Thursday, April 1, 2021

Maundy Thursday And A Prayer Request

     Before I get into what I want to say about Maundy Thursday, I have a brief item that I would like you to pray with me about. Today, I am going in for my second dose of the the Moderna Covid 19 vaccine. Please pray that all goes well and that I don't have any bad side effects. I am nervous about the whole thing. 

Maundy Thursday 

Read: John 13 and Mark 14:22-25

     The night before Jesus went to the cross to die for the sins of the world, there were certain events that took place that teach us some very important things. First of all, on Thursday evening, Jesus washed His disciples feet. This was done as an example so that Jesus could show that the disciples should have the attitude of a servant. They were to seek to serve instead of to be served. They were to love others and give their lives to the service of those who were in need. Jesus was willing to take on the role of a servant even though He was the Lord of all creation. In imitation of the Lord, we are to be humble and serve others so that this world can be a better place and so that others might know of the redeeming love of the Savior. 

     On this night, Jesus also instituted the sacrament of holy communion. When we partake of the elements of the bread and the wine, we are remembering what Jesus did for us. The wine represents Jesus' blood that was shed for us. The bread represents His body that was broken for us. This is the new Passover for the Christian. When the blood of Jesus is applied to our heart washing away our sin, the judgment of God passes over us.

    Finally, on this night, Jesus prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane.  In agony, He asked that this ordeal might pass from Him. However, Jesus said, "Not my will, but Thine be done." Jesus was willing to suffer for us because of His great love for us. 

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