Thursday, May 21, 2020

Think About Others

Welcome to this week's blog post. Today, we will be looking at the words of Jesus and the Apostle Paul relating to our relationship with other people. Next week, we will have one more blog posting on Thursday, and then I hope to return to the old blog schedule. I will post the verses on Monday, there will be a review on Wednesday, and we will resume our study in Daniel with the sermon posted on Friday.

I hope that everyone is healthy and doing well. I am doing fine. I am working at the grocery store and on writing. I want to thank the Lord that writing work is starting to pick up again.

In prayer this week, let us continue to pray for an end to the coronavirus pandemic. Pray that those who are sick will make a rapid recovery. Also, please pray for those affected by the storm in India and Bangladesh. Let us also pray for those affected by the flooding in Michigan. As I mentioned last week, my house had some damage from a storm. The roof didn't leak in the rains, and I am thankful to the Lord and for your prayers in this matter. Please keep praying as the rain is coming again this weekend.

In our message for today, I would like us to focus on something Jesus had to say in the Sermon On The Mount. In Matthew 7:12 Jesus says, "So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets." These words of Jesus are known as the Golden Rule. This one of the core teachings of Jesus. In the book of Philippians, Paul tells us something similar. In Philippians 2:4 it reads, "Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others."

These words from Philippians really hit home with me this week. They immediately reminded me of the words of the Lord Jesus. In particular, they had an application to what is going on in my part of the world in relationship to the coronavirus.

I work part-time in a grocery store. My co-workers and I have been working right through the pandemic. We are required to wear a mask and gloves throughout our entire shift. This is to protect us and to protect those who are coming into the store.

Our store and others have asked those coming into the store to wear a mask. Governmental and health officials have asked that people wear masks and practice social distancing. I don't know how it is in your part of the world, but in my country, many are refusing to wear masks if asked, and others are not wearing them nor are they practicing social distancing. They say that they are not worried about getting sick, and wearing a mask is inconvenient.

Wearing a mask and practicing social distancing helps others. You don't know if you are an asymptomatic carrier that might infect others.

As those who follow Jesus and the words of Scripture, we need to think about others and not just ourselves. We must act in a way that promotes good in the world and good for others. I hope that you will consider the words of Jesus and Paul when you make decisions about how you can help others during the coronavirus pandemic. May God bless you all, and may you all stay well. Amen

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