Thursday, April 30, 2020

Jesus Gives Us His Peace

Welcome to this week's post. I hope and pray that everyone is doing well. I am still working on writing, and I am working at the store. I am still in good health, thanks be to God. The state I live in hasn't had as many coronavirus cases as larger states. Let us all keep praying that this will stop spreading, and let us pray that those who are sick will quickly recover.

In today's message, I want to focus on the words of Jesus found in John 15:27. Jesus says, "Peace I leave with you, my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives."

What is the difference between the peace that Jesus gives and the peace that the world gives? The peace that the world gives does not last. Nations go to war and then sign peace treaties. In a few years, they are right back fighting with one another. The world can't give peace on a personal level. Just when one crisis is solved, something else crops up to cause anxiety. This world certainly can't bring peace about what happens after this life is over.

The peace that Jesus gives is much different. His is a peace that lasts forever because He is the eternal God. Those who have made Jesus Lord know that He will never leave us nor will He forsake us. He has prepared a home in Heaven for us so that we can be where He is for all eternity. We can know that no matter what happens in this life, He holds our eternity in His loving and powerful hands.

Next week, Lord willing, we will once again look at the words of Jesus. May God bless you and keep you safe and well. Amen

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