Friday, May 9, 2014

Weekend Sermon

     I am glad to be back posting the Weekend Sermon.  Last week, I was so sick that I thought that I was going to die.  It only lasted for two days, but those two days were like hell on earth. I hope that everyone is in good health and having a very good week.
     I would like to ask those of you who regularly read the blog to pray for me once again.  As many of you know, I was hit by some very bad financial problems.  I asked many of you to pray that I would not lose my house, and things looked good on that front for awhile.  However, something has happened, and I am having trouble in that area again.  Please pray that there will be an answer once and for all for all of these financial difficulties I am facing.  I thought when I got the new job that things would be better.  They are in many ways, and I am grateful to God for providing my job.  I just need to break out of this financial mess once and for all and start moving on.  Please pray for me.
     Let us all pray this week for the nation of Somalia.  This country has faced many years of warfare and strife.  Let us pray for peace.  Also, let us pray that the gospel will reach many people in this land.  There are very few Christians in the land of Somalia.
     Easter and the celebration of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus is a few weeks behind us on the Christian calendar.  However, I have been thinking a lot about the resurrection for quite awhile.  I think that this entire theme has been on my mind this week for two reasons.  First of all, Mother's Day is this Sunday here in the United States.  I lost my Mom about four years ago, and I miss her everyday.  Also, my friend Toby's birthday was this week.  He has been gone from me for 19 years now.  I miss him everyday as well.
     Because Jesus rose from the dead, I don't have to mourn for my loved ones who have preceded me in death as those who have no hope might mourn.  I know that Jesus is the resurrection and the life.  Those who have placed their faith in the risen Lord will live forever with Him.  Death has no power over those who are in Jesus.
     One of the post resurrection appearances of Jesus that I like the best is Jesus encounter with Mary Magdalene.  Mary had come to Jesus' tomb on Sunday morning along with some other of the women that had followed Jesus.  When they arrived at the tomb, they found the stone rolled away, and the tomb was empty.
     Mary was in great sorrow.  She wondered if someone had come and taken Jesus away.  Mary was crying when a man spoke to her.  Mary did not know that it was Jesus.  She thought that she was speaking to the gardener.  She did not recognize Jesus until she heard the Lord speak her name.  Mary's sorrow was turned into joy when she realized that Jesus was alive.
     This story has great meaning for me for a few different reasons.  First of all, this story makes me think of what my first encounter with Jesus in Heaven might be like.  I know this may seem odd.  However, the Bible does not state as far as I know what our first meeting in Heaven with Jesus will be like.  Will I know that it is Jesus by the way He speaks my name just as Mary recognized the voice of Jesus. 
     I also like this story because it tells me that Jesus turns all of our sorrows into joy.  Mary was filled with sorrow, but when she recognized Jesus, her sorrow vanished.  As far as I am concerned, this life is hard.  I realize that I haven't had nearly the problems that many people around the world face.  Still, I don't find life on this earth to be something to get too excited about.  I've dealt with a lot of grief lately.  The stress of life has really been getting me down.  Depression is my constant companion.  However, I know that one day, all of the sorrows and difficulties that I face will be turned to joy.
     One of these days, I will see Jesus face to face.  Then all of the present difficulties will pass away in the twinkling of an eye.  When I see Jesus, nothing else will matter.  I don't think that I will even remember the painful things of life anymore because my heart will be so full of the joy of being in the presence of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. 
     Finally, this story speaks to me because it shows that Jesus cares about people's feelings.  Jesus loves us, and He wants the best for us.  Jesus knows when we are in pain and when we are depressed.  His presence really helps.  I don't know how I would make it through the day without Jesus.  Just knowing that He cares about me and that He loves me enables me to get up in the morning and try my best to do what He wants me to do.
     I hope that you know Jesus as your Lord and Savior.  Jesus is the friend that sticks closer than a brother.  If you call on Him in repentance and faith, He will forgive you of your sin and dwell in your heart.  One day, you will see Him face to face and experience the overwhelming joy that only Jesus can bring.
     Next week, I will post another book review on Wednesday.  On Friday, I hope to resume our series on the miracles of Jesus.  May God bless you.  Amen.

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