peter points to two characteristics of those who hold to false teachings, 
    In verse 1, Peter says that one characteristic of false teachers is that, "they deny the Lord who bought them." One of the characteristics of almost all false teachers, including those who are around today, is that they have a false idea of who Jesus is and what He did while on this earth. 
    Let's look at the situation in our world today. There are many who do not believe in the divinity of Jesus Christ. Even though they claim to be Christians, they don't believe that Jesus was the Son of God or God the Son. If they do believe in the divinity of Jesus, many false teachers believe in adoptionism which teaches that Jesus was a man who God adopted as His son. 
    There are a couple of ways that you can know a teacher does not really believe in the divinity of Jesus. First of all, they will deny the miracles of the Bible. They will find ways to discount what Jesus did. For instance, they will say that the miracle of the feeding of the 5,000 was accomplished by Jesus getting the crowd to share their food with one another. Of course the Bible says that Jesus multiplied the loaves and the fishes. 
    Another way that the divinity of Jesus is discounted is by denying the bodily resurrection of Jesus. I've heard many ministers state that Jesus rose in people's hearts or that Jesus' followers saw a spiritual vision. This is clearly not the orthodox teaching of the Bible. 
    Another way that the Lord is denied by false teachers is by their discounting His atoning death. Peter tells us that Jesus bore our sins in His body on the cross. However, some teachers will deny the teaching of the Bible that says that Jesus died as our substitute. He was the propitiation for our sins. 
     I always tell people that they can know if a group or teacher is in line with the Bible by what that group or person teaches about the person and work of the Lord Jesus. If a group or person does not believe in the deity and humanity of Jesus, that is a group or person to avoid. If a group or person does not believe in the atoning death of Christ, that group or person is not following the Scriptural teaching. 
    Now, Peter will give another characteristic to watch out for. In verse 3 Peter says, "By covetousness, they will exploit you with deceptive words." 
    Another way to spot false teaching is by a continuous emphasis on money and things. False teachers will work to get people to donate to them in order that they may accumulate a lot of money. They will have expensive possessions and large homes. They will try to get people to give them money by promising their followers that if they give money to them, God will give them a return so that they will get more things. 
     You can know if a teacher is teaching what is right by how their life emulates the example of Jesus. Jesus wasn't here on earth to rake in the money and things. He said that you can't serve God and money. Jesus' apostles didn't take money from the congregation to live extravagantly. They denied themselves and took up the cross to follow Jesus. 
     Next week, we will look at what else Peter has to say about false teaching and false teachera. Let me say this to close. If you read and follow the words and example of Jesus, you will not be led astray. Test everything by Jesus' words and example. Amen. 

Pray requests and other matters. 

     I going to ask for your prayers regarding bad winter weather predicted for later in the week. More ice is predicted for my area. Please pray that the weather is not bad. Thank you. I just want to say that this was a good week in writing, and I want to thank the Lord for that. 
     In prayer this week, please remember to pray for the people of Puerto Rico. They were just getting back on their feet after the hurricanes, and now they have all this mess from the earthquakes. Please pray that the people will get the assistance that they need. 
     Please continue to pray for Australia. Pray that the fires will be extinguished. Pray that all of the people and animals hurt by the fire will receive help. 
    There are still people recovering from the volcano incident in New Zealand. Please pray for these folks. 
     Pray for an end to the Ebola outbreak in Congo. 
     Pray for those suffering with flu in so many places in the United States. 
     Let us all pray for peace. Syria, Libya, Yemen and Afghanistan are among the nations that need our prayers. 
     For our prayer focus countries. lets pray for Mongolia and Israel. Pray that many will hear about the love of Jesus. 
     Next week, I will post that sermon on Friday if the library is open. As I said, bad weather is predicted from Thursday through Saturday. I will get the sermon posted when possible. I will post the verses on Tuesday this week, as the library is closed for Martin Luther King Jr. Day. I will post a review on Wednesday. May God bless you all.  Amen.


Thursday, January 16, 2020


     I had planned to post the sermon tomorrow. However, I don't think the library will be open with the bad weather that is expected. If I can't get the sermon posted on Friday, I will still try to get it done this weekend sometime. Please continue to pray that we will not have a bad ice storm. Thank you.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Poem and Prayer Request

    Today, I don't have a review ready, so I decided to post a poem I wrote a few years ago. I would like to make a prayer request. The weather is predicted to be very bad on Friday. There is the potential for an ice storm. Please pray that the storm is not bad. I live where there are a lot of trees, and an ice storm could cause major problems. Thank you for your prayers.

Streets of Gold

They’re racing down the brick streets
shimmering golden in the morning sun –
a glittering, heavenly boulevard.
Whipping winds flush forward
chattering leaves along the lawns
swirling through the alleys and byways
cluttering the teeming gutters
that line the wealthy’s stately homes.
Into this melee he makes his strike.
These toys of nature his quarry.
red streak snapping and dancing
flowing ghostly with the breeze
along a golden mystic byway
shaded in the mists of time.

