Thank you for reading the sermon this week. I was not able to post something midweek. I will start posting midweek again next week. I thank the Lord for the opportunity to post this message.
Today, we will be taking a break from our current series on the book of James. Over the course of the last few weeks, there are some words of the Lord Jesus that have had a lot of relevance in my life. I would like to share them with you and focus on them for this message.
In Matthew 6:34 Jesus said, "So don't worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today's trouble is enough for today."
This statement by Jesus is part of his Sermon on the Mount recorded in Matthew chapters 5 through 7. Within the context of this particular verse, Jesus is telling His listeners that the Father in Heaven knows the things that they need. They don't have to worry about the provisions of this life because the Father in Heaven will take care of their needs just as He care for the needs of the other parts of His vast creation. There is an ultimate context to these words. The Lord does supply our needs. However, sometimes, things go wrong in this life. Famines occur. People get sick. Bad things happen. As believers in the Lord, we know that no matter what happens to us in this life, the Lord will take us to be with Him forever in the place that He has prepared for those who love Him. We can rest in the knowledge that ultimately, only that which is good is in our future.
Our verse speaks to me particularly because I have found that it helps me deal with problems that I might have with anxiety. When I get focused out on what is going to happen down the road, I start to feel bad and have turmoil within my mind and spirit. All of the troubles and potential troubles start to pile up until I just feel completely overwhelmed.
Jesus is telling us that we need to focus on what is at hand. I have found that I need to focus on just going minute by minute through this life. I need to rely fully and completely on the Lord Jesus to get me through each moment of each day.
In I Peter 5:7 tells us to cast our cares upon the Lord because He cares for us. That is what I found that I need to do constantly throughout the day. I have to ask the Lord Jesus many times throughout the day to help me through a particular problem or difficulty. I have to give the difficulty over to Him and let Him work it out in His way in my life. I have found that when I rely on the Lord Jesus, I don't feel as anxious. I have the assurance that the Lord Jesus is looking out for me in this life, and He will take care of me forever when I pass from this life over into the next life when I will be with Him forever and forever.
I believe that if each of us will focus on the present and give our problems in the present over to Jesus, we will worry less and be anxious less. When we give our problems over to the Lord, we are letting the King of all creation work on the problem on our behalf. He will do what is right, and He will do what is just. He loves us, and He wants only what is best for us. Amen
Now, this isn't part of the sermon, this is just something that I want to discuss for a few moments. In my country and around the world, the Delta variant of the coronavirus is infecting many people. The CDC in my country is advising even fully-vaccinated people to wear masks in indoor settings. If you have not been vaccinated for the coronavirus, please get the vaccine. Also, please wear a mask when you are around others. We need to think about others, and we need to get this disease under control.
Prayer Requests
Please pray for an end to the coronavirus pandemic. Pray that people will take the vaccine, and pray that vaccines will reach around the world. Pray that those who are sick will recover.
Continue to pray for an end to the fires in the western part of the United States. Also, pray that those affected by flooding in Europe, the Philippines and others parts of Asia will get the aid and the help that they need.
Pray for the leaders of your country that God will give them wisdom.
Please pray for peace. Pray especially for peace in Afghanistan. What is happening in that country is really concerning to me.
For our prayer focus countries this week, let us pray for those living in the nations of Burkina Faso and Yemen. Pray that many will come to know Jesus.
Next week, Lord willing, we will resume our study of James. I will post the verses on Monday, and I hope to have a review midweek. May God bless you all.