Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Book Review

Today's book is called "A Dog Walked Into a Nursing Home" written by Sue Halpern.  I found this to be a very interesting book on several levels.  First of all, it was interesting to learn about the training that is involved in getting a dog ready to work as a therapy dog in a nursing home.  The author trained her dog Pransky to visit nursing home residents in a small town in Vermont.  Pransky was perfectly suited to the task of providing love and comfort to the nursing home residents. The residents could pet her and feed her treats while remembering the dogs of their younger days. I thought that the best parts of the book were the stories about those who lived in the nursing home.  Each person discussed had an interesting life story.  When my Mom had a stroke and was severely disabled, my Dad and I took care of her at the house for over five years.  However, she did have to go to a nursing home for the last six weeks of her life as her condition deteriorated to the point that Dad and I couldn't take care of her at the house any longer.  I wish that a caring person with a therapy animal would have been available to visit my Mom and the residents at the nursing home she was in.   I highly recommend this book.

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