Saturday, April 23, 2022

Weekend Sermon -- The Way of Jesus

 I am sorry that the sermon is so late this week. I have had to have dental work done, work has been crazy and it is very stormy around here. 

Today we resume our way of Jesus sermon series. I believe that the Bible is very clear that following the way of Jesus means following the way of peace. There are few more important topics that we can talk about at this time in light of all the violence that is going on in the world.

In His great sermon, the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus said "Blessed are the peacemakers". Jesus also said that those who live by the sword would die by the sword. He told us that He would be our peace.

As those who would follow Jesus, we must seek the ways of peace. No one can say that they truly follow Jesus when they advocate or approve of a war of aggression. Christians are to pray for and work for peace. We are not to participate in wars of aggression.

Being a peacemaker means standing against war, but it also means that we stand against the systems of injustice that lead to violence. We do this non- violently as we point out the way of Jesus to all.

The greatest way that we can promote peace in the world is to point people to Jesus. Those who will truly give their lives over to the lordship of Jesus Christ will have peace in their hearts that will spread out into all of their other relationships. If people will truly want to know Jesus, they will desist from violence and seek the benefit and good for all. I will go into peace and non-violence as the way of Jesus more next week. Amen

Prayer Requests

Please pray that the Lord will allow me to feel better and that He will help me with my financial problems.

Pray for peace in Ukraine and for the Ukrainian refugees. Also remember to pray for peace in Syria and Yemen among others.

For our prayer focus countries this week let us pray for those in Japan and Mongolia. Pray that many will come to know Jesus.

Next week we will return to the normal blog schedule. May God bless you all.

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