Friday, December 18, 2020

Weekend Sermon -- Light Came Into The Darkness

 Welcome to the Weekend Sermon. I hope that everyone is well and having a good week. 

This week, I want to focus in on the Advent season and the meaning of Christmas. If you read the sermon regularly, you may recall that not long ago I posted a sermon about some of the ways the Lord has brought light into my life to drive away my personal times of darkness. As I mentioned in that message, the ultimate light in life is the Lord Jesus Christ Himself.

Christmas is about the light of Jesus coming into the world to drive out the darkness. In John 3:19 Jesus says, "Light has come into the world, but men loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil." In John 8:12 Jesus tells us that He is the light of the world.

We have many different symbols at Christmas time to help us remember that Jesus is the light of the world. The lights appear on homes and shops. Christmas candles remind us that Jesus is the light. We also have the beautiful lights on Christmas trees, and the star on top the tree reminds us of the star that led the wise men to Jesus.

The world needs the light that Jesus brings. The world was trapped in the darkness of sin, but Jesus came to bring forgiveness and new life in Him. Many are still living in darkness, but Jesus will fill anyone who calls upon Him with the light of His mercy and love.

Jesus brings His light into the darkness of this world in other ways. By the example of His life, we know that we should care for the least of those among us. We know that love and goodness triumph over hate and greed. Jesus brings light through His resurrection. The darkness of death has no control over those filled with the light of Christ. The ultimate splendor of the light of Christ will be revealed at the Second Advent when Jesus comes in power and great glory.

One thing that those of us who are followers of Jesus need to remember is that Jesus had called us to shine our light in this world. We shine the light of Christ into the darkness when we tell others about Jesus. We shine the light when we work to make this world a better place.

During this Christmas season, let us remember that Jesus is the light, and He has called us to help shine the light for Him. Amen

Prayer Requests

I would like to thank the Lord for my new job. Please pray that all will go well. Please pray for my nephew's wife. She is in the hospital and not doing too well.

Thank the Lord that there is a coronavirus vaccine, and pray that this pandemic will soon end.

Pray for the people of Fiji. That nation was hit by a bad storm.

Continue to pray for peace. Let us focus our prayers this week on Yemen and Afghanistan.

For our prayer focus countries, let us pray that the message of Jesus will reach those in Guinea and Malaysia.

Next week, I will post a short message on Christmas Day. I will post the verses on Monday, and I will try to post something on Wednesday. May God bless you all.

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