Thursday, June 30, 2011

Hot Days

     This is about the hottest day I can remember for the last three or four years.  The temperature itself isn't so bad, but the humidity is horrendous.  I'm beginning to feel the need to move to a much cooler climate.  I know that Toby never could stand any heat. He would always find the spot in the house right where the coolest air was coming from the air conditioner. He loved the cool weather just like I do. The two of us went for long walks in the fall. Where I live, late October and November were the two months with the temperatures Toby and I enjoyed. We'd take our time wandering through the orchard and just enjoy being alive and together. When the heat came, we stayed in as much as possible. I hope that in Heaven the temperature for him is about 50 degrees just like we liked it.

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