Friday, September 20, 2024

Weekend Sermon -- Characteristics of Love -- Part 4

      I am thankful to the Lord that it is another day to post the Weekend Sermon. I hope that all of you are well. I am doing fairly well. 

     For the last few weeks, we've been studying some of the characteristics of a life of love as found in the Bible. This week, we are going to look at what is probably the most well-known teaching about what true love is all about in the Bible. I Corinthians 13 is a chapter that is all about the importance of a life of love and what love looks like in action in a person's life.  Over the next few weeks, I want us to look into what this chapter teaches about the characteristics of love. 

     In the first three verses of I Corinthians 13, the Apostle Paul states clearly that love if the most important thing in the life of the believer. A Christian can be blessed with many spiritual gifts, but if love is not present in the Christian's life, these things count for nothing. If a person has such great faith that they can move a mountain, as Jesus spoke about, that counts for nothing if love is not present in one's life. Even if we give to the poor or suffer for the sake of Jesus Christ, it doesn't count if we don't have love in our hearts for the Lord and for others. Remember, Jesus told us that we are to love the Lord with all of our heart, soul, mind and strength, and we are to love our neighbors as we love ourselves. 

     Starting with verse four, Paul gives us some of the characteristics of what love looks like worked out in the life of the follower of the Lord Jesus. First of all, Paul tells us that love is patient, and love is kind. What does it mean that love is patient?

     When I think of love being patient, I think of two things. First of all, love is patient means that when we love someone, we don't expect them to do everything right all the time. Sometimes people are working on problems in a relationship, and sometimes as they attempt to work through those problems, they take a step backwards so to speak. That doesn't mean that we stop loving that person. We are patient in a spirit of love when we know that those we love are doing the best that they can to be all that they can be. 

     In a strictly Christian context, I would say that love is patient could refer to a realization that a new Christian is not going to be all that they can and should be in Christ when they are first converted. When someone who has been living according to the ways of the world comes to faith in Jesus, that person has a lot to learn about what Jesus would have them to do. We show love in this context when we understand that a new Christian hasn't arrived yet. We are patient with them, and we help them to grow in the Lord and to be what we know Jesus would want them to be. 

      The Lord is patient with us because He loves us. He knows our struggles and our ups and downs. He loves us, and He doesn't give up on us just because we don't get things correct right away. 

     Now, in this same verse four, Paul says love is kind. I believe that this is so important. This is so lacking right now in the world. Those who claim to follow Jesus and claim that they are filled with His love need to demonstrate kindness towards fellow Christians and to others who live in this world. Unfortunately, there are a lot of people who have been really hurt because those who should be living a life of love have acted in very unkind ways. 

     As those living a life of love, we need to speak words that heal and not words that hurt. We need to go about doing acts of kindness for others helping them when they need a helping hand. We need to show our love by treating others in the same way that we would want to be treated. Paul says in another passage that we should be kind to one another and tenderhearted. That is the way that Jesus the man of love acted towards others while He was here on this earth. 

     I believe that if loving Christians showed more kindness to those around them, there would be many more people who would want to know more about Jesus. Kindness would go a long way in seeing more people come into the Kingdom of our Lord. 

     Our Lord who loves us has shown each of us His kindness in many ways. He has given us all the awareness of His presence. He has given us all that is good in our lives. The Bible says that His kindness leads us to repentance and causes us to draw closer to Him. 

     This week, let us show our love through patience and kindness. Amen

Prayer Requests

     This week, the forecast is for a lot of rain in my area. We need the rain, but please pray that we don't get too much and have problems. Also, this week I have a doctor's appointment. Pray that they have a solution to the nerve pain I am having. Thank you. 

     Pray for those suffering as a result of the bad storms around the world. Pray that all will get the aid that they need. 

     Continue to pray for peace in the world. Pray that there will not be a wider war in the Middle East. Pray for peace in Israel, Gaza and Lebanon. Pray for the release of the hostages. Also, remember to keep praying for peace in Ukraine and Sudan. 

