Thursday, April 14, 2022

Maundy Thursday

      This is the first of our Holy Week posts. I want us to focus on the events of Maundy Thursday. On this night, Jesus instituted the sacrament of Holy Communion. He told the disciples that the bread represented His body that was to be broken for them. The wine represented His blood that would be shed for them. As often as they ate the bread and drank from the cup, they were remembering His death until the time that He would come back to earth again. 

     When we partake of the elements of Holy Communion, we are remembering what Jesus did for us when He sacrificed Himself on the cross. He came from Heaven and took upon Himself human flesh. He was tempted in all manner just as we are, yet He was without sin. By living a sinless life, He was our perfect example, and He was the Lamb of God who would take away the sins of the world. We must always remember what Jesus gave up and what Jesus suffered in order that we might have forgiveness of sins and eternal life. 

     Jesus did something else on Maundy Thursday. He washed the disciples feet. He did this in order to demonstrate to them that He had come to serve and not to be served. As they followed His example in the world, they were to serve each other and those in the broader community. They were to go out and tell others about Jesus and help them to have a better life. They were not to go and get notice and riches for themselves. In all things, the disciples were to follow Jesus' example. We are to do the same. Let Jesus be our example as we seek to serve Him in this world. 

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