Friday, April 13, 2012

Weekend Sermon--James 1:22-25

    I had a wonderful Easter holiday, and I hope that you did as well.  Knowing that we serve a risen Savior is a cause for great joy.  As it says in a hymn, "We can face uncertain days because He lives."
     As I've probably mentioned before, James is one of my favorite books of the Bible outside of the Gospels.  James is a practical book.  In it, the reader will find much that is recognizable from the teaching of Jesus recorded in the Gospels.
     In today's verses, James discusses being both a hearer and a doer of the Word.  These are both important concepts.  They are both essential elements in a believer having a fruitful Christian life and becoming spiritually mature. 
     First of all, the believer is to be a hearer of the Word.  I believe that this means more than just physical hearing.  I believe that it also includes reading and studying the Word.
     In other words, we as believers are to familiarize ourselves with the Word of God.  How can we do this?  First and foremost, we all need to have a regular habit of reading the Bible every day.  I try to read portions of the Old Testament, New Testament, and the words of Jesus each day.  This is just my spiritual discipline.  I know some who like to start a book of the Bible and read it all the way through.  Others are involved in the practice of reading the Bible in such a way that they read through the Bible in one year.  Whatever the practice, the important thing is to be in the Word daily.
     We need to study the Word as well.  Study Bibles are a good tool  which enable readers to come to a fuller understanding of the text.  I like the ESV Study Bible and the Disciples Study Bible.  Although I'm not a dispensationalist, I also like the Ryrie Study Bible.
     Reading commentaries is also a great way to study and understand God's Word better.  I like the New International Commentary on the New Testament and the Matthew Henry commentary.  A good one-volume commentary is the Wycliffe Bible Commentary. 
     Whatever study guides or commentaries you use, it is important to study God's World in detail.  You will never know all that there is to know.  I've studied the Bible for over 30 years and graduated from Bible College, and I am still learning new things.
     Hearing the Word does mean physically hearing the Word.  There are several ways to do this.  First of all, if you're not already attending one, find a church where the Bible is taught effectively.  This is important.  In this day, it is often hard to find solid, Biblical exposition of the Word of God.
     Second, listen to good Bible teaching.  I've always enjoyed listening to Charles Swindoll.  Recently, I've been listening to Alistair Begg.
     Third, a good Sunday school class or a Bible study group is an effective way to hear the Word of God.  Hopefully, this blog teaches something.
     Well, hearing the Word of God is essential.  However, as James points out, it's not enough to be just a hearer of the Word.  We are to be doers of the Word as well.
     As a Christian, we can posses an abundance of knowledge about the Bible and theology, but if it isn't making a difference in our lives, we are in trouble.
     I've known people who have heard the Gospel many times.  They have a thorough knowledge of God's plan of salvation.  However, they have never made a commitment to Jesus Christ.
     I've also known long-time Christians who I'd consider Bible scholars who are the meanest, nastiest people you'd ever have the displeasure to meet.  They have knowledge.  They've heard the Word, but they aren't putting it into practice.  They aren't doers of the Word.
     We need to be doers.  How can we be doers of the Word?  One way is to follow the things commanded in the Scriptures.  We are doers of the Word when we follow the moral code established in the Bible.
     We are doers of the Word when we follow the commands of Jesus.  When we fulfill the Great Commission and practice the Golden Rule, we are doers of the Word.  When we feed the hungry and clothe the naked, we are doers of the Word. 
     Being a doer of the Word is really a hard thing to do.  Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.  The old sin nature fights to have its own way.  There is the idea that I want to do what I want to do when I want to do it. 
    In essence, being a doer of the Word means totally yielding to the Lordship of Jesus Christ.  It means following Jesus wherever He may lead. 
     This week, let's all try to learn more from God's Word and then put it into practice.  Amen.

P.S.--I would like to humbly ask the readers of this blog to pray for me as I try to find a new job.  I'm having a difficult time.  Thank you.  Thank you for reading the blog.  May you know the love of Jesus in your lives.

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