Friday, December 23, 2011

Weekend Sermon--Isaiah 9:6-7

     Sunday is Christmas.  Jesus Christ is born, and what a difference it has made to the world.  I don't know whether or not you've ever stopped to consider what the world would be like today if Jesus Christ had never been born.  So much of our art, literature, and music is based on the life of Christ.  Jesus has made a difference in time as well as in eternity.
     Last week, we finished a two message series on the theme of commitment based on the lives of Mary and Joseph.  Every time I stop and think about the Christmas story, I'm amazed at the commitment of these two extraordinary people.
     This week, I'd like to look at the passage from Isaiah 9:6-7 which describes the characteristics of the child who would be born to us.  Of course, Jesus is the fulfillment of Isaiah's prophecy in these verses, and the fulfillment Jesus provides is past, present and future in nature.
     First of all, Jesus is our Wonderful Counselor.  To me, this signifies that Jesus knows the way.  In other words, I want to place my life in His hands because His way is the way of life.  I want to follow the plan He has for my life and do His will.  I hope that that is the desire of every believer.  The Lord knows the path ahead.  We don't.  We need to let Him guide our every decision and step in life.  He loves us and only wants what is best for us.  Why not let Him lead the way.
     Also, as a Wonderful Counselor, I can go to Jesus and ask Him about all the problems facing my life.  I can talk to Him and ask Him to show me the way.  I don't need to rely on human wisdom because with Jesus, I can have the counsel of His divine wisdom.
     Jesus is the Mighty God.  Jesus is divine.  He is God come in the flesh.  Eternity met time in the birth of Jesus Christ.
     He is the Everlasting Father.  This statement is not saying that Jesus and God the Father are the same.  It is saying that Jesus has a relationship to believers like a father does with his children.  A father protects his children from harm. He provides for the physical needs they have in life.  He is concerned for their welfare, and he desires that they have the best in every situation.
     These things apply to Jesus as well.  All good things come from the Lord.  He wants to supply all of our needs and provide us with an abundant life.  He brings the experiences and the people into our life that we need in order to mature, grow and learn so that we can become more like Him with every passing day.
     Probably my favorite phrase that describes Jesus is that He is the Prince of Peace.  Jesus brings peace on several different levels.
     First of all, Jesus came to bring peace to the soul that is burdened with sin.  Jesus was born in order that He might lead a sinless life in order that He might be the Lamb of God that taketh away the sins of the world.  He came to die that we might be free from sin, death, hell and the grave. 
     The only way that we can have peace with God is through the atoning death of Christ on the cross.  If we place our faith in Jesus' finished work on the cross, believe that God raised Jesus from the dead, and repent of our sins, we can have the peace that comes from being forgiven and reconciled to God.
     Jesus also brings peace to the soul of the believer facing difficult struggles.  I know that there have been numerous occasions where I needed, and felt, the peace that only Jesus can bring.  I'd never have made it through  losing my family if it wasn't for the presence of Jesus in my life.  I'm all alone, but I have Jesus who I know is with me providing a deep peace that truly is beyond all understanding.
     Jesus doesn't just bring spiritual peace.  He is the Prince of Peace when it comes to bringing peace to this world.  Unfortunately, many who have named the name of Christ have engaged in violence and war.  But, that's not the way Jesus taught.
     Jesus taught His followers to be peacemakers.  We are to actively work for peace and not war.  The church of Jesus Christ in this world must make a difference.  Always include prayers for peace in your daily prayers.  Wars and unrest are raging all over this world.  Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Pakistan, and Somalia are just a few of the nations experiencing turmoil.  Let us pray for peace around the world this Christmas season.  Let us work for peace in our homes, community, and nation by living out the commands of Jesus for His honor and glory.
     Ultimately, this world will only know true and lasting peace when Jesus comes again.  When He comes again, Jesus won't come like the humble baby in a manger.  Jesus will come in power and great glory.  Every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father.
     When Jesus returns, wars will cease.  There will be no more death, sickness, or disease.  Everything will be returned to the original state God desired when He first created this world in perfection.
     To be quite honest, I wish that Jesus would return today.  I long for the return of Jesus Christ.  His reign will be glorious and filled with unspeakable joy and happiness.  Finally, the hard struggle of life will end to be replaced with a life forever in the presence of the King of Kings.
     I hope that at this Christmas season, you have made your peace with God through Jesus Christ.  I hope that you have turned from sin and turned to Jesus. 
     I want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas, and I want to thank everyone who read this blog this year.  May God bless you all.  Amen.

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