Friday, October 3, 2014

Weekend Sermon

     Today, I am posting another sermon that I originally had on the blog about two years ago.  I am having a hard time right now getting on track with the blog because I am facing some difficult things in life at the moment.  Please pray that the Lord will help me during this very hard time.  I can't share any more than this right now, but I hope to in the future.  Lord willing, I will return to new sermons and a regular blog schedule next week.

Weekend Sermon from 2012

  I'm feeling a little bit better again this week.  I'm still having trouble breathing, but I feel like writing today.  I've been thinking a lot again about Heaven and eternity.  When my parents both passed away, many people told me that I'd feel better with the passing of time.  This hasn't been true for me.  I think I'm more sad now than I was.  With being sick and missing my Mom, Dad, and Toby so much, I've been pretty down and depressed lately.  I do take comfort from the fact that all of my family are in Heaven.  They believed in Jesus with all of their hearts.  I look forward to being reunited with my family and friends again.  I know that if I were to die today I'd be with Jesus and my family.  When I was a young boy, I accepted Jesus into my life as my Savior and Lord.
     Sometimes though, if you're like me, you wonder whether or not you really are saved.  I know that a believer shouldn't really have doubts like this, but sometimes I do.  I think that all Christians do to some degree or another.
     The Bible speaks about the ways that we can, "make our calling and election sure" as our passage states today.  There are ways that we as believers can have assurance of our salvation.
     First of all, we can look back on the decision we initially made for Christ.  The Bible says in Acts 16:31 that those who believe in the Lord Jesus will be saved.  Jesus also said in John 6:37 that He would never cast out anyone who comes to Him.  Anyone who comes to Him by faith with sincerity of heart calling upon the name of Jesus is born again.  We can take Jesus at His word.  He is entirely trustworthy.  If we come to Him, He receives us, and He will never let us go no matter what.
     When my Mom had Alzheimer's so bad she couldn't recognize who Jesus was in our picture of Jesus hanging over the wood stove.  I'd ask her if she knew who that was in the picture.  If she responded at all, she would say she didn't know.  That upset me, but my Dad said something that is so true.  He said that my Mom might not remember who Jesus is, but Jesus knows who my Mom is.  My Mom believed in Jesus when she was a girl.  She faithfully taught Sunday school, children's church, and vacation Bible school for many years.  She is forever safe with Jesus.  Those who call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.  He who began a good work in us is able to complete it.  When we make a decision to follow Christ it is settled.  We pass from death to life.  We can have assurance in remembering that day, and even if time robs us of our memory, Jesus remembers and will always take care of us.
     In our passage today, Peter talks about how that the way we live our lives provides evidence of the sincerity of our faith.  Peter lists several characteristics that should be part of the life of a follower of Christ.   First of all, Peter says in verse 5 that faith is the starting point.  We come to the Lord and accept Him by faith.  Good works don't play any role in salvation.  We are saved by grace through faith and not by works.
     Peter goes on to mention virtue as another quality in the life of a Christian.  A believer in Jesus lives a life in accordance with the commandments given in Scripture.  Jesus clearly outlined for us in His teachings, especially in the Sermon on the Mount, the way His followers are to live.
     To virtue Peter says we should add knowledge.   A characteristic of a follower of Jesus is a strong desire to know about Jesus and His Word.  The person who is truly committed to Christ studies the Word and tries to know more about Jesus through prayer.
     The next quality on Peter's list is self-control.  Those who are filled with the life of Christ are guided by the Holy Spirit.  The self-controlled individual focuses his desires on the things of Christ and not on selfish pursuits.
     Steadfastness is next on Peter's list.  A steadfast person is immovable in the face of opposition.  she is a person of integrity in all her dealings.
     The next characteristic of a Christian is godliness.  I think that another way to put this might be Christ likeness.  When people see us are they seeing Jesus?  There's an old song that says, "You're the only Jesus some may ever see."  This is so true.  We are Christ's ambassadors on earth.  We are to show forth Christ in all we do and say.
     Brotherly affection is mentioned next.  In his epistles, John frequently mentions that love for our brothers and sisters in Christ is a characteristic of an authentic believer.  John poses the question of how we can claim to love God who we have not seen and not love the brother we can see.
     The final quality Peter mentions is love.  This is what Christianity is all about.  God loved us and sent His Son.  Jesus loves us and gave His life.  We are to love the Lord with all that we have, and we are to love our neighbors as ourselves.  According to Jesus, this sums up the entirety of the law. 
     Not everyone who is a Christian will do all that Peter mentions perfectly all the time.  Those who have their hearts focused on Jesus will have a sincere desire to follow all the commands laid out by Jesus.
     We can have assurance of salvation.  These are just a couple of the ways.  If you are doubting your salvation, ask Jesus to give a sense of assurance to your heart by the power of the Holy Spirit.
     I'd like to close by saying keep trusting in Jesus.  I know that keeping my focus on Jesus is all that's keeping me going right now.  I'm focusing on Him as I try to make it through this world and into eternity.  Keep your eyes on the Lord and let Him lead.  Amen.

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