Saturday, March 2, 2024

The Weekend Sermon -- The God of Knowledge

      Thank you for reading the message this week. I hope that you are doing great. I am still not where I should be in regard to my health, but I am better than I was earlier in the week. 

     Today, we are continuing with our series where we are looking at the some of the names and titles for God found in the Old Testament.  This week, I want us to examine a title found for God directly in a verse in I Samuel, but the truth of the title is found throughout the Bible. 

     I Samuel 2:3 states, "Do not boast so proudly, or let arrogant words come out of your mouth, for the Lord is a God of knowledge, and actions are weighed by Him." This verse is part of a section that is the prayer that Hannah made when she left the child Samuel at the tabernacle because she had dedicated Samuel to the Lord. The God of Knowledge is "El Deah" in Hebrew. 

     This title for God is meant to let us know that God knows about everything that is occurring in the world. It speaks of the attribute of God that we call God's omniscience. God has all knowledge of what is the universe that He has made. There is nothing that is possible for God not to know. He knows what has happened in the past. He knows all that is occurring now, and He knows what will happen in the future. God's knowledge of all also includes the fact that He knows what is in the heart of the person. We read about this in I Samuel 16:7 that reads in part, "for the Lord does not see as mortals see; they look on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart."

     This verse is in the context of Samuel looking for someone to eventually replace Saul as king. Samuel saw all the older sons of Jesse, but God said that none of them was the chosen one. David was the one who was chosen. Outwardly, he didn't appear to be kingly material. However, God saw David's heart. He knew what David was really all about. 

     So, what does the fact that God is the God of Knowledge mean to us? First of all, God knows all about us and cares about us. Jesus tells us about this in Luke 12. In this passage, Jesus tells His followers not to worry about the things of this life. Jesus said that the Father in Heaven knows all about the things that we need. Jesus also said that God knows the number of all of the hairs on our heads. God sees every sparrow that falls to the ground, so He definitely knows what is going on with the humans that He has created. 

     This knowledge of the Lord should give us comfort to know that God understands what we are going through at all times. He knows what we are going through, and He knows how to lead us through what we are going through so that His will and way are accomplished perfectly. 

     We also can take comfort in the fact that God knows the real us. So many people in this world make judgments against us because of what they think they see. They judge by appearance and by factors that the world thinks are important like wealth, education etc. People cannot look at the heart and make a right judgment that is why Jesus said, "judge not lest ye be judged."  Only God knows what truly is in a person. He is the only one that can understand a person's true motives. 

     Many of us feel misunderstood by this world. We can know this, Jesus loves us. The Lord knows what we are really all about and He cares about us. Don't let others get you down. Lean on Jesus. 

    Finally, the fact that God is the God of Knowledge has implications for the final judgment. Luke 8:17 tells us, "For nothing is secret that will not be revealed, nor anything hidden that will not be known and come to light." God knows all. Some people think that they have or are getting away with wrong doing. However, God knows what they are up to and how they have harmed others. There is a day of reckoning coming. When Jesus returns, He will bring about justice. He will judge, and His judgment is just. Evil will never triumph, because Jesus is Lord. 

     God knows all. He knows and He cares. Trust in His knowledge and wisdom realizing that His way is always right and good. Amen. 

Prayer Requests

     Please keep praying that I will feel better. Also, pray that I can find a better job that will not be so physically taxing. 

     Keep praying for those suffering from natural disasters. California needs our prayers. 

     Pray for peace in the war torn areas of this world. Pray for peace in Ukraine, Israel, Gaza, Syria, Yemen, Sudan and everywhere that needs peace. Also, pray for the safety of those on the ships trying to make it through the Red Sea. Pray that attacks on shipping will not be successful. 

     For our prayer focus countries this week, let us pray for those in the nations of Sri Lanka and Nepal. Pray that many will come to now Jesus and Lord.

     Next week, we will continue with our current sermon series. On Monday, I will post the verses. I will post the next part of the Minor Prophets book midweek. May God bless you all. 

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