Saturday, June 29, 2024

Weekend Sermon -- II Thessalonians 2:1-10

      I am posting the message a day later than normal. It has been a bad week of storms in my area. Last night, we had a terrible storm that caused a lot of damage in and around my area. Thankfully, I did not have too much trouble. I have been feeling fairly well, so I thank the Lord for that. I hope that you are all doing well. 

     Last week, we finished up chapter one in our current study of the book of II Thessalonians. Today, we will be starting on chapter two looking into a problem that Paul was dealing with in the church, and we will be looking into Paul's teaching about who he refers to as the man of lawlessness. 

     If you remember way back when we studied I Thessalonians, Paul was dealing with the people's questions about the return of the Lord Jesus. Paul made it clear to them that those who died before the coming of the Lord would receive a glorified body and go to be with Jesus the same as those who were still alive at the time of the coming of the Lord. Paul wanted to make sure that they understood that Jesus had not yet come, He was still coming, and all who were in Christ would be with Him for all eternity. No one who believed in Jesus would be left out. 

    Apparently, Paul's first letter to the Thessalonians did not settle all of the issues relating to the Second Coming of Jesus. Some in that church were saying that even Paul was teaching that the Second Coming of the Lord has already taken place. Paul makes it very clear clear in chapter two and verse three that the day of the Lord will not come until the time of the rebellion and the time when the man of lawlessness is revealed. Since that had not yet occurred, Paul lets the people know that the Second Coming of Jesus had not yet taken place. 

     Let's take a little time to look into what this rebellion is and who this man of lawlessness is. Some translations of the Bible translate the rebellion as a great falling away or an apostasy. This means that there will come a time when many who have said that they believed in Jesus will turn their back on Him. They will decide that they do not want to follow the way of the cross. This falling away will be so bad that Jesus Himself asked if He would still find faith on earth when He returned. We also know from the teaching of Jesus that right before He returns, the world will be in a terrible state of immorality. Jesus said it will be like it was in the days of Noah. 

     Will this falling away occur among those who were true believers and then turned against Jesus, or is this referring to those who had a mere profession of faith and not true possession of faith? My thought is that it is both. As I've stated here on the blog before, I do believe that it is possible for people to decide that they don't want to follow Jesus anymore. The Lord does not force anyone to follow Him. 

    Now, who is this man of lawlessness? This is the antichrist who is spoken of in other places in the Bible. He will be an immoral world leader who will lead the world in doing all that is opposed to God and the things of God. He will do signs and wonders to deceive people, and the world will descend into utter darkness. 

     There is a spirit of lawlessness and evil that is already working in the world. The only thing that is holding it back is the power of the Holy Spirit working in the world. One day, at the time of God's choosing, the restraint will be taken away, and the man of lawlessness will be revealed.

     This man of lawlessness, and all those who follow his ways and the way of darkness, will meet their end at the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. He will come in power and great glory with His saints with Him. All evil, and the evil one, will be defeated. Jesus will rule and reign in righteousness, and the universe will be restored to the state in which it existed before sin entered into the created order. 

     What does this mean for us? We must remain faithful to the Lord. We must stand for Him. We must guard our hearts that we will not be deceived. We must realize that all of these things could happen quickly, and the Lord might come back soon. We don't know for one hundred percent certain how all of this is going to develop. We do know this. Jesus said He is coming. He will make all things new. He will defeat the enemy. He invites you and me to follow Him and be part of the Kingdom of God. I hope that in all things that you will chose to follow Jesus. Amen. 

Prayer Requests

     Please pray that we won't have any more bad storms. Also, please pray that I will get to feeling better. I am doing better, but I have some way to go yet. I would also ask you to pray for a friend of mine at work who has lung problems and another friend dealing with cancer. Thank you. 

     Continue to pray for those recovering from natural disasters. Pray that they will receive the aid that they need. 

    Pray for peace. Sudan, Ukraine, Israel, Gaza, Yemen, Syria, and many other places need our prayers for peace. 

     For our prayer focus countries this week, let us pray for those in the nations of Tunisia and Yemen. Pray that many will come to know Jesus. 

     Next week, we will continue with our current study. I will post the verses on Monday. May God bless you all. 

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