Saturday, August 10, 2024

Weekend Sermon -- II Thessalonians 3:10

      I am sorry that the sermon is delayed this week. I hope that all of you are doing well. I've been having a very busy week. 

     We have this week and next in our sermon series on II Thessalonians. Today, I want to go back and cover one verse in particular that was part of our passage last week. The reason for this is that this verse is often misapplied and used by some ministers and politicians to say something that Paul is not trying to say at all in this specific verse. 

     In II Thessalonians 3:10 Paul writes, "For even when we were with you we gave the rule, the one who is unwilling to work shall not eat." This verse was written to a specific set of believers, and Paul was trying to correct a specific problem dealing with a misinterpretation about the return of Jesus. 

     If you recall, I went through a series of messages a couple of years ago about verses in the Bible that are misinterpreted. This is one of the verses I dealt with in that series. I have heard many preachers over the years use this verse in a way that it was never intended. 

     When I was much younger that I am now, my folks and I attended a fundamentalist church. At that time, I started trying to help improve the homelessness situation in my area. There was a great organization in the area that I was working with. I wanted the church to become involved in helping with that ministry. However, the pastor of the church brought up this verse. If those homeless people weren't working, they shouldn't be given anything to eat. 

     Over the years, I've heard ministers and right-wing politicians use this verse to justify cutting social welfare programs and cease the giving of assistance to those in poverty or facing difficult circumstances. It seems to be a go to verse when someone doesn't want to help a poor person.

     Let me say this. Paul was speaking in this verse about those who had stopped working because they thought Jesus was coming right away. Paul wanted the people to get back to doing what they needed to do in their everyday lives because Paul knew, and Jesus said it as well, no one knows the day nor the hour when Jesus will return. Paul also gave this admonition to those who were ministering with him. He wanted those in ministry with him to work in order to support themselves and not take money from the people. 

     I believe that the Bible is clear. A person should try to support themselves to the extent that they possible can. However, there are a lot of people that can't work and even if they are working, they can't always get enough to cover their basic needs. Of course, there are many children who can't get enough to eat and that's why I thank God that here where I live more schools are providing free breakfast and lunch for the kids. 

    This verse does not have anything to do with programs to aid the poor or help people who are in need. There are a lot of reasons that a person might need help. Jesus told us that our job as believers was to help the least among us. We are to help the poor as we are enabled by the Lord. 

     Jesus didn't ask who was working when He fed the five thousand. Jesus, John and James all tell us in the New Testament to be of aid and service to others. 

     There are some people who will take advantage of people's goodwill. That is not an excuse not to help people who are doing the best that they can to make it in this world. Always try to remember when you see someone who is going to the food pantry or who is using food aid, there but for the grace of God go I. You never know when you might need help, and at that time, you will be grateful that programs exist to help. I know this firsthand. Amen.

Prayer Requests

     I have been doing better with my health. I thank the Lord for this. 

     Please pray for those affected by the storms here in the US. Continue to pray for those recovering from the Beryl.

     The wildfires in Canada and California are very bad. Pray that they might be extinguished. 

     Keep praying for peace. Pray for peace in Ukraine, Israel, Gaza and Sudan this week. 

     For our prayer focus countries this week, let us pray for those in the nations of Madagascar and Turkmenistan. Pray that many will come to know Jesus. 

     Next week, we will conclude our study of II Thessalonians. I will post the verses on Monday. May God bless you all. 

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