Friday, July 24, 2020

Weekend Sermon -- Daniel Part 9

It is once again time for the Weekend Sermon. I hope that everyone is safe and well and having a great week. I am thankful to the Lord for the opportunity to post this message.

After this week, we will have one more message in the book of Daniel. After that, we will be having a series like we haven't had here on the blog before. I am looking forward to it.

One of the issues that has perplexed philosophers and theologians for centuries is the problem of evil. We know that there are terrible things that happen in this world. No one gets out of this life without some pain and heartache. Here is the problem. If God is all good and all powerful, why doesn't He stop evil things from occurring. If He can't, philosophers will say that this shows that God is not all powerful. If He chooses not to, philosophers will argue that this demonstrates that God is not all good.

I believe that free will and sin certainly enter into the explanation of why there is evil in the world. I don't believe that free will and sin provide an all encompassing answer to the dilemma.

We aren't going to solve the problem of evil in this short message. Volumes and volumes have been written on the subject. I do believe that Daniel 10 does provide us with some insight as to why there is so much evil and hurt in this world.

We have seen that Daniel was a man of prayer. After praying over a matter, Daniel had not received an answer from the Lord for several days. Then, weeks later, Daniel received an angelic visitation. The angel told Daniel that his prayer was heard immediately. In fact, God dispatched the angel right away with a message for Daniel.

There was a problem. A demonic spirit fought against the angel for 21 days preventing him from reaching Daniel. The angel said that he was only able to break free when, Michael the archangel came to his aid.

I believe based on this passage that one reason that there is evil in this world is that the spiritual forces of evil are trying to do everything they can to harm that that which is good. The battle between the forces of light and darkness continues to rage. And the battle will continue until that day when death and hell are thrown into the lake of fire and destroyed forever.

Right now in this world with everything bad that is happening, it seems like evil is taking the day. However, Daniel, Revelation and the teachings of Jesus let us know that good will ultimately triumph over evil.

I believe that all of us who follow the way of Jesus have a role to play in overcoming evil. We need to do as much good as we can in this world in order to help people and animals. We have the obligation as followers of Jesus to overcome evil with good. One way that starts is by sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ with others. We also help to overcome evil when we look to Jesus and do what He would do if He was here on Earth today.

Let's us all work to overcome evil with good knowing that the Lord is the Victor over every force that sets itself against God and the things of God. Amen

Prayer Requests And Other Matters

I am thankful that we did not get any bad storms this week. I do have one thing that I would like you to pray about. I am having trouble with a couple of my teeth. Please pray that this will go away. Thank you.

Coronavirus cases and fatalaties continue to climb in the United States. Pray for an end to this pandemic all over the world. Pray that people will wear masks and practice social distancing. Pray that leaders will heed the advice of doctors and scientists. Pray that the sick will recover.

Continue to pray for peace. Syria, Yemen, Libya and Afghanistan continue to need prayer.

For our prayer focus countries, let us pray for those who live in Kazakhstan and Chad. Pray that many will come to know Jesus.

Next week, Lord willing, we will wrap up our series in Daniel. I will post the verses on Monday. On Wednesday, I hope to post a review. May God bless you all. Amen.

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