Monday, January 13, 2020

Verses For The Week

    The bad winter storm didn't amount to much. Thank you for your prayers, and thanks be to God. Please pray for those who did have the bad storm damage in the southern part of the United States.


Psalm 73:26 -- "My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever."

II Thessalonians 3:3 -- "But the Lord is faithful, He will strengthen you and protect you from the evil one."

Friday, January 10, 2020

Weekend Sermon -- II Peter 1:12-20

     Thank you for taking the time to read the Weekend Sermon. I am posting this sermon one day earlier than I thought I would. There is supposed to be a major winter storm in my area starting tonight. I didn't know if I would be able to get to the library tomorrow, so I am just going to post the sermon today. I would ask that you please pray that this won't be a bad storm. They are calling for ice, and that worries me. Thank you for your prayers. I also want to thank the Lord for providing the opportunity to post this message.
    Today, we are continuing with our series of messages on the book of II Peter. In our passage today, Peter is relating to his readers that he wants to make sure that they have an understanding of the things of the Lord. He states that he is going to continually remind them of how to live a life in accordance with the Lord's principles right up until it is his time to depart this earth. It is Peter's hope that after he is gone, those who have been under his spiritual leadership will remember what he has taught them and reiterated to them so many times.
     As Peter is writing this second epistle, he knows that he doesn't have much longer to be on this earth. The Lord has revealed to him the way in which he will die. As a good spiritual leader, Peter is concerned for the welfare of those over whom he has spiritual responsibility.
     In verses 16-18, Peter wants to point out to his readers the reality of the message that he has preached down through the years. In verse 16 he says, "We did not follow cleverly devised stories when we told you about the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ in power, but we were eyewitnesses of His majesty."  Peter is telling the people that he has first hand knowledge about Jesus. He and the other Apostles were eyewitnesses of what Jesus did and what He said. They saw that He had risen from the dead, and they saw Him ascend into Heaven.
     One of the incidents from the life of Christ that Peter points the people to is the Transfiguration. Peter says that he was one of those who was on the mountain when the voice from Heaven said, "This is my Son whom I love, with Him I am well pleased." Jesus took Peter, James and John with Him up the mountain. There, Jesus was transfigured, and he communicated with Elijah and Moses. On the mountain, the Father confirmed that Jesus was the divine Son, and the Father was pleased with all that the Son was doing.
     Peter had first hand knowledge of this event. He heard the voice. He knew that Jesus was who He said He was. He knew that Jesus was the Messiah. He was the Son of God and God the Son. Peter is a reliable witness of the glory of Jesus Christ and of His message.
     In verses 19 and 20, Peter gives another proof that what He has told the people all of these years about Jesus is true. Peter points his readers to all that the prophets said about the Messiah. The prophecies about the Messiah were fulfilled in the life and ministry of Jesus.
     In the book of Acts, there are sermons that Peter preached that are provided to us. In his messages, Peter pointed to what the prophets said and how Jesus is the fulfillment. In his sermon on the day of Pentecost, Peter pointed out that David was a prophet, and Jesus is the fulfillment of the promises God made to David. On another occasion, Peter pointed out that Moses prophesied about the coming one. In fact, Peter stated that Samuel and all the prophets after him testified about the coming of Christ.
     We have a reliable message when it comes to the life and teachings of Jesus. We have the witness of the fulfilled prophecies about the Messiah, and we have the eyewitness testimony of men like Peter who saw Jesus in all of his power and glory.
     If you have never placed your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, I hope that you will do it today. Jesus did live. He did die on the cross, and He rose up from the grave. He calls on each of us to come to Him, and receive the gift of life that He offers. Amen

     Prayer Requests And Other Matters

     This has been a busy week. I thank the Lord that the money from my job came in. I have had a good week in writing, and I am thankful for that. This upcoming week, I am supposed to start a part-time job. I'm nervous about it, and I'm not looking forward to it. Please pray that my feelings will improve. What I wish above all is that my writing would advance to the place where I don't have to have a part-time job to help out. I would also like to have more time for ministry.
     In other matters. Please continue to pray for Australia. That country is having a mess with the fires. So many people and animals have been harmed. Pray that the fires will end soon.
     Puerto Rico has been rocked by earthquakes this week. Pray that people will get the aid that they need. The people in Puerto Rico have been through enough.
     Pray for peace in the world. Pray that tensions between Iran and the US will be reduced. Pray for peace in Syria, Libya and Afghanistan.
     Please pray for an end to the Ebola outbreak in Congo.
     For our prayer focus countries this week, let us pray for those in Ivory Coast and Myanmar. Pray that many will come to faith in Jesus.
     Next week, I am not sure of the blog schedule. I will try to post things in a normal manner, but I am unsure. I will try to post the sermon on Friday again next week. May God bless you all. Amen

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Book Review

    Today, I am reviewing a book for younger readers, but anyone who loves dogs will enjoy it. The book is "I, Cosmo" written by Carlie Sorosiak. This is a book written from the perspective of a golden retriever named Cosmo. Cosmo belongs to a boy named Max, and Cosmo has as his mission to do what is necessary to help Max and make sure that his boy is happy.
    Max and his family are going through some difficult times. Max's parents are arguing a lot, and Max fears that a divorce might be in the future. He comes up with the idea of entering a dance contest for humans and their canine companions. Max wants to enter with Cosmo as a way to get his parents attention of of their problems and back on the good times the family had together.
    Cosmo wants to help, but Cosmo isn't a young dog anymore. He's afraid he won't be able to hold up with all of the exertion.
    I won't give away anymore of what happens. You need to read the book for yourself. Cosmo is a great narrator, and his view of the world and his family is humorous and filled with love.
    I recommend "I, Cosmo" for anyone who likes a good book about a good dog and his boy.