     Remember to pray for an end to the mpox outbreak. 

     For our prayer focus countries this week, let us pray for those in the nations of Sierra Leone and Taiwan. Pray that many will come to know Jesus. 

     Next week, we will continue our current sermon series. I will post the verses on Monday. May God bless you all. 

Monday, September 16, 2024

Verses For The Week

 Deuteronomy 31:8 -- "He will never leave you; He will not leave you nor forsake you."

Psalm 30:11 -- "You have turned for me my mourning into dancing ..."

Friday, September 13, 2024

Weekend Sermon -- Characteristics of Love -- Part 3

      Welcome once again to the Weekend Sermon. Thanks for taking the time to read the message for this week. I hope that everyone is having a good week. 

     After taking a one week break to explore a different topic, we are going to continue this week with our sermon series that explores some of the characteristics of love that are presented to us in the Scriptures. Today, I want us to look at the fact that, in the Bible, love is expressed through service and sacrifice. 

     As always, our ultimate example is the Lord Jesus. We are instructed in the Bible to keep our focus on Him and to follow Him in the ways that He leads us. Jesus is the one who truly showed us that love is service and sacrifice. 

     We have seen that in the Gospel of John, Jesus gave His disciples a new commandment that they were to love one another even as He had loved them. Jesus loved them, and us, to the utmost level. He loved the world so much that He sacrificed His life on the cross in order to redeem us from sin and give us new life in Him. 

     In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus said that He did not come to be served but to serve others and to give His life as a ransom for many. Jesus sacrificed all, and while He was on this earth, He manifested His love for others by serving others. He healed the sick, cast out demons, feed the hungry and acted in a compassionate manner to all those who would come to Him for help. 

      In the same way that Jesus showed love through serving others and through sacrifice, we are to do the same thing as we try to live for Jesus in this world. One of the Bible passages that really deals with this is found in I John 3:17-18 that reads, "But whoever has this world's goods, and sees his brother in need, and shuts up his heart from him, how does the love of God abide in him? My little children, let us not love in word or in tongue, but in deed and in truth."

     Those that truly have the love of Jesus within their hearts will demonstrate that love by helping others. Those who truly love Jesus will do what the can with what they have to make this world a better place. They will try to do good to the least of those among us. 

     There is a lot of hurt and pain in this world. Many need help. We as believers in Jesus need to show that we have the love of the Lord within us by reaching out and helping in the way that we can. Some many be able to do more than others. If we see a need and we can offer aid, we need to do that. That is how we show that the love of God is in us. 

     The greatest need of the human race is to know Jesus as Savior and Lord. We show that the love of the Lord is within us by telling others of the life-changing love and grace of the Lord Jesus. By reaching out in love, we can offer people that which will not only matter for time, but it will ultimately matter for all of eternity. Amen.

Prayer Requests

     I found out this week that one of my uncle's has cancer. Please pray that he will get better. Thank you. 

     Pray for those affected by the hurricane here in the US. Pray that those in need will get the assistance that they need. 

     Let us pray for an end to the mpox outbreak. Pray that vaccines will get to those who need them. 

     Continue to pray for peace in the world. Let us pray for peace in Israel, Gaza, Ukraine and Sudan. Pray for the release of the hostages. 

     For our prayer focus countries this week, let us pray for those in the nations of Afghanistan and Mauritius. Pray that many will come to know Jesus. 

     Next week, we will continue with our current series. I will post the verses on Monday. I am working on a new book project that I hope to have ready to post in a few weeks. May God bless you all. 

Monday, September 9, 2024

Verses For The Week

 Jeremiah 31:3 -- "I have loved you with an everlasting love."

Matthew 28:20b -- "And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Weekend Sermon -- A Reflection On Life's Important Things

      Welcome to the weekend sermon. I hope you are doing well. I've had a good week, and I've been feeling some better than I have been of late. 

     As you may know, we recently began a new series of messages on the characteristics of love. We will get back to that series next week. However, something that I heard this last week got me thinking about something that I want to write about for the sermon this week. 

