Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Book Review -- "War Hawk"

     Today's book has left me with something of a dilemma.  Some of it I liked, and some of it I didn't.  The book in question is "War Hawk" written by James Rollins.  It is the third of Rollins' books to feature Tucker Wayne and his former war dog Kane.
    "War Hawk" finds Tucker and Kane in the United States just trying to get away from things after their adventure in the last book "The Kill Switch".  However, life has other plans for them.
     One of Tucker's old war colleagues and a former love interest turns up and tells Tucker that her life is under threat.  It all has to do with military research and corporate intrigue.
    This sets the action in "War Hawk" on the roll.  I am not going to go to deeply into the plot.  Let me just say that this is the problem I have with this book.  It seems to me that the same thing just keeps happening over and over and over again.  Tucker and his friends come on the scene, and a drone attacks them.  I just got tired of the whole thing.  Also, the whole plot was just too out there for me.  I know that Tucker and Kane are supposed to be top operatives, but it seemed like they got in and out of secure installations too easily for my taste.
     Now, for what I did like.  Kane is an awesome dog.  When he is involved in the action, the book is good.  When the book focuses on the humans, the book seemed dull.
    So, I guess overall, I didn't really like this book too much.  It wasn't nearly as good as "The Kill Switch".  If you are a big James Rollins fan, you will probably like the book.  I'll wait and see what the next book in this series holds before I decide to abandon the series.

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