Friday, June 25, 2021

Weekend Sermon -- James 5:1-6

  Thanks be to God. It is time for the sermon.I hope that you are all doing well.

Let's get right to the message today from James chapter 5. This message may not be viewed favorably by some, but I have to speak what the Scriptures speak .

In this chapter, James brings a charge against those who have abundant wealth. I've heard many ministers in my day say that being rich is not a sin. That is true to a degree. However, James makes it clear that with wealth comes responsibility.

James condems the rich for storing up wealth in the last day and for spending their riches on luxury and self-indulgence. Let's look at both of these. 

We live in the last days according to Scripture. Jesus could return at any moment to establish His kingdom. In light of this, those who have riches should be using them to further the message of the Gospel reaching those who are lost. Riches should be used to help others and to help to make this world a better place. 

With so much need and hurt in this world, it is obscene that those with wealth spend it on multiple cars, homes and luxuries while many don't have enough to eat.

Jesus spoke about this in the parable of the rich fool. The rich man had so much that he decided to tear down his barns and build bigger ones to store his wealth. He could have easily filled his barns and then given the excess to the poor, but he wanted it all for himself. Jesus said that the rich man was a fool. He said,"What does it profit a man if he gains the world yet loses his soul.

Now, James has more to say about the rich. He says that those who work for them cry out because they have been cheated in regard to wages. This is one of the main ways that very wealthy people get rich. They oppress their workers.

In many nations, workers are paid poverty wages while the rich corporate owners and shareholders take in profits to use on their pleasures. This isn't right, and when He returns, Jesus will rectify the situation.

However much we have, it comes to us from the Lord to be used for His honor and His glory. It is important to lay up treasure in Heaven and not on Earth. Amen.

Prayer Requests

Please pray that the rain in my area will stop. Flooding is a real concern.

Continue to pray for an end to the coronavirus pandemic.

Pray for peace in Chad, Ethiopia, Syria, Israel and Yemen.

For our prayer focus countries, let us pray for those in Singapore and Oman.

Next week we will continue in James. I will post the verses on Monday, and something midweek. May God bless you all.

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