Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Two Good Animal Books

I have just finished reading two excellent books written by Lawrence Anthony.  The books are "The Elephant Whisperer" and "Babylon's Ark".  The first book is about the author's game reserve in South Africa.  The book details how Mr. Anthony took in a herd of rogue elephants.  At first, the elephants escaped, and the wildlife authorities said that they would be shot if they escaped again.  However, Mr. Anthony built up trust with the herd's matriarch named Nana.  The herd began to trust Mr. Anthony, and adjusted to their new life.  The second book tell the story of the rescue of the Baghdad Zoo during the Iraq War.  Mr. Anthony went to the zoo, and with the help of some of the zoo's staff, brought the remaining animals back to health and rebuilt the zoo.  I highly recommend both of these books.  Mr. Anthony has a third book called "The Last Rhinos" that I am reading now.

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