Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Book Review -- Red Dog Rising

For the book review today, I would like to write about a book entitled "Red Dog Rising" written by Jeff Schettler.  This is a book about a police officer and his police dog named Ronin.  Ronin was a bloodhound who was trained by Jeff to follow the trails of criminals and missing persons.  The book begins with Jeff obtaining Ronin as a puppy.  Jeff didn't know all the ins and outs of training a bloodhound, but he found some mentors who steered him along the right course.  After much persuading, Ronin was allowed to become part of the Alameda Police Department.  Much of the book is Jeff's account of the many cases that he and Ronin took part in.  They were called upon to find missing persons, murderers and various other criminals.

I highly recommend this book.  Most books about police dogs are about German Shepherds or Belgian Malinois, so it was interesting to read about the work of a police bloodhound.  All of the stories in the book are interesting, and they are written in a way that makes the reader feel drawn into the adventure.

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