Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Various Items On Wednesday

There is going to be several different items on the blog today. First, I would ask that you pray that storms predicted for this week in my area will not cause flooding. Thank you.

Over the last few weeks, I have been watching the original Star Trek movies again. I wanted to see which ones I liked the best after not watching any of them for a couple of years now.

My favorites in order are:

1. Star Trek II The Wrath of Khan.  I think that this movie is William Shatner's best performance as Kirk.

2. Star Trek IV The Journey Home. An all around good story with an important environmental message.

3. Star Trek V The Final Frontier. Many don't like this one, but I think it does a great job of raising some interesting philosophical and theological questions.

4. Star Trek III The Search For Spock. I liked this more at one time. After watching it again, I found it boring.

5. Star Trek VI The Undiscovered Country. Not that bad, but not that good.

6. Star Trek The Motion Picture. Only for die hard fans.

Now to rate the Star Trek series.

1. Star Trek the original series. My grandpa and I loved to watch this when I was a boy.

2. Deep Space Nine. I enjoyed the overall story line and the cast of characters.

3. Star Trek Discovery. I thought the first season was better than the second, but I think Pike is a great captain, and I am looking forward to that new series.

4. The Next Generation. Really good after the first two seasons. Patrick Stewart as Picard was excellent. The superior captain of the whole franchise.

5. Star Trek Voyager. I felt this was poorly acted.

6. Star Trek Enterprise. I didn't like this one at all.

I haven't watched Picard yet.

Finally, a poem I had published in a journal called Writer's Cramp in 1998.


With laughing toothy grins,
they prance along the plain.
Giggling, they glide
through blades turned to straw
in a parched land lacking rain.
Spotted hides of black and gold
provide the perfect cover.
But frivolity gives them away.

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