Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Book Review -- "Good Dog"

     The book that I am reviewing today is "Good Dog" written by Dan Gemeinhart. This book is written by the same author who wrote "The Honest Truth" which is a book that I also reviewed and recommended here on the blog.
     "Good Dog" is about a dog named Brodie. As the book begins, Brodie wakes up and finds himself in a place that is a paradise for dogs. Brodie has died, and he can't remember everything about his former life. There is one thing that he does remember. He needs to go back and help his boy who is in trouble.
     Brodie arranges to go back to earth as a spirit, and he is accompanied by another spirit dog named Tuck. Brodie has to find his boy and protect him from the danger that is coming his way. There is a catch. Brodie and Tuck only have a limited time that they can stay back on earth. If they lose all of their soul energy, they will be lost, and they can never go to "Forever".
     Over the course of the book, Brodie regains more and more of his memory. He realizes that his boy Aiden is in danger from his alcoholic father. Brodie and Tuck try to find Aiden, but they are hindered in their quest by a group of evil spirit dogs who want to drain their soul energy.
     I won't give anymore of the plot away. I just want to say a couple of things. The last part of this book really tore me up. It is a very emotional ending. Also, if you read the book "The Honest Truth", you will realize at the end of the book that their is a connection between the two books. It really surprised me.
     "Good Dog" is a book that is intended for younger readers. I believe that many younger readers will enjoy this book. I will give a heads up though. The book deals with domestic abuse, alcoholism and death. This might disturb some children. As I've said before, I like to read any good dog book. If you are like me, you will enjoy this book even if you are an adult. It is a very good story about a great dog not just a good dog.
     This book reminded me of my friend Toby. In life, Toby would have done for me what Brodie did for Aiden. You'll have to read the book to find out what that is.

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