Friday, December 30, 2011

Weekend Sermon--Spiritual Inventory

II Peter 1:3-11

     Christmas has come and gone for another year, and a new year is about to dawn.  I hope that everyone had a merry Christmas and that good things await you in the year to come. 
     From a secular perspective, many will make New Year's resolutions about various things.  I think the most popular New Year's resolution has to be to get in shape or to lose wight.  I've made these resolutions myself.  Unfortunately, they haven't gone too well in recent years. 
     From a spiritual perspective, I think that as we leave behind the old year, it is important to look at what we have done spiritually in the past year.  We can look back on 2011 and ask the question-What have we done for the Lord?
     One of the exercises that I have found beneficial is what I call a year end spiritual inventory.  Just as many merchants end the year by assessing their inventory of merchandise, the follower of Christ can take a spiritual inventory of their life to see in what areas they are progressing and in what areas they are lacking.
     The first area of spiritual progress I always look at is Bible study.  I've stressed this before, but the point is so important.  The believer needs to be a student of the Word.  What a resource for life God has given us.  Unfortunately, the study of God's Word often goes neglected.
     I try to read in the Old Testament, New Testament, and the words of Jesus daily.  As I look back on 2011, I have kept up on my reading regularly.
     However, reading the Bible is not all we need to be about.  We need to study the Word.  How has your study of God's Word measured up in 2011?  During the past year, I studied and shared on the blog the little books of the Bible:  Obadiah, Haggai, II John, III John, Philemon, and Jude.  Together, we also examined the minor prophets like Habakkuk and Malachi.  I know that in my Bible study I'd like to do more in the coming year.  I briefly examined the books of Ecclesiastes and Ezekiel this year, but I didn't get into them in depth the way I wanted to.  So, I know what is set before me in the way of Bible study for the start of 2012.  I hope that you can find an interesting area of Bible study in the year ahead.
     Another area I check in my spiritual inventory is my prayer life.  I'm finding as I progress in my walk with the Lord that communication with the Lord in prayer is of vital importance.  It's difficult to move through troubled days without taking time to talk with Jesus.  We can tell Him all about our trials, troubles and temptations.  It does me a great deal of good to spend time in prayer praising the Lord for who He is and for what He has done.
     If you feel that your prayer life in 2011 was lacking, the new year provides a new opportunity to improve in the area of prayer.  Try to pray at least once a day giving praise to the Lord and letting Jesus know about your concerns.
     One area where I know I dropped the ball this year was in church attendance.  Sadly, I had to leave the denomination I was a part of because this denomination has slipped into serious theological error.  The professors at the denominational schools, and many ministers, are advocating open theism and denying the inerrancy of Scripture.  One professor actually said that since God didn't have the power to create an inerrant Bible, He didn't have the power to create the world apart from the big bang.  Since leaving this denomination, I've not found a place to regularly worship, and I need to change that in 2012.
     Attending a Bible believing and Christ honoring church is really important in our walk with the Lord.  If you have a pastor who really has a heart for the things of God, he will help you grow through the teaching of solid Bible based messages.  The church also has the task of spreading the gospel, and all believers should join in that mission.
      This leads me to another area of my spiritual inventory which is analyzing how I did in sharing the faith.  As I wrote on the blog, Christians are responsible for carrying out the Great Commission.  We are to preach Jesus' message of salvation to those within our circle of influence.  Perhaps you are like me, and it's hard for you to talk with people.  One thing that I've discovered is that when I try to share my faith, the Holy Spirit gives me a strength not my own to be able to share the gospel.  I have to step out in obedience.  If you've had difficulty sharing the faith with others this year, covenant with God to be obedient to the Great Commission as we roll into 2012.
     One final area I like to exam in my spiritual inventory is how I've done in fulfilling the moral law of God.  I like to look at whether or not I'm following to the best of my ability the commandments set down for His followers by the Lord Jesus Christ.  We live in a world that is filled with temptations and things which are trying to pull us away from following the narrow path that leads to life.  If you've stumbled with some area of sin or temptation in 2011, now is the time to confess, repent, and move on in victory in 2012.
     These are just a few of the ways to look at your spiritual life.  One thing is important to emphasize.  Don't get down on yourself.  Sometimes I look at my spiritual life and I start to get depressed because I don't think I measure up.  But, remember that we can confess our shortcomings to Jesus and then make a commitment to do better.  What better time than as we move into a new year than to make the commitment to advance in our walk with God.
     Maybe you look at 2011 and think you've done an excellent job for the Lord.  All of us can do more.  This side of Heaven there is always room for improvement, so keep pressing on for Christ.
     I want to wish everyone a happy New Year.  May you all walk with the Lord and feel the presence of Jesus' love in your heart every day of 2012. Amen.

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