Friday, November 9, 2012

Weekend Sermon--Sermon on the Mount(Part 3)

Text:  Matthew 5:4

     I always enjoy election day.  I have a lot of fun watching the results come in.  I've always had a great interest in politics, and I minored in political science in college.  I just hope that now that the election is over that both parties can work together for the good of the country.  I'm glad and thankful to God that I live in a country where I can have the freedom to vote.
     Please remember to continue to be in prayer for those who have been affected by the storms on the east coast.  They got hit by the hurricane, and now they have been hit by another storm.  Hopefully, things will improve for folks out there and they will get all the aid and assistance that they need.
     Last week, we started examining the meaning of the beatitudes given by Jesus at the beginning of the Sermon on the Mount.  We looked at the statement about blessed are the poor in spirit and Luke's similar statement from Jesus about blessed are the poor.
     Those who recognize their need for God and put their faith and trust in Jesus Christ will be a part of the Lord's kingdom.  Those who have suffered in poverty in this life will have all they need in the coming kingdom.  Those who have exploited and oppressed the poor will face the judgment of God.
     Today, we focus on Jesus' statement found in Matthew 5:4 which states, "Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted."  Once again, Luke records a similar statement by Jesus that is somewhat different.  In Luke 6:21b Jesus says, "...blessed are you who weep now, for you shall laugh."  Luke also records Jesus as stating the opposite of this beatitude in Luke 6:25b which states, "...Woe to you who laugh now, for you shall mourn and weep."
     What are we to make of these verses?  I think that there are several meanings to what Jesus is saying here.
     First of all, I believe there is a very spiritual application.  Those who mourn over sin and recognize their need of repentance and forgiveness will receive the comfort and forgiveness that only Jesus can bring.  True sorrow over sin leads to the joy of knowing Jesus as Savior and the reality of spending eternity in the presence of Christ.
     Those who have no sorrow for sin and mock the teachings of Jesus in this life, will face an eternity of separation from Jesus who is the source of all true joy and happiness.
     Another meaning for me from these words of Jesus has to do with the incredible sorrow that is often encountered in this world.
     Just today, I was thinking about all of the fun things that my Mom and I used to do together.  I think that one of the most fun days we spent together was when we went to the big art gallery in the major city that is about 40 miles north of where I live.  We spent hours in that place.  I remember that Mom really enjoyed looking at all the displays of beautiful Asian art at the museum. 
     My Mom and Dad have both passed away, and I really miss them.  It makes me very sad that they are gone.  I know that they are in Heaven now with Jesus, but it hurts me to be separated from them.
     One day, because of what Jesus accomplished through His death and resurrection, I will be with my folks again.  We will be reunited, and it will be a wonderful time of joy.  The Bible says that one day, Jesus will wipe away every tear and those who are in Christ will live a life of happiness forever.
     I am sure that many of you have lost someone you love, and even though many years may have passed, you are still sad.  Something in life just won't ever feel the same again.  Thanks be to God that one day all will be well again.  Jesus will make everything new, and all will be restored to the way God originally intended it to be.  I long for that day.  Come quickly, Lord Jesus.
     Also, I think that this verse refers to those who mourn because of injustices that have happened in their lives.  I know some people whose life has just been one heartache after another.  Many have been abused mentally and physically.  Others face a lifetime of fear and destitution.  Probably the saddest thing of all is the fact that many people will go through life never feeling as if anyone has ever really loved them or cared about them.
     Jesus cares.  If you put your trust in Him, He will be there making sure that all of the hardship and suffering endured in this life is just a memory that will be nothing compared to the joys awaiting with Jesus for all of eternity.
     Finally, I believe that those who mourn for the state of this world will be comforted.  Some of us realize that this world is not the way that it is supposed to be.  Children aren't supposed to die of preventable diseases.  In a world filled with food, no one should have to go hungry.  Animals that God lovingly made shouldn't be on the brink of extinction.  Some of us ask God for a better day.  That day will come.  When Jesus returns, all the wrongs will be made right.  Those who have lacked will have an abundance.
     Those who have caused the injustice and those who have laughed at those who mourn will themselves mourn on that day when the power of the glory of the Lord is revealed.
     There is hope in Jesus.  Believe in Him. He will not let you down.  Amen.

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