Monday, September 4, 2023

Labor Day Memories With My Friend Toby

      Today is Labor Day here in the United States. I just wanted to share with you a few of the memories I had of this day when my friend Toby lived with me. 

     Everybody had the day off on Labor Day. Sometimes, we would go to the lake on Labor Day and go fishing. We did that less and less as the years went by. Mostly on Labor Day, we had a cook out in the backyard. It was always up to me and Toby to do the cooking. We usually grilled out steaks either T-bones or KC strips. We had a lot of fun, and Toby always got a some steak just like everybody else. 

     Usually around Labor Day, the weather starts to cool down a little, so it was time for the me and Toby to go out and play in the yard. We always liked hide and seek. When Toby was younger, we liked to have races that he always one in spite of his short legs. 

     Labor Day always marked the close of when me and Toby got to do whatever we wanted to do with out days. The day after Labor Day was the start of school or college classes where I lived. For the last three years of high school, I went to school at home due to some health problems. It was nice because we could be together. Even when I went to Bible college and college to get my history degree, I usually was back home in the afternoon. I always made sure that the two of us went outside and had some fun together. When I was working full-time as a writer, we were together. Toby never left my office while I was working on creative writing or writing for businesses. He didn't like for anyone to come into the room when I was working. 

      I miss Toby, my Mom, and my Dad. We all had a lot of fun together. Holidays aren't the same now that they are gone. I have to work today, and it's just as well. Labor Day is just another day now. One day we will all be together again. I hope that you all cherish the time you have with those you care about. 

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