Friday, July 26, 2024

Weekend Sermon -- II Thessalonians 3:4-5

      Thank you for taking the time to read the message for this week. I hope you are all doing well. I am doing some better. This week, we will once again be studying what the Lord has to teach us from Paul's second epistle to the Thessalonians. 

     As we begin today, we see that Paul had complete confidence in the believers in Thessalonica that they would continue to do the things that Paul taught them concerning following the commandments of the Lord. Paul did not have confidence because he was something special. He had confidence that the people would continue to follow Christ's teachings because the Lord Himself would be the one who would lead and guide His own people. Paul's confidence in all things was not in people. His confidence was in the Lord Jesus Christ. 

    Just as Paul's confidence in all things was in Jesus, Jesus is the one who we should place our confidence in. This means that in everything we do, we look to Jesus to lead us and guide. We demonstrate initially that our confidence is in Jesus when we trust in Him solely for our salvation and we do not try to depend on our good works and actions to make us right with God.

     We then demonstrate our confidence in the Lord when we do the things that He has directed His followers to do in the Bible. We show that we trust Him when we are willing to acknowledge what He has to say about the way that life should be lived. When we live according to the precepts and principles of Jesus, we show that Jesus is our Lord and that we truly believe that what He has to teach is the right thing.

     We also show our confidence is in Jesus when we follow His will for our lives. When we are willing to set aside our own desires to do the things that the Lord has directed us to do, we are showing that our confidence is in Him to lead us along the path that is right for us and that He knows what is best for us for time and for eternity. 

     In verse five of chapter three, Paul goes on to say that he hoped that God would direct the people's hearts to the love of God and the perseverance of Christ. What Paul is saying is that it is his desire that God would move and work in the people's lives so that they would grow in their love for Him. When God is moving and working in our hearts through the power of the Holy Spirit, we become more and more like Jesus. We learn more about Jesus. We learn to do what He did and act the way that He did while He was living here on this earth. 

     The phrase the perseverance of Christ is interesting to me. It tells me two different things. First of all, Jesus is our example. As He persevered and made His way through the world, we can follow His example and make it through this life in the same manner that He did. I also find it interesting because it speaks to me of the suffering of Jesus. The entire time that Jesus was on this earth was a time of suffering for Him. He had humbled Himself, and He took upon Himself the form of a servant. Every day on this earth was a trial for our Lord leading to His sacrificial death on the cross of Calvary. The Bible tells us that Jesus was tempted in every way as we are, yet He did not sin. Through trial and suffering, Jesus accomplished His mission. By following His example, we too can overcome and be and act like Jesus in the midst of the hardships of this world. Amen. 

Prayer Requests 

     Over the course of time, I've written on here about my health difficulties and asked for prayer on my behalf. I want to thank the Lord that my arthritis is doing better, and I've not had much asthma trouble over the summer. I am having a few other issues, and I would like to ask for your continued prayers. Thank you. 

     Please pray for those recovering from hurricane Beryl. Many people are still struggling to put their lives back together. Pray that they will receive the assistance that they need. 

     Keep praying for peace. Pray that the hostages in Gaza will be released and that Israel and Gaza can have peace. Pray for peace in Sudan and Ukraine especially this week as well. 

     Pray that the fires in Canada can be extinguished. 

     For our prayer focus countries this week let us pray for those in the nations of Japan and Bangladesh. Pray that many will come to know Jesus. 

     Next week, we will continue with our current study. May God bless you all. 


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