Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Book Review -- "My Dog Always Eats First: Homeless People & Their Animals"

     Leslie Irvin's book "My Dog Always Eats First" provides interesting research on the way  in which homeless people interact with the animals that are in their care. Estimates are that about 10 percent of those who are homeless have pets. Most of the homeless who have a pet have a dog. These animals provide support and companionship to those who are at the lowest point of life.
     In the book, the author interviews several people who are homeless regarding their relationship with their pet. Ms. Irvine identifies various categories of those who are homeless. According to the research presented, each group has a different way that the pet affects their life. For some, the pet is a protector while for others, their pet is everything in their life. Their pet has become all that their life is about.
     I have a great interest in helping the homeless. I am familiar with several organizations in the US and UK that help those who are homeless and have dogs or cats. In the US, Pets of the Homeless is a great organization that provides food and veterinary help for homeless people. In the UK, Dog on the Streets and Street Vets help many people. I think that these are great organization that are trying to make a real difference in people's lives.
    Leslie Irvin's book is very interesting and very informative. It is a sociology study. The book is mainly written for professionals. However, it is not hard to read, and it will provide great insight into what homeless people face.
     The homeless that I have knowledge of view their dog as the only one who hasn't abandoned them. To them, their dog is really their only true friend. To me, that says a lot about dogs. As I've mentioned here on the blog many times, my best friend was my dog Toby. I know that if I would have faced homelessness, he would never have left me. He was always there for me when others weren't.

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