Friday, September 21, 2012

Weekend Sermon- I John 4: 13-21

     I hope that everyone had a good week.  I'm always happy when it's time to do the sermon for the week.  I thank all of those who have been praying on my behalf.  I don't have any really good news to report, so I definitely still need prayer.  People many say that the economy is improving, but I haven't seen it yet.  I'm thinking about selling my house, paying off what I owe, and then starting over in some other part of the country.  Most days, I'm not quite sure what to do.
     No matter what may be happening in my life now, I know that God has blessed me greatly.  This week marked three years since my Mom passed away.  I was truly blessed by God to have such a wonderful Mom.  I miss her everyday as I do my Dad.
     I watched a moved called "Red Dog" this week.  The dog in that movie reminded me a lot of Toby.  I look forward to the day when I can be reunited with my family.  Thank you Jesus that they were a part of my life, and are now with you forever.
     In last weeks message, we examined the great love of God.  This has been, and will be a continuing theme in I John.  God gave His ultimate expression of love by sending His Son the Lord Jesus to be the Savior of the world.  Even though we were the enemies of God.  God provided a way back to Him.  He provided a way that our sins might be forgiven.
     There's something I wanted to add on this point.  We often don't extend the effects of the sacrifice of Jesus far enough.  Much of the time, ministers(myself included) focus on the effect of Jesus' death for the human race.  However, Jesus' death had cosmological significance. 
     God created a perfect universe with no sin.  Everything operated in peace and harmony throughout the entire cosmos.  When sin entered the picture, the perfection of the cosmos was stained.  Things were thrown out of order, and disorder came that was never intended by God.
     Jesus came into this world to restore the original order of the universe.  People are part of that order, but we are not the entirety.
     Because Jesus has conquered sin, death, hell and the grave, the second portion of the overall redemption is coming.  When Jesus returns, all things will be restored to the original state of perfection.  Everything will be made right again.  I can hardly wait for that day.
     In our passage today, John is again stating the importance of love in the life of the believer.  John also reiterates the fact that one must accept Jesus Christ as Savior of the world to be in a right relationship with God. 
     In verse 17, John picks up a slightly different emphasis on what love is all about.  The verse states, "Herein is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the day of judgment, because as he is, so are we in this world."
     When Jesus comes again, part of the coming entails the idea of judgment.  The Bible is clear that there will be two judgments.
     The first judgment well determine those who are the true followers of Jesus.  The second judgment is only for believers.  We are not judged for sins, but it is a judgment of our works done for the sake of Jesus.
     What John is saying in our passage is that those who have experienced the love of Jesus don't have to fear these judgments.  As John says in verse 18, "perfect love casts out fear."  Those who are in Christ have passed from death to life.  We are under no condemnation.  Jesus has paid it all.
     I think that there is another application in these verses as well.  A few weeks ago, I posted a message about how Jesus was portrayed in the church of my youth.  Jesus was presented as being against you.  He was looking to find you in an error and bring some type of punishment on you.  You were always afraid.
     That wasn't the Jesus I came to know.  The Jesus I discovered was a loving friend.  He was a God who cared. The true follower of Jesus understands who Jesus is.  Jesus is love personified. 
     The bad and horrendous things in our lives don't come from Jesus.  Jesus brings what is good and wonderful in life.
     I'm going through a bad time right now, but I don't believe for one second that Jesus is causing it.  Jesus is helping me in the hard times.  Jesus is assuring me that everything will be right ultimately.  One day, no matter what the world tries to throw at me, I will be with Jesus.  When I am with Him, everything will be good.
     John finishes chapter 4 by once again encouraging us to love our brothers and sisters in Christ.  Jesus love us, so we should love one another and this world for whom Christ died.
     Jesus loves you.  That is the greatest thing I can tell you.  Accept His love in your life.
     Next week, we will begin the final chapter of I John.  It is a chapter with some controversial passages.  May God bless you this week.  Amen.

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