Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Toby Book

Here is the next chapter

Chapter 12

     Allegri's Miserere is one of the finest examples of choral music known in the Western world.  When the composer Mozart first heard the piece performed in the Vatican, he was so impressed and moved by its brilliance that when he arrived back home, he wrote out the complete composition from memory.  If anyone listens to this piece, I believe that they will be impressed.  It is all well and good for people to appreciate the wonders of Allegri, but when Toby showed his appreciation for Allegri, I was intrigued.
     One July afternoon, when it seemed like I'd left no task undone, I sat down to relax and take in some good choral music from a recently purchased compact disc.  Toby appeared quite content to listen to the selections from Bach, Handel and Palestrina.  But when the selection from Allegri began to play, Toby raised his head and looked at the CD player with rapt attention.  He really enjoyed the vocal beauty of this timeless work.
     Immediately, when the singers began, Toby's ears pricked up and turned to capture a superior acoustical tone.  As the soprano voices raised on high, Toby's head cocked slightly as if in contemplation of the words.  Toby put his head back down, closed his eyes and went to sleep when the next selection from Mozart began.
     I am a great fan of classical music, but I enjoy other types of music as well.  I love jazz almost as much as classical music.  I really enjoy the avant-garde style of jazz.  Whereas Toby shared my appreciation of classical music, he did not like most jazz. 
    When most of the jazz I listened to came through the speakers, Toby would go into the other room, which is about the only time he wasn't where I was at.  The only type of jazz Toby seemed to like was smooth jazz.
    Another type of music that Toby expressed his displeasure with was contemporary Christian music.  He always stayed in the room while it was on, but I'd hear him moan once in while as if he thought it was horrible.  He liked hymns though.  He didn't moan when they were on. 
    Well, no two creatures like all of the same things.  I was glad that Toby liked to listen to classical music with me.  You can't complain when a dog likes classical music.
     One thing Toby also liked was to listen while I played the tin whistle.  In addition to classical and jazz, I also enjoy Celtic music.  I taught myself how to play the tin whistle so that I could play some tunes.  Toby liked to sit and watch me while I played the whistle.  I think that the ancient Celtic blood of the Welsh was stirred in him when he listened to the tin whistle.
     The two of us had many good times listening to music.  On many afternoons, we would relax in the back room or out on the patio and listen to my favorites from Barber, Rachmaninoff, Ives, Copeland and Faure.  There aren't too many things better in this life than listening to great music with a grand friend.

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