Friday, April 27, 2012

Weekend Sermon

Philippians 4:8-- "Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things."

     Our text for the day is one of the first verses I learned in Bible memorization.  When I was a child, I attended Christian schools.  At these schools, they always had some type of structured Bible memorization program.  The program that was the most fun was the one at my grade school.  If you learned a certain number of verses, you would achieve a higher ranking.  Each ranking had certain prizes that you could redeem at the end of every grading period.  I came away with a lot of nice prizes during my grade school years.
     By the way, prizes aside, Bible memorization is important.  It is important for adults as well as children.  All these years later, I can still remember many of the passages, like the one today, that I first learned in grade school.
     I would suggest that you start some type of systematic pattern of Bible memorization.  You don't have to try to memorize an entire chapter, or like one minister I know the entire New Testament.
     Start off small.  Just try to memorize a verse or two, and work up from there.  Learning and memorizing the Scripture will help you grow closer to the Lord.
     With that said, this message is not about Bible memorization.  It is about what we put into our minds and what we think about.
     There is no doubt that we live in a society today that is permeated with so many things that do not bring honor and glory to God.
     Most of the television programs and movies that are produced and broadcast are filled with those things directly opposed to Biblical teachings.
     For instance, almost every program depicts premarital sex as appropriate when the practice is absolutely forbidden in Scripture.  Furthermore, almost all comedy programs base their humor around sexual jokes and sexual innuendo.  Programs that would have been unheard of thirty or forty years ago are the norm in today's society.
     Many television programs and movies are filled with terrible violence.  The prevailing standard is that might makes right and that killing is something fun.
    This attitude is particularly noticeable in today's video games.  Game producers try to base entertainment on what games produce the highest body count and the most gore.
     Besides this, much of what passes for entertainment these days is filled with all manner of profanity.  You can't go to many movies without hearing the f-word or other profanities that are equally offensive.
     When members of society are constantly consuming these forms of entertainment that promote values contrary to the teachings of Jesus Christ is it any wonder that our society is facing the problems that it is.
     What is particularly troubling is that Christians are often watching the same television programs and going to the same movies, reading the same books, and playing the same games as those who are apart from Christ.
     When believers continue day in and day out to take in ungodly ideas, they become weakened spiritually and begin to either justify un-Christlike behavior or act in un-Christlike ways.
     In our passage today, the Apostle Paul instructs the Philippians to act in a different way.  He instructs them to think in those ways that are just, pure, and good.
     If we as believers will fill our minds with positive, uplifting, and Christ honoring things, our lives can only be the better for it.
     I urge you to make a positive choice in your entertainment habits.  This week and in the weeks to come decide not to take in those forms of entertainment that are negative or violent.  Instead seek out those things which are positive and uplifting and that promote Christian values.
     If we would all just look around, there really are many great entertainment values to invest our time in.
     There are a lot of great animal programs and nature programs to watch.  Also, they are a lot of older tv shows and movies that express good values.  If you're into reading like I am, read some of the great classics of literature.  There are also many great educational programs to view.
     We don't have to sink to the basest level.  We can fill our hearts with the good, decent and honorable.
     This week, I'm going to try to follow the Apostle Paul's admonition.  I hope you will as well. Amen.

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