Saturday, June 14, 2014

Weekend Sermon--Matthew 17:24-27

     I am glad to be with you today to post the Weekend Sermon.  It has been a very stormy week in my part of the world.  We are suppossed to have storms again tonight.  I am praying that we don't get any severe weather or any more very heavy rain.
     This week, I would ask those who read the blog to pray about the situation in the nation of Iraq.  War is raging once again in this country.  Let us pray for peace.  Let us also pray for the spread of the Gospel in the nation of Iraq.
    Today, we are continuing with our series of messages on the miracles of Jesus.  Our text from Matthew's Gospel recounts a time when a tax collector came and asked Peter a question.  The tax collector wanted to know if Jesus paid the temple tax.  Peter said that He did.  Later, Jesus asked Peter if the kings of the earth took tax from their sons or from others.  Peter answered that of course the kings taxed others and not their own sons  Jesus then instructed Peter to go fishing.  Jesus told Peter to take the first fish caught and open its mouth.  Inside, their would be enough money to pay the temple tax for both Peter and Jesus.
     To me, this miracle has several interesting aspects.  First of all, some Bible scholars do not even believe that this miracle happened.  They question the fact that Jesus would perform a miracle that directly benefited Himself.  I do not agree with this.  As I have stated in the past, I firmly believe that through the guidance of the Holy Spirit, that the words of Jesus and the stories about His life that we find in the Gospels are absolutely true.  Jesus is the Word made flesh.  His words and teachings are the interpretive framework for the entire Scripture.  Always look to what Jesus said and did in order to interpret the rest of the Bible.
     With that little controversy put to rest, let's see what this miracle account has to teach us.  One thing that this account demonstrates to me is the divine nature of Jesus.  This is apart from the fact that Jesus performed a miracle.  Jesus makes it quiet clear from His words to Peter that He is the King.  Those who follow Jesus are sons of the Kingdom.  Jesus as the Divine Son of God is King of Kings and Lord of Lords.  He is the proper object of worship.  Those who have given their allegiance to King Jesus will rule and reign with Him some day when He returns to earth once again to establish His Kingdom that will have no end.
     As I have said many times in the past, I look forward with great anticipation to the day when Jesus comes again.  This past week has been very difficult.  There has been a lot of worry and stress.  Sometimes the problems of life just seem overwhelming to me, and that has certainly been the case this week.
    The thing that really keeps me going is the knowledge that Jesus will make everthing right.  All will be well.  Jesus is with me now helping me to make it.  He will make all things as they should be when I am in His presence some glorious day.
     I also see in this miracle account Jesus not only in His divinity, but I see Jesus in His humanity as well.  He did something here to help out a friend.  Jesus made sure that Peter had enough money to pay his taxes as well.
     Often times it is not stressed enough that Jesus was fully human as well as fully divine.  Jesus had friends on this earth that were closer to Him than some others.  I think that from Scripture we can clearly see that Jesus' best friend was  John.  Peter and James were also very close friends of Jesus.  Mary, Martha and Lazarus were also treasured friends of Jesus as was Mary Magdalene.  While He was on earth, Jesus helped His friends and demonstrated what true friendship is really about.  In fact, Jesus showed the ultimate example of friendship by sacrificing His life for his friends.
     Another instance when Jesus helped His friends and looked after their welfare was on the night that He was betrayed.  When He was arrested, Jesus made sure that once the soldiers had arrested Him that they let His disciples go free.
    The thing that excites and amazes me is that Jesus says that we can be His friend as well.  Jesus is the friend that I truly want to have.  He has shown Himself to be my truest and best friend on many occassions throughout my life. 
    There have been times in life when I have felt very alone and lonely.  I know that I would have fallen into a very deep depression or worse if it were not for the genuine awareness of the presence of Jesus in my heart.  There have been times in prayer that I can truly feel that Jesus is with me.  I don't really know how to explain it, but I know that I have experienced it.
    Knowing Jesus as my friend, I know without a shadow of a doubt that He only wants what is best for me.  Jesus is not condemning me, and He is not seeking to punish me or make me feel terrible about myself.  Jesus cares about me, and He cares about you to.
    The Bible says that we show ourselves to truly be Jesus' friends if we do the things that He has asked us to do.  If we have truly been touched by the reality of friendship with Jesus we will be filled with His love and seek to spread His love to those around us.  We will follow His commandments knowing that He cares for us and He only desires the best for our lives here and for all of eternity.
     Jesus desires our friendship.  We can come to Him in repentance and faith and receive forgiveness from all of our sins.  Please, turn your life over to Jesus today if you have not done so.  You will find what true friendship is really all about.
     Next week, I will attempt to publish a book review.  It may be hard as I am working long hours.  I will post another sermon next week on either Friday or Saturday.  May God bless you.  Amen.

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