Saturday, July 13, 2024

Weekend Sermon -- II Thessalonians 2:15-17

      Thank you for taking time to view the message this week. I am thankful that the Lord continues to give me the opportunity to post these messages. It is my hope and prayer always that you are all doing well. 

     Today, we are going to continue studying what the Lord has to teach us from the epistle of II Thessalonians. Over the last few messages, we have seen that Paul is telling the people that just before the Lord Jesus comes back to this earth, there will be a time of a great apostasy or falling away from the faith. There will also be the revealing of the one whom Paul refers to as the man of lawlessness who is  called the antichrist in other parts of the Bible. People will believe in the the antichrist because they have chosen to turn against the True and Living God. Therefore, God will send them a strong delusion in order that they will believe the lie and the lies of the antichrist. 

     In our passage today, Paul instructs the believers in the church in Thessalonica about what they are to do in light of the fact that Jesus is coming. First of all, I want to state something. The Bible is clear that no one knows the day nor the hour when Jesus will return. We don't know for certain what all the out workings of  Bible prophecy will be. There are a number of different interpretations about these things by well-meaning people. 

    We do know this. Jesus said that He would come again, and He wants to find us in readiness when the time comes for His return. We know that Jesus will come literally and not figuratively. He will rule and reign on this earth. All Christians who believe in conservative theology agree on this. 

     All of the events that Paul is speaking about could occur swiftly. On the other hand, Jesus may not return for a long time. So, with that in mind, what should our attitude be? What should we do?  

     Paul tells us. He states in verse 15 of our passage, "So then, brothers and sisters, stand firm and hold fast to the teachings we passed on to you, whether by word of mouth or by letter." In other words, Paul was telling the people that they need to keep on following the teachings and commandments of Jesus that Paul has related to them in his letters and through the time that he was teaching them in person. They are to follow Jesus in all things and not look to the left nor to the right. They are to keep on the narrow path that leads to life. 

     In verse 17, Paul says that we are to do good in word and deed as we are strengthened by the Lord. This means that we are to be speaking words that heal, help and encourage and not words that tear people down and injury them. We are to help others and do as much as we can to help others make it through this world that is having more and more problems each and every day. 

     While we wait for the coming of the Lord, I believe that we need to be doing three categories of things. First, we need to obey the Great Commission. We need to be telling as many people as we can about the love, mercy and grace of Jesus. Second, we are to be living lives of holiness and avoiding sin.  One of the chief ways that we do this is by following the words of Jesus given to us. He told us to do unto others as we would have done to us. Jesus gave us a new commandment to love one another even as He has loved us. Love fulfills the law. Third, we need to be ministering to the needs of a hurting world. We do these by following the words of Jesus to do unto the least of those among us as if we are ministering unto Him. 

    Let each of us live our lives in such a way that we will be ready and not ashamed if Jesus should return immediately. If you don't know Jesus as Savior and Lord, I pray that you will turn your life over to Him now. Amen. 

Prayer Requests

     I have been having lung and breathing troubles again. Please keep praying for me. I really appreciate it. 

     We all need to pray diligently for an end to the wars and conflicts going on around the world. Pray for peace in Israel, Gaza, Ukraine and Sudan this week. 

     Please pray for all of those suffering as a result of natural disasters. Pray that they will receive the aid that they need. Pray that those in Texas will get their electricity back on. 

     For our prayer focus countries this week, let us pray for those in the nations of Bahrain and Bhutan. Pray that many will come to know Jesus. 

     Next week, we will begin chapter three of II Thessalonians. I will post the verses on Monday. May God bless you all. 

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