Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Book Review

 I haven't had as many book reviews on the blog as of late. I've been busy with work and some writing projects, and I've fallen behind on my reading. This week, I do have a book review to share with you. The book that I am reviewing today is "Wondrous Rex" written by Patricia MacLachlan. 

Grace is a young girl whose parents are both doctors. They are busy a lot, so Grace spends quite a bit of time with her aunt Lily who is a writer. There is a problem, Lily can't come up with new things to write. She decides to advertise for an assistant, and something unexpected and magical happens that changes the lives of both Lily and Grace. 

A magical dog named Rex comes to be Lily's assistant. He understands what humans are saying, and he can type on the keyboard. He leaves quotes and messages on the computer that help Grace and Lily write and be more creative. 

With the help of Rex, Grace realizes that she is a writer, and she begins using her words to start down the creative path. The last section that Grace writes in the book about her life in the future and the whisper that she will hear is very touching. 

I highly recommend this book. It is written for younger readers. However, anyone who reads it will enjoy it. 

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