Saturday, October 25, 2014

Weekend Sermon-- Luke 14:12-23

     Welcome to this week's edition of the Weekend Sermon.  Thank you for being here this week.  I pray that all of you are doing well.
     I still don't know what is going to happen with my job.  I would ask that you continue to be in prayer about this.  I would like to give thanks to Jesus that I did find a job in the evenings that begins on November 10.  If things don't work out at my current job, I will at least have this evening job to supply enough money to pay the bills.  I am also thankful to the Lord Jesus for providing me with writing opportunities this week.
     Continue to pray about the situation with the Ebola virus.  Also, pray for peace in the world, and pray for those Christians who face persecution is various parts of this world.
     In today's message, I would like to focus on a very important teaching that Jesus presented.  Jesus is our example, and in the passage that we will study today, Jesus gives us both a practical lesson for life and a spiritual lesson for eternity.
     As Luke 14 begins, Jesus is invited to the house of a prominent Pharisee to have dinner on the Sabbath day.  Several things happened while Jesus was at this dinner.  First of all, Jesus healed a man with dropsy.  This is an old word for what we now call edema.  Of course, the Pharisees did not like the fact that Jesus performed a healing on the Sabbath.  However, Jesus gave the important teaching that it is always right to do good even if it is the Sabbath day.
     Jesus also gave a message about the importance of humility.  Jesus noticed that all of the dinner guests were trying to be seated in the positions of honor.  Jesus taught that we are to be servants and take the lowest place.  As Jesus said in verse 11, "For all those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted."
     At this point, Jesus began the teaching that will be our main focus today.  Jesus taught that when we invite others for dinner, we shouldn't invite our neighbors, friends and relatives.  These people can invite us back, and then we will be repayed.  Instead, Jesus said that when we have a dinner, we should invite the poor, crippled, blind and lame.  These people cannot pay us back, but the Father will reward us at the resurrection of the righteous when Jesus comes to establish His kingdom on earth that will have no end.
     I believe that the important feature of this teaching is the fact that the Christian should be engaged in service to the needy.  As I have said numerous times on this blog, we live in a world that is filled with suffering.  Just look at the problems with sickness occurring now in Africa.  In my own country, homelessness and lack of access to quality medical care are serious problems.  It is into these areas of suffering that Christians must show compassion and concern.  Just as Jesus went about doing good and healing all those who were afflicted, we who are His followers must be of service to those who are suffering and those who are in need.
     At this point during the dinner, one of the guests said, "Blessed is the one who will eat at the feast in the kindgom of God."
     This statement led into Jesus telling a parable.  Jesus said that a certain man prepared a great banquet and invited many people.  The man sent out his servants to invite people to the wonderful dinner.  However, when the servants gave out the invitations, those who were invited all had an excuse.  One man said that he couldn't come because he bought five yoke of oxen and needed to try them out.  Another person said that he couldn't come because he had just gotten married.
     Word of all these rejections eventually reached the man who was giving the banquet.  This man then sent his servants into the streets to bring the lame, crippled, blind and poor into the banquet.  The servants went out everywhere compelling people to come and eat of the feast.
     This great parable of Jesus has at least two applications as I see it.  First of all, there is the practical application.  The message of Jesus' love must be given to all.  No one is to be rejected.  In Jesus' day, those who were poor and ill were viewed as being outside of God's love and favor.  Jesus clearly demonstrated by His actions that nothing could be farther from the truth.  God the Father loves and cares for all of His children no matter what circumstances they may find themselves in. 
     The church needs to be engaged in spreading the message of Jesus' love to all.  One way to do this is through practical deeds of charity.  All churches should have a food pantry or some type of feeding ministry for the hungry and homeless.  All churches should be actively engaged in trying to find a solution to the lack of healthcare and education found in many communities.  And, all churches should be engaged in trying to alleviate the suffering that is rampant in many of the undeveloped parts of the world.
     The church's role in the world shouldn't stop here.  There is a great deal of inequality in the world cause by greed and oppression, and the church should be actively involved in combating these forces of evil as well.  When corporations pay unfair wages and provide unsafe working conditions, the church should raise the cry of injustice and seek to bring justice.
     Now, there is a broader and spritual message to this teaching of Jesus.  When Jesus came into this world, He brought His message of love and salvation to everyone.  Whosoever will may come.  However, there are many who have heard the message of Jesus over and over and over again, yet they continue to reject the message of the love of Jesus.  On the other hand, there are people that this world rejects, but they have graciously heard the message of Jesus and received the love of Christ into their hearts.  They have received forgiveness and salvation from the merciful hand of the Lord.
     The question is, what kind of person are you?  Have you listened many times to the message of Jesus and rejected it?  Why?  His offer is still available.  Accept the love of Jesus and the salvation He offers today.  If you are one of those who have accepted the Lordship of Jesus Christ, give thanks for His mercy.  Seek to do His will and spread His love.  Try to follow the example of Jesus and strive to make this world a better place.
     One day, Jesus will return to this earth.  He will judge both the living and the dead.  Those who have set themselves against Jesus and turned away from Him time and time again will receive His judgment.  Those who have accepted the invitation to His great feast will receive the gift of His eternal presence in His kingdom that shall have no end.
     Next week, I will post the verse of the week on Monday.  I will try to have a review on Wednesday.  The sermon will appear on either Friday or Saturday.  May God bless you all.

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