Friday, June 8, 2012

Weekend Sermon--I John 1:8-10

     Well, I made it through the week, but I have to admit that it wasn't easy.  To top off missing my friend, I was once again rejected from some jobs.  I need a job, and I am trusting in the Lord for provision.  I ask those of you who read this blog to continue to pray about this if you would be so kind.
     The last time we were in our study of I John, we talked about walking in the light and walking in the darkness.  John teaches us that if we claim to belong to Jesus but walk in darkness we don't really know Jesus.  We have a profession of faith and not a true relationship with Jesus. 
     One of the ways a person can tell that he is a child of God is if he is walking in the light.  Someone who claims Jesus as Lord will follow the teachings and commandments of Jesus.
     Today, we pick up our study in I John 1:8 which states, "If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us."  This verse has two applications.
     The first application of this verse is to those in the world who have never come to faith in Jesus Christ.  The Bible says that all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.  There is none righteous.  There is none who seek after God.  There is no one who does what is good.
     The first step in stepping out of the darkness and into the light is the recognition that one is sinner and needs a Savior.
     This is similar to people who are engaged in various addictive behaviors. You can talk and talk to someone who drinks too much about their problem with alcohol, however; it won't do any good until the person who has the problem recognizes the problem and realizes the need for help.
     However, the world is deceiving itself because most people don't realize that they are sinners.  I actually know one woman who claims that she has never once committed a sin.  Of course, this is contrary to the clear teaching of Scripture.
     Most people don't realize that as James says if you offend in one area of the law, you have broken the whole law.  They don't understand that they were born in sin with a sin nature in rebellion against the light of the life of God.
     The second application of this verse is to those who have come to faith in Jesus Christ.  We have recognized our sin and our need of a Savior.  However, some Christians don't recognize that they still slip and fall and need to continue to confess their sins.
     Now, keep in mind what John said.  A believer is not someone who is sinning all of the time.  We're walking in the light now laying aside the sin's of the old man.
     The vast majority of believers still struggle and need to confess their sins.
     Some denominations teach a belief in entire sanctification.  The doctrine states that a person can arrive at a state in this life where they no longer sin.  Some believe that this is accomplished instantaneously by a second work of grace while others believe in progressive sanctification leading to perfection.
     I don't entirely dismiss the second idea.  I certainly don't believe as I was taught in the church of my youth that we sin every day, so we need to ask forgiveness everyday.
     As believers, we need to be progressing in our Christian faith becoming more like Jesus each day.  As we mature in the faith, we should sin less and less.  I believe that it is possible for someone to reach a stage where they aren't sinning.  However, in my experience, it isn't the norm.  I know that I'm sure not perfect.
     With this in mind, John goes on in verse nine to state, "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."  As with verse eight, verse nine also has two applications.
     The person who comes to realize that they are a sinner and need a Savior must confess their sin and repent.  They need to tell the Lord that they recognize that they have offend His holiness and are now ready to turn away from sin and to salvation.
     If someone comes to Jesus in repentance and faith, Jesus will forgive them and cleanse them from all of their sin.  Some people claim that they've sinned too much and God can't forgive their wickedness.  Nothing could be farther from the truth.  Any sinner who confesses his sin to the Lord will be forgiven and cleansed from sin based on the finished work of Christ on the cross and His resurrection from the dead.
     As far as believers are concerned, we need to make confession of sin a part of our prayers.  I think that it is one of the first things we should do when we pray.  We need to put our relationship with the Lord back on line.
     When we sin, we break our fellowship with God.  We don't lose our salvation, but our relationship with the Lord isn't what it should be.  If we confess our sins, Jesus will forgive us, cleanse us, and restore us to fellowship.
      It should be our desire to be in fellowship with Jesus.  We need to walk in the light of Christ and strive to be like Jesus and not to commit sin.  If we do, we should immediately confess and be forgiven.
     If you have never turned to Jesus as Savior and Lord, I invite you to do so today.  Recognize that you are a sinner.  Repent of your sin, and ask Jesus to be the Lord of your life.  May God bless you.  Amen.

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