Sunday, June 30, 2024

Something I Want To Say

      According to statistics, about 650,000 people are homeless in my country the United States. Some think that this figure is too low. Of these 650,000 people, about half of them live on the streets. 

     This week, the US Supreme Court ruled that cities and municipalities can fine and penalize homeless people who camp or put up tents in public spaces even if the city or municipality does not have shelters available for homeless people.  It was a 6-3 ruling.

     I want to say that I am very upset by this decision. I understand from living not too far away from Kansas City that homeless encampments and such can be a problem. The answer is not fining and penalizing people. Part of the answer is to build more affordable and subsidized housing for people. We also need more shelters for people to go to especially in places where it is really hot and/or cold. 

     We can and must do better here in my country. More effort and more funds need to go to helping with this problem. Punishing people is not the answer. I hope that all churches in this country will do more to help with homelessness problems and helping to feed and clothe those in need. 

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