Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Book Review

Today I am back to reviewing animal books.  I've just read a very interesting book entitled "Sergeant Stubby" written by Ann Bausum.  The publisher is National Geographic.  This book tells the story of a stray dog that was adopted as a companion by a soldier heading to the battlefields in France during World War I.

Stubby was a mascot for the entire unit.  However, Stubby contributed to the war effort in other ways as well.  Stubby could alert the troops in advance when a gas attack was coming.  He also captured a spy trying to infiltrate his unit.

When Stubby returned to the United States, he was a hero.  He was given many awards and was part of numerous parades.

I really enjoyed this book.  It gives much information about Stubby, but it also tells the story of the Great War that cost so many lives.  I highly recommend this book.

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