Wednesday, June 17, 2020

A Post About Various Things

I had intended to post a dog book review  this week, but there have been a couple of things that I have learned recently that made me change my mind about what I wanted to post today.

As you may know, the series of Joe Grey books written by Shirley Rousseau Murphy are among my very favorite books. I have often given them my Cat Book Of The Year Award here on the blog.

This week, I learned that there will not be any more books in the series. Due to her health, the author has decided not to write any more. I thought the way that the last book ended that it might be the final one. I was hoping I was wrong.

I just want to thank the author for writing 21 great books that I have thoroughly enjoyed.

If you haven't read a Joe Grey book let me tell you a little about them. Joe Grey is a cat who can talk. He is part of a small group of cats who have this ability. Joe and his friends both human and feline investigate crimes in the town of Molena Point. The books are a combination of fantasy and mystery. I recommend that you start with "Cat On The Edge" which is the first in the series. Read through until you've finished them all.

Now, on another note, I learned last night that Streetcat Bob has passed away. This is very sad news. Bob helped James Bowen get his life turned around. There are several Bob books available. "A Streetcat Named Bob" is the first and the best. There has also been a movie made about James and Bob that has the same name as the book. The film is very well done.

Finally, a word about the coronavirus pandemic. The number of cases is rising in many parts of the US. People need to wear masks and practice social distancing. People's lives are at risk.

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