Monday, January 6, 2020

Verses For The Week

     I would like to thank the Lord that my pay from my job was in my account this morning. Thank you for your prayers.


James 1:17 -- "Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change."

Hebrews 13:15 -- "Through Him let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of lips that acknowledge His name."

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Prayer Request

     Please continue to pray that the money that I was supposed to get from my job last week will come in. This is of great importance to me right now. Thank you.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Weekend Sermon -- II Peter 1:8-11

     Happy New Year, and welcome to this year's first edition of the Weekend Sermon. I am happy to be able to post this sermon, and I thank the Lord for this opportunity. I hope all of you are having a good new year so far.
     Last week, we analyzed some of the qualities and characteristics that Peter said were to be part of the life of the believer. Some of these qualities include goodness, self-control, godliness and love. We went over the fact that those who believe in the Lord Jesus are to act and behave in a certain way. Anyone can claim to be a Christian. However, as James teaches us, faith without works is dead. We have to demonstrate our faith by our works even though we are not made righteous in the sight of God by our works.
     Today, I want us to continue with our study by seeing what Peter has to say to us in verses 8-11 of chapter 1. He begins in verse 8 by stating, "For if you posses these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ."
     Peter is telling us that when we have love, mutual affection, and the other qualities that he mentions working in our lives, we are growing in our relationship with the Lord Jesus. We are becoming more like Jesus, and when we become more like Jesus, we can make a greater impact on this world. If we are not growing in our knowledge of the Lord and what He expects from us, we will not produce the good fruit that the Lord expects of us.
     Peter continues in verse 9, "But whoever does not have them is nearsighted and blind, forgetting that they have been cleansed from their past sins."  To me, that is a powerful statement. What Peter is saying is that if we don't grow in the faith and develop the qualities that the Lord desires of us, we are acting as if the death of Jesus on the cross doesn't matter to us. In other words, we are no longer recognizing the great things that the Lord Jesus has done for us.
     In verse 10, Peter writes about making one's calling and election sure. This isn't the only place in the Bible that mentions something along this line. For instance, Paul tells us that we are to examine ourselves to see if we are in the faith. One way that we are to do this, is to see if the qualities that Peter has told us about are part of our lives and growing in our lives. Another way that we can examine ourselves and make sure of our calling and election is to see if we are striving to live according to what Jesus has taught us in passages like the Sermon on the Mount. We can also look and see if what we do in life resembles more the work of the flesh or the fruit of the Spirit. Peter tells us that if our lives exhibit the qualities that he has spoken of, we will  not stumble. We will receive a a welcome in the eternal kingdom of Jesus.
     I believe that this should prompt each of us to live lives that are pleasing to the Lord Jesus. If we are looking to Jesus as our example in this life, we will not go astray. We need to focus on Him and what He did in this world. We need to study the teachings of Jesus, and then implement those teachings. Above all, we need to be filled with love as Jesus taught us. He taught us to love one another. He taught us that to love God with all that we have and to love our neighbor as ourselves was the fulfillment of the law and the prophets.
     If we follow the Lord Jesus, we never need to worry about whether or not Heaven is our home. We will never stumble and fall away from the faith if we keep our eyes fixed on the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

Prayer Requests And Other Matters

     I have not had a great start to the new year, unfortunately. I have something very important that I would ask everyone to pray about. A company that I work for did not pay us this week as they were supposed to. I am unsure if I will get paid, and this would be a big blow to my finances. Please pray that the pay does come through and everything is resolved. Thank you for your prayers in this matter.
     There is something much more important that needs our prayers. Australia is being devastated by terrible fires. A person that I follow on Twitter is quite near the fire area, and she may have to evacuate to the beach. Please pray that these fires might be brought under control, and pray for the brave men and women who are battling these fires. Pray for the safety of those in Australia.
     We urgently need to pray of peace. Please pray for peace with the situation between the US and Iran. Pray for peace in Syria, Yemen, Somalia, Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya.
     For our prayer focus countries this week, let us pray for those in the nations of Cambodia and Togo. Pray that many will hear the message of Jesus.
     I heard recently that the situation with the measles outbreak in Samoa was improving. I thank the Lord for this answer to prayer. Please continue to pray for those suffering with the Ebola virus in Congo.
     Next week, I will post the sermon on Saturday. On Monday, I will post the verses for the week. I will post a dog book review on Wednesday. May God bless you all. Amen.