Friday, February 1, 2013

Weekend Sermon--Sermon on the Mount(pt. 14)

     It's been quite a week.  At the beginning of the week, the temperature was 74 degrees, and we had a storm.  Then, in the middle of the week, we had snow.  Last night was the coldest night of the winter with -10 degree wind chill.  This weather is crazy.
     I'd like to thank everyone who has prayed that I might find a good job.  I would like to ask you to continue to please pray for me.  I am having a financial crisis, and I am praying for a miracle. Also, please pray that I will make it through the weekend without being too depressed.  This Saturday is the day when my Dad had his terrible stroke from which he didn't recover.  Every February 2 is like living that nightmare all over again.
     The second chapter of my book about Toby was posted on Wednesday, and I will continue to post one chapter each week.  There are quite a few chapters left to go.  I hope that you enjoy it.  When times are hard, it's when I miss Toby the most.  I know that if he were still here, things would be better now even with all the problems.  If he'd been here after Mom and Dad passed away, the two of us would have hit the road like we always wanted to do.  I've been reading a book called, "Travels With Macy" by Bruce Fogel that tells about the author's travels across America with his golden retriever.  They retraced the trip John Steinbeck took with his dog.  I wish that that could have been Toby and me.
     Well, enough with wishes that won't be.  Last week, we talked about Jesus' statements about being angry with our brother.  We should not harbor evil thoughts and unforgiveness lest it lead to something else.  All of us need to control our anger.  We should also seek to speak words of encouragement to one another and not bring hurt to the one's we love the most by the mean things we sometimes say.  I know that I wish that I could go back in time and take back some of the nasty things I said to my folks when I was younger.  One thing that I will always regret is that my Dad and I had a little argument the day before he had a stroke.  I hate that this happened over something so stupid.
     Today, we turn our attention to Jesus' statements about lust, adultery and divorce.  I don't feel that comfortable talking about this stuff, but I'll do my best.
     Jesus said in Matthew 5:27-28, "You have heard that it was said, You shall not commit adultery, but I say to you that everyone who looks on a woman to lust for her has committed adultery with her already in her heart."
     Once again, Jesus is showing His divine authority to reinterpret the law given to Moses.  Of course, adultery is wrong.  But, Jesus says that lust is like committing adultery in the heart.  What Jesus is saying is that if people wouldn't dwell on lustful and impure thoughts, they wouldn't go to the next step and commit adultery.  If as believers we keep our thoughts pure, we won't get ourselves into trouble.
     We live in a culture filled with lust.  Pornography is everywhere on the Internet, and is a problem for many, including Christians. Even television shows and advertisements are saturated with sexual imagery.  As followers of Jesus, we need to turn away from anything that could possibly cause any lustful thoughts to come into our mind and heart.  Don't let yourself get into a situation where you can be tempted.  I think that is what Jesus is saying in verses 29 through 30.
     Now, we come to Jesus' teaching on divorce.  Here is a place where Jesus makes a big change in the law of Moses.  In the Old Testament, a man was allowed to get a divorce from his wife.  Jesus says that there is only one cause for divorce and that is adultery.  Jesus even goes on to say that anyone who marries a divorced person is guilty of adultery.
     This is a difficult subject for me to talk about for two reasons.  First of all, both of my parents were divorced.  My Dad was married for eleven years, and got a divorce from his first wife.  In my Dad's case, this happened before he was a Christian.  My Mom was married twice before she and my Dad were married.  Her first husband was abusive and tried to push her down the stairs.  They were only married a short time.  My Mom was married for 13 years to her second husband when she found out he'd been fooling around.  What makes it hard is that my Dad probably would never have become a Christian if he hadn't meet my Mom.  My Mom took a lot of grief from church people for getting a divorce from her first husband.  But, what was she supposed to do?  You can't live with someone who is trying to harm you. Everything worked out great with my parents.  They were married for 42 years.
     The second reason I find this difficult is that I've never been married.  I don't have any personal experience with married life.  All I can do is say what Jesus said about the subject.
     Divorce is a real problem in the church.  I believe that the high rate of divorce in the church is a hindrance to the message of the gospel. 
     The Lord said in the book of Malachi that He hates divorce.  As followers of Jesus, we should be faithful to our vows.
     With that said, I've known many divorced people.  I know that Jesus will forgive those who ask Him for forgiveness. 
     In my parents case, when my Dad met my Mom he started going to church, became a believer and his life was transformed.  My Mom became more involved in church and taught Sunday school and children's church for several years.  God brought something good out of bad situation.  Unlike some church people, Jesus won't hold the fact that you've been divorced against you for the rest of your life.
     If you're considering a divorce, keep in mind the words of Jesus.  It is a very serious matter.  Do everything in your power to repair your relationship.  Pray for Jesus to help you.
     There's one last thing I want to say on this matter.  Jesus says that the only grounds for divorce is adultery.  However, I believe that the Bible teaches that you have the right to keep yourself and your children from harm.  In the church I was raised in, they didn't think that spousal abuse was a grounds for divorce.  I disagree.  You don't have to remain in an abusive relationship.  This includes a relationship where your spouse is abusive to you or your children. 
     That's all I have to say on that subject.  Next week, I will post the next chapter about Toby and a new sermon on Friday.  Next week I am taking a one week break from the Sermon on the Mount, and I am going to post a sermon about one of the Psalms.  Until then, God bless you all.

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