Friday, December 2, 2011

The Weekend Sermon--The Prayer of Jesus--Part 2

John 17

     Last week, we began a discussion of Jesus' High Priestly Prayer as recorded in John chapter 17.  We focused on how that Jesus made a clear declaration of his divine nature.  There can be no disputing that Jesus claimed to be God come in the flesh.  We also saw that Jesus declared that He accomplished the work of training his disciples to continue the mission of spreading the Gospel.  We also saw that Jesus prayed for the unity of His disciples and the importance of the unity of the body of Christ in spreading the message of Jesus in this modern day.
     Let's pick up this week with Jesus' words beginning in verse 13 where Jesus says, "I am coming to you now, but I say these things while I am still in the world, so that they may have the full measure of my joy within them."  This is a tremendous request that Jesus made.  He wanted them to be full of His joy.  That's what Jesus wants for His followers today.  He wants us to be filled with His life and His love.  We can know Jesus and His power and be joyful knowing that Jesus has provided our salvation and has prepared a home in heaven for us to spend all of eternity with Him.
     Many of us are going through hard times.  I know that with the many bad health problems I'm facing now it's hard not to be depressed. However, even in the midst of these hard times, I can find joy in the fact that because I know Jesus, whatever happens, He will take care of me. I trust Him and rely upon Him.
     As I've said before, all of my close family members have passed away recently, and that has certainly brought a lot of sorrow into my life.  But, I can have joy in my heart in spite of sadness knowing that my family were in Christ.  They are with Jesus now in peace.  My Mom is restored no longer suffering the effects of Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease.  My Dad is well again, and my friend Toby is cancer free.  This gives me joy.  It's a joy that is only possible through Jesus Christ, and I hope that everyone who is reading this has a relationship with Jesus.  I hope that you know His joy in your Spirit.
     Another interesting phrase in Jesus' prayer occurs in verse 14 where Jesus says , "They are not of this world any more than I am of this world."  I find this interesting because it demonstrates what one of the characteristics of a true follower of Christ should be.
     Jesus was not of this world.  He came from heaven, but more than that, Jesus' entire message and the value system He taught were at odds with the world system.  Because of this, those under the world's system hated Him and sought His death. 
     Jesus taught forgiveness, love, generosity, goodness, and selflessness.  The world system teaches selfishness, greed, war, and sensuality.
     As followers of Jesus Christ, this world is not our home in any sense.  Our eternal home is in heaven with Jesus.  While we are here on earth, we are not a part of this world's system.  Our values should be different.  Our ethical standards should be those taught and lived out by our Lord and Master Jesus Christ.
     Jesus continues in prayer for His disciples with the words, "Sanctify them by the truth; you word is truth."
     This verse points out two interesting teachings.  The first is sanctification.  To sanctify something means to set it apart for a holy purpose.  Believers are in a process of sanctification.  We are supposed to be becoming more and more like Jesus and less and less like our old selves every day.  We are to grow in sanctification through the application of the Word of God.
     God's Word for us today is found in the Bible.  This leads us to the second important teaching in this verse.  The Bible is the Word of God.  It is God's truth revealed to us.  As followers of Jesus, we need to study the Bible and learn everything that God is trying to communicate to us.
     In verse 20, Jesus focuses the attention of His prayer away from the disciples and to those who would come to believe as a result of the disciple's ministry.  That includes you and me.
     Verses 21-24 are Jesus' request to the Father that all of us who are believers today would be unified and one just as Jesus and the Father are one. 
     Last week, we saw that Jesus prayed for unity among His disciples.  They were unified in spreading the message of the Gospel.  Jesus wants His church to be one.  There is absolutely too much division in the body of Christ.  Sometimes it is not possible to agree with some Christians because of very important doctrinal differences.  For instance, some who claim to be followers of Jesus deny the divinity of Jesus, or they deny His substitutionary atonement.  These are vital and essential doctrines of the orthodox Christian faith.
     However, a great deal of division among believers today is over nonsense.  One of the biggest divisions that is splitting up churches is over worship styles.  Some want contemporary music.  Others want traditional.  What a stupid thing to divide over.  Have some of each, praise God, and go about spreading the message of Jesus.  This is just one example.  But, when the world sees our division, it doesn't see Jesus.
     Verse 24 is a powerful verse.  Jesus asks the Father that those who have believed in Him might be with Him and behold Him in all the fullness of His glory.  Jesus loves us.  That's why He died for us.  He wants us to spend eternity with Him because He cares about us and wants to have a relationship with us. 
    Personally, I cannot wait to see Jesus.  I can't think of anything better that seeing Jesus face to face.  To see Jesus on His throne high and lifted up and being praised by angel choirs joined by the saints is a fantastic sight I want to behold.  I want to join in a song of praise to Jesus.
     When we see Jesus in His glory, all the pain, sorrow, and heartache of this life will be over forever and ever. 
     Jesus concludes by asking that the Father's love might be in us and that Jesus Himself might be in us.  Jesus is in all who have believed in Him.  I urge you to believe in Jesus today.  Make Jesus your Lord and Savior.  He loves you.  May His name be praised.

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