Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Jesus Is The Good Shepherd

Another week has passed. I hope that everyone is well and safe. My health is good, but this has been a hard week. The town I live in was hit by a bad storm. My home's roof has some damage. The roof is not leaking, and I thank the Lord for that. This week, we are supposed to have several days of bad storms. This is why I am posting one day early. I am worried about the roof holding up. Please pray that all will be well in this situation. I don't have the money right now for roof repairs.

Please continue to pray for an end to the coronavirus pandemic. Pray that those who are sick will recover soon. Pray for the doctors and nurses who are working so hard to help people. There are a lot of people having a hard time right now. Let us pray that they will feel the presence of the Lord with them during these tough times.

Today, I would like us to focus our attention on the words of Jesus found in John 10. This is one of my favorite chapters in the Bible. Jesus says in verse 11, "I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep."

Those who have placed their faith and trust in Jesus are the sheep in Jesus' flock. We can trust Him to guide us and protect us as we make are way through this life. As a good shepherd, He will provide us with the spiritual sustenance that we need. Jesus said that He would be with us always. He will never leave us or forsake us.

At this time, people all over the world are going through hardship. In my country, over 80,000 have died from the coronavirus. About 30 million have lost their jobs. Many businesses don't know if they will be financially viable. It is hard. Added on this are all of the other things life throws at us like the storm I was telling you about.

In these trying circumstances, we more than ever must pray and place our trust in Jesus. We must trust and believe with all of our hearts that Jesus is guiding our path and leading us in the way that we should go. We need to remember that ultimately, no matter what happens in this life, we will be with Jesus forever in the home that He has prepared for us. Keep trusting in the Lord. Let His comforting presence help you make it through the day.

Next week, on Thursday, I will post more about the words of Jesus. My plan, Lord willing, is to resume the normal blog schedule and resume our series in Daniel beginning the first week of June. May God bless you all. Amen.

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