     This week, I was listening to a discussion where people where reflecting on what the most important things in their lives have been. What are three really pivotal things or important things that have made one's life what it is at the present moment. This got me to thinking about three things that were of monumental importance in making my life what it is today. 

     The first thing that has made my life what it is today is my faith in the Lord Jesus. I have absolutely no idea what my life would be like with Jesus because my whole life has been centered around the Christian faith. My family always attended church, and I can't remember a time when we did not go to church and when the church and church related things weren't a significant factor in my life. 

     I accepted Jesus as the Savior and Lord of my life at a young age, and I've tried to follow Him since then. I felt called to be a missionary at one point, but my health would not allow it. I have by the grace of God been able to be a minister and an evangelist, and I've tried to share the message of the love of Jesus with others as best I can. 

     My life centers around Jesus and doing what He says. Although, I have certainly not always succeeded in doing what He wants me to do. Thinking about what Jesus would want me to do in each given situation is what motivates me in my life and in my life's pursuits. I just don't know any other way to live. So, obviously that would be the most important thing in my life. It is what infuses my entire life. 

     The second thing that has made my life what it is today is the fact that the Lord Jesus allowed me to find my friend Toby when I needed him most. There was a time in my life when I suffered from severe depression. I know I've just said that Jesus has always been at the center of my life, but Christians can suffer from depression. I was depressed a lot in my young life, and I still have some problems with depression. I lot of the depression in my younger life started because of people in church and a church run school that really at one point made my life a living hell. 

     At my lowest point, I found my friend Toby. He was a Welsh Corgi. I believe that Jesus sent him to me to be my friend. I state without reservation that if Toby had not come along when he did, I would not be here today. Finding him as friend saved my life. Knowing him allowed me to experience unconditional love and friendship that has lasted throughout the course of my life. 

     Because of my friendship with Toby, a whole world of experience opened to me. I learned about Wales, the Welsh language, and so many other things that are important to me today. Because of Toby I became a writer, and that has certainly been an important part of my life. 

     Jesus made this a reality for me. All of life is in and through Him. 

     Now, the third thing that has made my life what it is today is music. I have a great love for music especially jazz and classical music. Jazz over and above all. I discovered jazz accidentally when I was about 16 years old. I just happened to hear it on the radio. Now, there is not a day that goes by that I don't listen to jazz. It is on every night at my house. Toby liked jazz too by the way. 

     Music has helped me to deal with many of the problems I've faced in life. It helps me to find peace in the midst of a troubled world. I thank God that I've had the opportunity to make music part of my life through singing in choirs, playing the trumpet and composing a couple of songs. 

     There are other things, of course that have made me what I am today. But Jesus is who has made my life truly what it is. I couldn't make it without Him and without the relationships and gifts that He has provided me. 

     I look forward to one day seeing Jesus, being reunited with my friend Toby and listening to the beautiful music of Heaven. 

     As I bring this message to a close, I hope that you will analyze your life and see what has made it what it is today. I hope that you realize the difference that knowing Jesus can bring. Amen. 

Prayer Requests

     As I mentioned, I have been feeling some better. Please continue to pray for me. Thank you. 

     Keep praying that the hostages being held in Gaza will be released. 

     Pray for an end to the mpox outbreak. 

     Let us pray for peace. Israel, Gaza, Ukraine, Sudan, Yemen and other nations need our prayers for peace. 

     For our prayer focus countries let us pray for those in the nations of Myanmar and Libya. Pray that many will come to know Jesus. 

     Next week, we will pick back up with our characteristics of love sermon series. I will post the verses on Monday. May God bless you all. 

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Verses For The Week And An Update

      Sorry the verses are late. I couldn't get to the library because they were closed for Labor Day. I also want to let you know that the sermon will be posted on Saturday this week. 

Here are the verses

John 17:3 -- "And this is eternal life, that they know you the only True God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent."

Luke 19:10 -- "For the Son of Man came to seek and save the lost."