Saturday, May 11, 2024

Weekend Sermon -- The God Who Heals

      Thank you for reading the message this week. I want to thank everyone for their prayers. We had bad storms in my area, but we did not have anything really bad. I thank the Lord for this. I hope and pray that you are all doing well. 

     This week, and next week, we will be finishing up our series on the names and titles for God that we see primarily in the Old Testament but also used in the New Testament.  Today, we want to focus on the fact that God is called the God who heals. 

    We first see God revealed as the God who heals in Exodus 15. The people of Israel had just come out of Egypt. They were looking for enough water to drink to sustain them. They did find some water, but the water was so bitter that they were not able to drink it. God performed a miracle and made the water so that the people could drink it and quench their thirst. In verse 26 the Lord says, "I am the Lord who heals you."

     We see the healing power of God throughout the Old Testament. There are two instances of healing that I think of right off. First, we see that Naaman was healed from leprosy when he followed the command to wash in the Jordan river. King Hezekiah was healed and granted several more years on the throne when he asked the Lord for healing. 

     The healing from the Lord is most prominent in the New Testament when we see the healing ministry of the Lord Jesus. He healed many people. He healed the lepers, restored the sight of the blind, made the lame to walk again, and healed many, many more people of all kinds of diseases and ailments. Jesus as God come in the flesh was the embodiment of the God who heals. 

     Just as the Lord healed people while He was here on this earth, I believe that the Lord heals people today. I know that I have experienced the healing power of the Lord in a very specific way. I had a condition called vitiligo. The doctors were able to do nothing for me. I prayed and asked the Lord to heal me, and my vitiligo was completely healed. I give the Lord all the glory and praise for this. 

     I believe that we should always go to the Lord and ask for healing when we are sick or are in pain. I don't believe that this should be done to the exclusion of seeking medical assistance. God uses doctors and healthcare professionals to help us out and make things better for us. 

     I know that the Lord does not always see fit to bring healing for the body. I don't know why this is. There have been times when I prayed for people and they were healed. At other times, people had to wait for their healing when they went to be with the Lord. This I do know, God does have the power to heal.

    The God who heals brings healing in other ways. He is our spiritual healer. Jesus is the Great Physician was heals our sin sick souls by taking away our sins and providing His righteousness to us. He allows us to once again have peace with God. 

     God is also the God who heals when it comes to the healing of the hurts of life. I know that there have been plenty of instances in my life when life has really knocked me down. At these times, I have felt the peaceful presence of the Lord Jesus who provides me with the strength to keep carrying on. 

     We serve a God who heals. One day, He will bring healing and complete restoration to all of the created order. Amen. 

Prayer Requests

     I have been having some lung troubles lately. Please pray that the God who heals will bring healing to this area of my life. Also, we are supposed to have more storms this week. Please pray that they won't bring a lot of problems. Thank you. 

     Continue to pray for peace in the world. Israel, Gaza, Ukraine, Sudan, Syria and Yemen all need our prayers. 

     Pray for those recovering from all of the tornadic storms. There have been a lot of tornadoes and a lot of damage this year. Pray that people will receive the aid that they need. 

     For our prayer focus countries this week, let's pray for those living in the nations of Myanmar and Iran. Pray that many will come to know Jesus.

     Next week, we will continue with our series. I will post the verses on Monday. May God bless you all. 

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