Saturday, July 5, 2014

Weekend Sermon-- Luke 22:47-53

     I hope that everyone who reads this blog in the United States had a very enjoyable Independence Day holiday.  The day off from work gave me a chance to get a little bit of work done around the house and out in the yard.
     I want to thank the Lord for the privilege that He has given me to share His Word with you on this blog each week.  I truly enjoy the opportunity to share the message of the love of Jesus with you.
     In your prayer time this week, please continue to pray for peace in the Middle East.  War continues in Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan.  There always seems to be tension in Israel.  Let us all spend some time each day this week praying for peace in this region, and let us all pray for the spread of the gospel in this area as well.
     Today, we continue our series of messages about the miracles of Jesus.  Our Scripture for the day is found in Luke's gospel.  However, this miracle of Jesus is recorded in all four Gospels, and each of the four Gospel's gives a slightly different account of what transpired on this occassion.
     Jesus had finished the institution of the Lord's Supper.  He knew that the time of His betrayal and ultimate sacrifice was quickly approaching.  Jesus went with His disciples to the Garden of Gethsemane to pray.  In great anguish, Jesus asked that He might be delivered from what was to come.  However, Jesus prayed to the Father, "Not my will, but thine be done."
     Judas led the soldiers into the Garden of Gethsemane to betray the Lord.  When one of Jesus' disciples saw the soldiers about to arrest Jesus, the disciple unsheathed his sword and whacked off the ear of the High Priest's servant.  The Gospel of John tells us that the servant's name was Malchus. 
    Jesus said to the disciple, "No more of this!"  In another Gospel, Jesus is recorded as also saying, "Those who live by the sword will die by the sword."
     Jesus then performed a miracle for the one who had joined the party sent out to arrest Him.  Jesus touched the ear of the High Priest's servant, and the man's ear was completely restored. 
     There is a lot to learn from this miracle of the Lord.  One thing that I think is really important in this account is Jesus reaction to the use of violence.  He did not tolerate the use of force by His disciple.  Jesus ordered all of the violence to stop. 
     I think that this is a message that many Christians really need to pay attention to today.  Jesus taught the way of nonviolence throughout His earthly ministry.  We see this not just in this passage.  Jesus' teachings on nonviolence are clearly on display in His teachings found in the Sermon on the Mount.
    Unfortunately, many of those who claim to follow Jesus are not practicing Jesus' teachings about nonviolence.  Instead of putting away the sword, we are living by the sword which is directly opposed to Jesus teachings and commandments.  In greately alarms me when I see the vast number of Christians who are involved with guns, shooting and violent sports.  It is also alarming to see the number of Christians who promote militarism.
     Jesus taught the way of peace.  As followers of Jesus, it is our responsibility to do what our Lord would do.  Jesus taught the way of love and forgiveness.  As His followers, we should do the same.  I can't believe that Jesus would advocate the current climate of violence and the love of guns that is currently in vogue in the United States.
     This miracle account also demonstrates Jesus' principle of loving even one's enemies.  In spite of the fact that the High Priest's servant was part of the group sent out to arrest Him, Jesus did good for him anyway.  Jesus showed His love even to one who would seek to do Him harm.  Of course, Jesus would even demonstrate His love to those who nailed Him to the cross.  Jesus prayed, "Father forgive them, for they know not what they do."
     This is the same attitude of love and forgiveness that we as Christ's followers need to demonstrate even though it often very hard to do so.  Jesus is our perfect example.  He sought to overcome evil with good.  He overcame the power of hate with the power of His wonder working love.  It is love that reaches out to every living thing on this planet. Jesus offers His love and forgiveness to all who would come to Him and receive Him.
     Several years ago, I heard a sermon entitled "An Unexpected Witness" based on this same miracle account.  In this sermon, the evangelist emphasized the fact the Malchus would forever be a witness to the divine power and love of Jesus.  As Malchus continued to serve in the household of the High Priest, the High Priest would continually see the power, glory and love of Jesus everytime he looked at Malchus' healed ear.
     Our actions of love and peace are a witness for our Lord.  Our demonstrations of love and peace show this world that there is a better way to live.  Jesus offers a better way.  He offers the way of light, life and love.
     Next week, I will try to post another book review on Wednesday.  The Weekend Sermon will probably be posted on Saturday again next week.  May God bless you.  Amen.

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