Friday, September 18, 2020

Weekend Sermon -- I Desire Mercy

 Welcome to this week's posting of the sermon. I am thankful to the Lord for this opportunity, and I am glad you have decided to read the sermon.

Today, we will be focusing on a statement by Jesus found in Matthew 9:13. This verse states, "I desire mercy and not sacrifice." This statement is also found in Hosea 6:6.

Let us look at the context of Jesus' words. Earlier in the day, Jesus saw Matthew at his both collecting taxes. Jesus asked Matthew to follow Him, and Matthew responded immediately. That night, Matthew held a banquet so that his friends could meet Jesus. Many of these were tax collectors and other people that the religious leaders considered to be sinners. They were highly critical of Jesus for eating with sinners. 

Jesus told them that He had come to call sinners and not the righteous. He also told them the words in our verse for our message today. 

What do these words of Jesus mean for us? There are two points that I want to make. First of all, I believe that Jesus is saying to us that we must not be so concerned about our church rituals and beliefs that we don't do any good in the world. Many go to church every Sunday, but they have never taken the opportunity to tell others that Jesus has come to seek and to save that which is lost. There isn't an effort to fulfill the Great Commission to go into the world and preach the Gospel. Many also don't want to reach out to those they consider to be great sinners. Jesus is calling us to go to everyone and spread the message of His love.

By this statement, I also believe that Jesus is calling on us to have compassion on those who are in need. Many that were rejected by the religious leaders of Jesus' day were the poor and the sick. Jesus calls us to reach out and help the hurting in His name. Remember, Jesus said that when we help the least among us, we have done it as unto Him.

Being a Christian is more than rituals. It involves following Jesus as Lord, and doing what He would have us do in this world. Amen.

Prayer Requests And Other Matters

In prayer this week, please pray that the fires in the Western US will be extinguished. Pray that those in the fire areas will stay safe.

Pray that those were affected by the hurricane in the Southeast US will receive the aid and help that they need. 

Continue to pray for an end to the coronavirus pandemic.

Please pray that things will start to go better with my job, and pray that I will have more time for writing.

Continue to pray for peace. Syria, Afghanistan and Yemen really need our prayers. 

For our prayer focus countries this week, let us pray for those in Eritrea and Bhutan.

Next week, we will begin a short series on the book of Zephaniah. I will post the sermon on Friday. I will post the verses on Monday, and there will be a review on Wednesday. May God bless you all.

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